Li Huowang stood in the stable all night, rubbing his sore neck and looking again at the letter in his hand.

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Regardless, his previous speculation was correct, there were many things in the Supervisory Heaven Bureau that he did not know about.

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He had just joined and already obtained so much information. In the future, when his position in the Supervisory Heaven Bureau was more stable, he would carefully search for more information about Beifeng.

Even if the Beifeng lead did not work, he might be able to use the huge organization of the Supervisory Heaven Bureau to find the secret of helping Xin Su get rid of confusion.

And by joining the Supervisory Heaven Bureau, he would no longer be wandering like a headless fly in this chaotic world.

If he encountered something he did not understand, there was a place to ask.

Thinking of this, Li Huowang, who had not slept all night, did not feel tired at all. He walked excitedly towards the house.

But those were all things for later. The current priority was to complete the task of the big-headed doll.

"Ganyuan Village... Ganyuan Village..."

Li Huowang sat at the marble round table, using his fingers to constantly compare and find the location written in the envelope on the paper map.

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However, he found the place, but it was not on the way back home with Bai Lingmiao, and even had to detour further.

Now the problem was, he either dealt with the Taoist sects that deceive beings or went back home with Bai Lingmiao and then came out to solve it.

But if he chose the latter, Li Huowang did not believe that the Taoist sects would wait for him. If he went too late, he was afraid that it would only leave the same situation as the previous county.

In that case, he was afraid that the big-headed doll would not be satisfied with his explanation.

Just as Li Huowang was thinking about a win-win solution, Bai Lingmiao walked in holding a steamed cake wrapped in a lotus leaf.

The white steamed cake looked very soft, and was made into the shape of a red-eyed rabbit, which looked both beautiful and delicious.

After blowing on it, she took a small bite of the steamed cake and felt the sweetness and stickiness in her mouth. Bai Lingmiao's face immediately showed a happy expression.

Seeing her like this, Li Huowang suddenly realized that Bai Lingmiao was not that old, she was still just a young girl.

"Senior Brother Li, do you want some? It's so sweet and delicious." Bai Lingmiao smiled and put the rabbit-shaped steamed cake with one ear missing in front of Li Huowang.

Li Huowang shook his head and then pulled her hand to sit down, "Miao Miao, I have something to deal with. Why don't you take the others home first, and I'll be done soon---"

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Li Huowang's words were directly rejected by Bai Lingmiao.

"No! Whatever you do, I'll go with you! Don't even think about leaving me behind!" Bai Lingmiao's words were decisive, and she looked stubborn.

Translated by: kpoppernickyLi Huowang laughed dumbly, "When did I leave you behind?"

"Yes, you did! Back at An Ci An, you used the same excuse, saying that there were some things you needed to handle and that you would catch up with me later! And what happened? When I saw you again, you were already dead!"

"I was the one who buried you myself back then! Do you know how difficult it was for me at the time?" Speaking of the past, Bai Lingmiao's eyes turned red involuntarily.

Looking at the delicate girl in front of him, Li Huowang suddenly felt heartache. "I just thought you were about to go home, there was no need to follow me. Besides, this is just a small matter and not very dangerous."

"If it's not dangerous, why didn't you let me follow you? And also, if you encounter something that you can't solve but the immortal families can, my sister and I can help you!"

"Sister? You call Twin Soul your sister?" Hearing this, Li Huowang remembered how Li Zhi used to call his Twin Soul his wife.

"Senior Li, just let me go with you. If it doesn't work out, you can let them go first, and I'll go with you alone."

Looking at the girl's face in front of him, Li Huowang actually understood that although those immortal families were not very reliable, they had some ways to deal with various situations and could be of help if brought along.

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It's just that this time it was the Taoist sects that deceive beings, and they were already on their way home. He didn't want Bai Lingmiao to have any accidents.

Just as Li Huowang was thinking about these issues, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Master, are you inside?" It was Lv Xiucai's voice.

"Come in." Li Huowang withdrew his hand from Bai Lingmiao's hand and looked at Lv Xiucai, who pushed the door open.

The former teenager's hands and body were covered in black charcoal, with many black marks even on his face. Judging from the color, it should be black charcoal.

"Master, I finished writing what you asked me to write two days ago." Xiucai presented the rice paper in his hand respectfully.

Li Huowang took it and looked at the content on the rice paper, frowning more and more as he read. "Xiucai, I remember I only taught you calligraphy, not how to draw symbols, right?"

Hearing this, Lv Xiucai's spirits were lifted, and he couldn't hide his joy on his face. "Master, are you going to teach me how to draw symbols? Thank you so much, Master!"

Li Huowang slapped the crumpled rice paper on the table. "What symbols are you drawing! I'm saying that your writing looks like ghost symbols. Can't you hear that?"

"Are you made of wood? Why do you have to twist the middle of the left stroke like that, and why is the mouth round? I didn't even ask you to write with a brush, can't you even draw a straight line with charcoal?"

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"And why did you manage to write your face black?"

To shift the focus away from Lv Xiucai, Li Huowang had truly emptied his own knowledge to teach him before. However, even though Lv Xiucai was very diligent and Li Huowang taught him with great effort, the effect was not good.Looking at the distressed scholar in front of him, Li Huowang sighed and waved his hand. "Alright, let your father come over. I have something to tell him."

Bai Lingmiao could accompany him, but the burden in front of him couldn't be taken along.

Not just him, but also the members of the Lv family troupe, Yang Xiaohai, and the women who hadn't left yet. These people couldn't go along.

They were all a burden and could be separated first to avoid any damage if they fought later.

This time was different from before. Before, they would always come to him for trouble, but this time he was looking for trouble himself, so he had to prepare in advance.

When Lv Zhuangyuan came into the room, Li Huowang told him to take the Lv family troupe and the senior brothers who had no fighting power to Niu Xin Mountain, while he took Bai Lingmiao, Gao Zhijian, and Xiao Man Gouwa to Gan Yuan Village.

"Master Xiao, don't worry. I've traveled far and wide for so many years. This little journey is definitely no problem for me to handle!"

At a fork in the road outside of Yinling City, Lv Zhuangyuan firmly held onto the dejected scholar and assured Li Huowang.

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