There was no inn near the city gate. Following the wide street where 16 horses could run side by side, Li Huowang and his companions walked for half an hour before finally finding an inn.

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"This place is crazy. They even charge ten copper coins for a cow pulling a cart on the street. How am I supposed to control it if the cow needs to poop?" Zhao Wu, the money manager, still held a grudge about what happened earlier.

"Exactly. Cow dung can be used as fuel! Bringing it here is a gift to them! Yet they still want to charge us! It's so damn annoying!" Lv Xiucai echoed on the side.

"Alright, since we're in a place, we have to follow its rules. Let's go in. We can finally sleep on a bed tonight and rest well." Li Huowang finished speaking and walked in.

As soon as they entered the inn, Li Huowang felt fortunate to have the road guide that the county magistrate gave him earlier. It turned out that even the inn here required a road guide.

"Hiss~ Young master, they even charge for water in this inn. Are they so poor? This is not tea, but spring water from the mountain!" Lv Zhuangyuan held the tea pot in his arms, trembling with fear.

Li Huowang, who was familiar with the layout of the entire Daliang Kingdom, was looking at the map and glanced at him without saying a word.

"Hey, I can tell. The Daliang Kingdom is not as good as our place. At least in our place, we don't have to pay for water." Lv Zhuangyuan carefully placed the ceramic tea pot on the table and sighed.

As soon as he finished speaking, his stomach growled. He hadn't eaten anything all day just to arrive in the city before dark.

Hearing the sound of his stomach growling, Li Huowang turned his head and looked at Bai Lingmiao, who was tidying up the bed. "Are you hungry? Come back later and fix it. Let's eat first."

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"Young master, shall we eat our own dry food? They charge for water in this city. Who knows how expensive the food is?" Li Huowang put the map on the table and said, "Even if it's expensive, after traveling for so long, can't we enjoy it? Let's call the members of the Lv family troupe and have a good meal tonight."

As soon as they heard that they were going to eat well, everyone became excited. A large group of people walked out of the inn.

As the sky gradually darkened, Li Huowang and his companions climbed the stairs and arrived at the top floor of the five-story restaurant.

Standing on top of the high building, they could see the entire Yinling City. Everyone couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

To Li Huowang, who had already seen a lot in the modern world, this was nothing special. However, he was a little disappointed when he saw that there were no Taoist temples or Buddhist temples in the city."Senior Brother Li, what is that! It's so beautiful! It looks like a tower made of ceramics!"

Ceramic tower? Li Huowang looked up and was shocked by the scene in the distance. Bai Lingmiao's words were not an exaggeration. It was indeed a tower made entirely of ceramics.

The tower top was covered with colorful glass tiles, and the body was pure white, with blue and white porcelain's unique dark blue patterns. They looked like several blue dragons that flew and danced from the first layer, directly connecting to the top layer.

The entire tower, including the bells on the tower's edge, was coated with a layer of gold. With a gentle breeze, the deep sound of the bell slowly echoed from inside, exuding both exquisiteness and solemnity.

"This tower is really beautiful." Li Huowang couldn't help but say sincerely. This kind of wonder was unlikely to be seen even in his future life.

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Hearing Li Huowang's praise, the young man in a green robe who was also enjoying the scenery opened his paper fan with a "snap" and proudly said, "Of course, this is Linglong Tower in Yinling City. There is only one in the entire Daliang region."

After speaking, he glanced at Gao Zhijian's patched shoes and others' obvious mismatched attire with the environment, and a hint of contempt appeared on his face.

Li Huowang pointed to the Linglong Tower in the distance and asked the scholar, "May I ask, who does that place belong to? Is anyone practicing in the tower?"

The scholar laughed, "Hahaha, young friend, that's an interesting question. Yes, there are indeed people practicing in Linglong Tower."

Li Huowang became nervous, sensitive to these kinds of things. "What? Is there something like the Zhengde Temple in this city?"

Li Huowang squinted his eyes, and the Linglong Tower in the distance became clearer in front of him, and some women inside came into view.

Those fat women wearing transparent gauze slowly twisted, and their white-as-jade bodies were all engraved with dark blue patterns.

If they stood still, they would be like exquisite blue and white porcelain.

Just then, the scholar who was holding back his laughter continued, "In Linglong Tower, they practice the art of love between men and women. Hahaha, Linglong Tower is actually a place for fireworks, ahahaha~!!"

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"Why do you people in Daliang build brothels in towers?" Gouwa, who was confused, couldn't help but ask.

Other viewers nearby chimed in, "Ah! This statement is wrong. There are so many places for seeking pleasure, why is Linglong Tower the best in the world? It's all about being unique.""If you have money, you can even go to the Linglong Tower and choose a girl to decide what to tattoo on her. I heard that last time, someone got drunk and tattooed a turtle on the face of the girl he bought."

This topic immediately attracted others to join in. "Yes, yes, I have been there once. The girls in Linglong Tower have skin as soft as cotton. They are extraordinary, truly extraordinary."

Hearing the increasingly explicit conversations around him, Li Huowang looked at the Linglong Tower in the distance with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"Indeed, the Great Liang Country with its beauties. They really put a lot of effort into researching this kind of thing."

Just then, Li Huowang's gaze shifted downward and he happened to see an old beggar crawling on the ground beside him.

The ragged old beggar had the same blue and white porcelain on his face, but the wrinkles cut through the lines like shattered porcelain.

Everyone loves a good piece of porcelain, but once it's broken, it's worthless.

"Senior Li, the waiter has brought the food. Let's go eat before it gets cold."

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Li Huowang took another glance at the Linglong Tower in the distance, then turned around and sat back at the round table to start eating.

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When it comes to eating in Daliang, as long as you have money, there are more ways to eat than to play.

"Qin Sang Low Green Branch: White egrets fly over the misty water fields, yellow orioles sing in the shady summer woods, phoenixes fly over the Phoenix Terrace, and the Yellow Crane Tower is gone forever..."

Various dishes with elegant names and delicious flavors were served on the table.

Looking at the lifelike phoenix carved out of radish in front of him, Gao Zhijian's chopsticks retracted.

"Eat, what are you waiting for?" After Li Huowang put down his chopsticks, everyone else started eating.

Then no one spoke, only the sound of swallowing and chewing could be heard. Even Li Huowang's currently sensitive taste buds couldn't find any flaws.

As the sky gradually darkened, the lights on the ground corresponded to the stars in the sky.

"Senior Li, look! There are lights in the sky!"

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