Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 3: The jade pendant

When Li Huowang confirmed that the lump in his chest was real, his heart skipped a beat and his first thought was, "I need to tell Dr. Li!"

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But as he lifted his right foot, other thoughts surfaced in his mind.

He knew that his hallucinations were not just about the lump, but also about other valuable things!

As he savored the sweetness in his mouth, Li Huowang wandered slowly around the ward.

"This is an opportunity! A chance to get rich overnight with Yang Na! It could even be a chance for me to achieve something in life!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"I can't tell Dr. Li. I don't want to be sliced up in a lab, and it's not his business anyway," Li Huowang thought to himself.

"But I can't jump to conclusions about this yet. I need to thoroughly investigate what's going on," he decided.

As he thought this, the environment around him began to twist and distort, and the clean and tidy ward began to recede.

Li Huowang was used to this kind of thing, so he quickly threw his papers and books into his bag and threw it to a distant corner of the wall to avoid tearing them up in his hallucinations.

Then he pressed the red button next to the bed, and a few seconds later, the last thing he saw was several nurses walking in and tying him to the bed with a wide cloth bag.

When he opened his eyes again, he was back in the cold and simple cave environment, and his "junior brothers and sisters" with physical disabilities were looking at him curiously.

Sitting up from the cold stone surface, Li Huowang once again scrutinized everything around him with a special perspective that made everything seem real.

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Although this was a hallucination, it was like a treasure trove full of treasures in his eyes.

Perhaps he wasn't really sick, but had an extremely rare special ability that those mediocre doctors couldn't detect.

"Maybe I'm not sick at all. Yes, that's right, I'm not sick."

Over the years, he had grown tired of the label of mental illness, and everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

As if he had ceased to be human and become an alien the moment he fell ill.

At the thought of possibly getting rid of this label in the future, Li Huowang became extremely excited.

Feeling good, he reached out and playfully grabbed a big bald head that had come close. "Haha, this is really interesting.""Why are you all gathered here? Get to work! If you don't finish the medicine for the master, you will have your skin peeled off!" An extremely annoying voice came from the entrance of the cave.

Li Huowang turned his head and saw that the speaker was the cold and aloof Taoist who had delivered the message earlier. He still had an arrogant look on his face, as if talking to Li Huowang and the other medicine gatherers would dirty his eyes.

Li Huowang remembered this guy's name. This delusional guy's Taoist name seemed to be Xuan Yang.

Facing Li Huowang's blatant stare, Xuan Yang clearly felt challenged. He shook the dust in his hand and walked to Li Huowang. "Junior Brother Li, it's a pity you didn't become the master's medicine gatherer this time."

Li Huowang couldn't be bothered with his cryptic remarks and focused his attention on the round jade pendant hanging from Xuan Yang's waist.

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"This thing should be an antique, right? If I sell it in the real world, it must be worth a lot of money."

"But what should I do? Should I snatch it and put it in my chest like that candy?"

After saying a few words and seeing that Li Huowang didn't react, Xuan Yang felt that the other party was scared and contemptuously tilted his head and left the place where the medicine gatherers stayed.

Watching his back, Li Huowang made up his mind. This jade pendant would be his next experimental object for teleportation.

As for how to obtain it, it was simple. Just steal it at night. "That jade pendant is very nice, but it will soon be mine."

A small, white, slightly reflective hand reached out from beside him and gently pulled Li Huowang's coarse cloth sleeve. A soft voice sounded in his ear.

"Senior Brother Li, let's get to work. If we don't finish, we won't have any food."

Li Huowang turned his head and saw the girl with albinism who had helped him before.

After thinking for a moment, he reached into his pocket and took out the remaining half-melted black sugar and put it in her hand. Then he turned and went to his position to start grinding the medicine.

For the time being, whether it was here or at the hospital, he decided not to do anything too outrageous.

This kind of shocking and outrageous thing was inappropriate to tell anyone. He had to slowly figure out the rules behind it before making other plans.

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The day's work ended with the dull sound of grinding medicine. Late at night, listening to the snoring and teeth grinding sounds around him, Li Huowang slowly opened his eyes while lying on the bunk bed.

With no windows in the cave, Li Huowang groped his way towards the door.He first went to his workplace and picked up a piece of green stone he had ground himself. The faint fluorescence emitted by it allowed Li Huowang to avoid walking in the dark cave.

Although it was a bit too conspicuous to hold this stone in the dark, Li Huowang didn't care at all.

"If someone finds out, I can just go back to the hospital. I have a way out, so what am I afraid of?" He muttered to himself while walking alone in the cave.

This whole illusion appeared because of him, so would he be afraid of the illusions he created himself? Even though he couldn't control them now.

The whole cave was developed on a large scale, and Li Huowang had been here for some time, so he was familiar with the place.

Soon, he sneaked into Xuan Yang's cave. Although it was still simple, the bed where one person lay was enough to prove the fundamental difference between him and the drug addicts like Li Huowang.

But what surprised Li Huowang was that Xuan Yang was not inside the cave. He was not in his clothes, but Li Huowang didn't care. He reached into his robe with his right hand and pulled out the jade pendant.

After sneaking out of the cave, Li Huowang carefully examined the round jade pendant in his hand under the fluorescence stone.

This jade pendant was crystal clear, round and smooth, and exquisitely carved with cloud patterns. Even someone who didn't understand jade could tell that it was a good one.

The more Li Huowang looked at it, the happier he became. If he could really bring this thing into the real world, this jade pendant could at least cover the four years of college tuition for him and Yang Na.

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"Hehehe, Yang Na, get ready to be a little rich woman." Li Huowang said as he stuffed the jade pendant into the cave and started to walk back.

Everything went smoothly, but some things couldn't always go smoothly. Just as he was about to reach the door, he turned a corner on the stone steps and ran into a group of young men and women about his age.

Their terrified faces flickered in the light of his flashlight. Both sides were startled and stood still for a long time without saying a word.

In the end, it was Li Huowang who spoke first. He pointed at Xuan Yang, who was wearing a linen robe, with the fluorescence stone in his hand and asked, "Xuan Yang senior brother, did you get sent to the material room dressed like this?"

Among these people were not only Xuan Yang, but also other young Taoists in charge of other things, including the Taoist who had fanned the alchemy furnace before.

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But no matter what they had done before, they were all now dressed in linen clothes and pants, without anything else.At this moment, Xuan Yang didn't have the arrogant and proud look he had during the day. After his expression quickly changed a few times, he walked up to Li Huowang and lowered his voice.

"Let's go! Come with us! We need to escape from this haunted place! The senior brother who guards the door has already opened a way out."

"Escape? Oh! So, you guys are planning to..."

Before Li Huowang could finish his sentence, Xuan Yang covered his mouth tightly with his hand.

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