In the dimly lit farmhouse, Li Huowang trembled as he held the knife tip protruding from his chest, staring in shock at the Li Huowang with identical eyes in front of him.

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"You... me..." Li Huowang, pale from blood loss, staggered backwards.

The sudden turn of events left his mind in a mess, sometimes it was the Red mentioned by the other party, and sometimes it was his own impending death.

Just as Li Huowang was about to hit the ground, other fellow disciples hurried to his side and helped him up.

The long black nails trembled as they touched the knife tip on Li Huowang's chest, but before they could make contact, they immediately retracted and hit his fair drum-like face heavily.

This novel is available on "pawread dot com".

"Dong dong dong! The ox-faced and horse-faced carry locks. The Black and White Twins carry sails! Dong dong dong!! Take the naughty child to the underworld, life and death are just a step away. Without saying anything, the naughty child has arrived at the Ghost Gate! Dong dong dong! Today we don't invite others, but the soldiers must invite the King of Sorrows to the hall..."

As the drumming of the soldiers rang out, the large red cloth on the top of the head wriggled, and the surrounding cold wind seemed to be forming something.

Bai Lingmiao wanted to save Li Huowang, but the Li Huowang with identical eyes would not stand by and watch. With a flick of his hand, three leaf cards shot towards Li Huowang like an umbrella.

"Clang clang clang!" The leaf cards hit the stone slab, and the heavily armored Gao Zhijian's tall body blocked the dying Li Huowang. His honest eyes now firmly stared at the enemy in front of him.

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"Huh? Red, where did you get these people from? They are very loyal, but... "

With a snap of his fingers, the mud statues on the surrounding rooftops stood up with a clatter. "Well, they are not as powerful as me. Why don't you abdicate and let me be the Red leader?"

As soon as the words fell, the mud statues leaped one after another, raining down like raindrops on them.

It turned out that all these things listened to him, and good or bad people were all under his control. The so-called troubles in Ganyuan Village were just a trap set by the Taoist sects that deceive beings.

"Ring ring ring!" The piercing sound of the bell kept ringing, and with Chun Xiaoman's height rising, dozens of Youlao quickly rushed over.

"Ah!" Gao Zhijian held the wolf-toothed club snatched from the bandit's den and swung it hard, the suffocating aura on his body continuously leaked out.

Although they tried hard to stop them, they were obviously overwhelmed by so many mud people. They fought and retreated, and the situation was extremely precarious.

As the drumming of the soldiers rang out faster and faster, whether it was sweat or tears, the two red cloths on their heads were soaked.

But when she saw the two knives slowly being pulled out of Li Huowang's chest and the wounds slowly healing, Bai Lingmiao also held onto that glimmer of hope.

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"It's okay! Senior Brother Li can still be saved! He won't die!"

Gradually, with the help of the immortals, the two knives that had pierced Li Huowang's chest were finally pulled out and the wound was barely sealed.

"Ding ding ding~!" Just as the small knife covered in blood fell, Bai Lingmiao suddenly saw a person standing abruptly in front of her.

It was the Li senior brother with identical eyes, and he was the one who had transformed into the Taoist sects that deceive beings!

Looking at the Red and Twin Soul with the red cloth on their heads in front of him, he slightly raised his mouth and grinned cruelly. "Hey~ hey~ impressive, have you cured him?"

"Puchi puchi" The sound of three exceptionally sharp daggers being inserted into Li Huowang's bloody chest rang out.Hearing the loud crying from under the red cover, Li Huowang's eyes went mad as he burst into laughter, holding his eyes with one hand and clutching his stomach as he convulsed with laughter.

Li Huowang, who had already passed out from the pain, was awakened again by the pain. He took a deep breath and regained control of his gradually freezing body.

"Fire...water...mouth..." The recurring hallucinations, combined with the ringing and drumming, made it difficult for him to hear the sounds around him.

"Quiet! Quiet!! Be quiet!!" Li Huowang shouted with all his remaining strength, and the sound actually disappeared.

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As the hallucinations disappeared, the voice of the Taoist sects that deceive beings once again entered Li Huowang's ears. "Red, the leader ~ hehehe~~"

With the words, the face of the Taoist sects appeared in front of Li Huowang, directly facing him. Li Huowang looked at him as if he was looking at a mirror.

As the drumming continued, the Twin Soul rushed forward, but was directly knocked out by the mud wall that came whistling from behind.

"Come on, Red, don't lie on the ground. It's dirty on the ground." The Taoist sects held the handle of the dagger that was stuck in Li Huowang's chest and lifted him up with force.

Looking at the dying Li Huowang in front of him, the Taoist sects sighed. "Tsk tsk, it's almost done, right? Red, how about...I help you turn back?"

Li Huowang looked at the face in front of him, but couldn't hear what the other person was saying because the hallucinations in his ears sounded again.

"What are you...where did you come from?" Li Huowang asked slowly.

Seeing that Li Huowang didn't speak, the Taoist sects sighed lightly. "Well, since that's the case, Red, have a good journey. I will disguise myself as your identity, deceive the other cards, and then I will be the new Red! Hehehe~"

He grabbed the handle of the dagger and exerted force with both arms, slowly cutting the blade towards Li Huowang's head like a butcher slaughtering a pig.

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Not only did he want to cut Li Huowang's belly open, but he also wanted to cut his head into three pieces.

The more Li Huowang struggled, the more fierce the smile on his face became. The pain made the hallucinations more severe, and Li Huowang even felt that the voice was getting closer and closer to him. "No matter what you are...I'm about to me!!"

With Li Huowang's last cry, he suddenly felt a strong nausea. In the next moment, his neck instantly became as thick as his head.

Li Huowang moved his almost bloodless hands and suddenly grabbed the Taoist sects' arm in front of him, opening his mouth wide in surprise.

In an instant, the black tentacles mixed with dark red blood and sticky fluid spewed out from Li Huowang's mouth, covering the Taoist sects' face directly.

Not only was the Taoist sects caught off guard, even Li Huowang himself didn't expect it. The hallucinations in his ears turned out to be the Black Tai Sui inside him!

The panicked Taoist sects quickly threw himself back, but the tentacles of the Black Tai Sui hooked onto his face tightly, causing the stitches that had been sewn together by Bai Lingmiao to break apart. The tentacles, which twisted like a long snake, quickly drilled into the Taoist sects' seven orifices. Li Huowang released the handle of the dagger and, with a hint of panic, reached for his own face."Swish!" With a flick of his hand, the four leaf cards of the Zuo Wang Dao turned into umbrellas and cut towards the tentacles.

The Black Tai Sui seemed to feel the sharpness of the edge of the leaf cards and suddenly shrank towards Li Huowang's mouth.

Accompanied by a piercing sound and the miserable screams of the Zuo Wang Dao, Li Huowang's face skin and the pair of double pupils were forcibly peeled off.

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