Li Huowang looked at the several people lying on the ground like dogs in front of him, and his previous understanding of Pixian began to shake.

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Stealing people's vital essence and such insulting treatment methods, and the final chili powder... it was all too absurd.

Although everyone in the county was talking about ghosts stealing vital essence and shrinking genitals, could it be that it was impossible for them to be false? Perhaps such things didn't exist at all?

Thinking back to everything he saw with the shopkeeper who was hanged before in Pi, Li Huowang asked the other hostages lying on the ground, "You all keep talking about shrinking genitals, but have you really seen anyone shrink?"

The few people looked at Li Huowang, but no one spoke.

Finally, a catcher spoke up, "My dad said it! He saw someone shrink with his own eyes!"

"I'm not asking about your dad, I'm asking you! Have you seen it with your own eyes?" Li Huowang's sharp eyes made him stutter and unable to speak.

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Li Huowang looked at Yang Hongzhi, the county magistrate of Pixian, again. "You said before that your son was small and needed to be locked up with silver chains, but isn't it possible that your son is perfectly fine and you're just being paranoid?"

"Have you never doubted this?"

"Is that so? But how is that possible! That person clearly said--"

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"Who is that person?! Where is he now?" Li Huowang rushed to him and asked face to face.

No matter who this person was, he must have a significant connection to all this absurdity.

"He...he...he's dead. He was shrunk to death because he said...that...thing," the man stammered.

"Heh!" A cold smile appeared on Li Huowang's face, and his speculation grew stronger.

There was no such thing as ghosts stealing vital essence, nor were there any methods to drive them away. It was all fake!

When he thought of this problem, the identity of that person was about to be revealed.

When enemies meet, their eyes turn red. Thinking of what they had done to him before, Li Huowang clenched his fists so tightly that they made a cracking sound, and his expression became fierce as he gritted his teeth and said, "Zuowang Dao!"

Li Huowang took off the copper gong around his neck and slammed it on the ground. He kicked away the catcher blocking his path and rushed to the side of Yang Hongzhi, grabbing him by the collar.

Finally, he realized how he felt familiar with this inexplicable feeling in his mind. It was the feeling of being deceived by Zuowang Dao. He had been fooled once before!

He kicked Yang Hongzhi in the chest, and Li Huowang's long sword had already cut open his chin.

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With Yang Hongzhi's screams, Li Huowang lifted up a corner of his face.

This man's face did not have several faces, and he was not Zuowang Dao. The other catchers were also not Zuowang Dao. They were just deceived by Zuowang Dao.

It was not ghosts stealing vital essence that could harm people by word of mouth, but the absurd rumors deliberately spread by Zuowang Dao in Pixian.

"Who told you these methods to treat shrinking genitals? Where are they?"Li Huowang, with bloodshot eyes, scared Yang Hongzhi who was injured and dared not hide anything.

If Li Huowang had an archenemy, then the Taoist sects that deceive beings were definitely on the list.

"He was a shaman! He said that the lock could be used to lock the vital essence! As a result, he leaked the secrets and was shrunk to death two months ago."

Yang County Magistrate tried to calm himself down and answered quickly.

"Yes, he died of shrinking the yang right after spreading the rumors. Isn't it too coincidental? Where is his body? I will open the coffin and examine it!"

Under the identity of the Monitor, and with Li Huowang's strong attitude, Yang Hongzhi finally complied.

With a creak, the black coffin nails were pulled out again. When Li Huowang saw that there was no body in the coffin, but a mahjong tile worth sixty thousand yuan, he knew he was right.

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This was the handiwork of the Taoist sects that deceive beings, but they had already left. The people in the entire Pi County were just tired of playing with their toys and threw them away.

Li Huowang was not too disappointed. His purpose was to join the Monitor, not to fight against the Taoist sects that deceive beings alone.

After understanding what had happened in Pi County, Li Huowang also thought of a way to deal with it.

"Come and see, all of you! Look carefully! This is the so-called shaman!"

Li Huowang put away his sword and said to the others who were hiding far away.

However, Li Huowang's abnormal behavior just now frightened them all, and they all covered the wounds on their chins and moved closer.

"I said come over here, didn't you hear me?" With Li Huowang's stern words, the others moved closer.

When they saw that there was nothing in the coffin, everyone's eyes widened. They remembered that the person was buried in it.

Looking at them, Li Huowang carefully considered his words and said slowly, "You have been deceived. There is no such thing as shrinking the yang. It is just a rumor. There is no need to be so nervous."

"How is that possible?" Yang Hongzhi's face was extremely stunned. People had been so scared for so long, and it turned out that they were just scaring themselves?

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"The fact is right in front of you. Don't you believe it? Go gather all the people in Pi County. I have something to tell them."

After hearing Li Huowang's words, the man hesitated, standing there thinking about something.

"What's wrong? Don't forget my identity. Do you, a book bag, understand how to deal with this kind of thing with the Monitor?"

This finally persuaded Yang Hongzhi, who covered the wound on his chin and walked outside. "Wait a minute, I... I'll go see my child first."

After speaking, he left with a group of catchers, and Li Huowang reinserted his blood-stained sword into its scabbard and turned to the inn.

When he arrived at the inn, Li Huowang told Gao Zhijian, who was still trembling with fear, that it was just a rumor.

"It's okay. These are just a group of poor deceived people. We'll explain it later."

Li Huowang sat at the Eight Immortals table and said to the big man in front of him.When Li Huowang realized that everything was a hoax and there was no danger in Pixian County, he felt much more relaxed. After all, it turned out that these people were just deceived by the Taoist sects that deceive beings.

Helping these people get rid of the deception of the Taoist sects was one aspect, and Li Huowang did not forget his own purpose for coming to this place.

No matter which member of the Monitoring Heaven Bureau they sent, as long as he solved the trouble in advance, they would have to deal with him.

The beginning is always the hardest, but once he connects with the Monitoring Heaven Bureau, things will become much simpler.

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