Hearing Tuoba Danqing's words, Li Huowang's spirits were immediately lifted. He had joined the Monitors to gain their trust and obtain information on Beifeng.

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Since the pillow had been delivered to his bedside, there was no reason not to rely on it. "Oh? Tuoba brother, what happened this time?"

A piece of paper was placed in front of Li Huowang, recording an incident that occurred in a county within the borders of Daliang.

As he looked at the absurd actions recorded on the paper, Li Huowang's brow furrowed. "Is this the work of the Taoist sects that deceive beings?"

As he thought this, Hongzhong beside him couldn't sit still, saying with disgust, "Hey hey hey, what's with the Taoist sects? Which line on this paper has anything to do with them?"

"So anything that goes wrong is the fault of the Taoist sects, right? Why don't you just say that the natural disasters that occur every few decades are caused by them too!"

Li Huowang didn't bother to pay attention to him. After quickly checking the paper, he put it away and turned to Tuoba Danqing. "Tuoba brother, rest assured, I'll take care of this! Since I've joined the Monitors, if they need me, I'm duty-bound to help!"

Seeing Li Huowang's quick response, Tuoba Danqing's eyes showed a hint of strangeness. "Brother Li, are you really that eager to help? Aren't you going to ask about the reward? Hahaha, aren't you afraid I'll shorten your lifespan?"

"Of course not. I trust Tuoba brother, and for the sake of our Monitors, what's a small reward?"

Hearing Li Huowang speak so righteously, Tuoba Danqing held his wine glass and looked at him with a smile that wasn't a smile.

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"Clang!" He put the wine glass on the table. "To put it bluntly, we don't care about the emperor's name or surname. Joining the Monitors is just to have a meal to eat and a backer to rely on."

"Brother Li, I really do consider you my brother, but your reason for joining the Monitors is probably different from ours, right?"

At this point, the relaxed atmosphere just now suddenly became cold.

"Be careful what you say. You promised too quickly, and this guy is starting to suspect you." Hongzhong added just in time.

Drunken Li Huowang quickly calmed down. He knew he had to answer correctly at this point. If he made a wrong move, the Monitors' line could be cut off!

Various images flashed through Li Huowang's mind, suddenly stopping on a book. "Deceiving the scriptures!"

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"Why join the Monitors?" As he spoke, Li Huowang's breathing gradually became rapid, his eyes filled with hatred and killing intent. "To deal with the Taoist sects that deceive beings!""They lied to me! They lied to everyone in the cross temple of the Church of Jing! In the end, everyone except me died."

"I hate them! I heard that the Monitoring Bureau deals with the Taoist sects that deceive beings, so I joined them! If the Taoist sects are not eliminated, my heart will never be at peace!"

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With that, Li Huowang crushed the ceramic wine glass in his hand.

Although the reason was fake, the hatred was definitely real.

Hearing Li Huowang's intense reaction, Tuoba Danqing sighed and put down his wine glass, "So that's what happened. I heard about the incident in Siqui. I didn't expect to be involved with Ear Jiu Xian."

"Ah, brother, I caused Xian Di to remember unpleasant memories. I was wrong, I'll punish myself with three cups." After speaking, Tuoba Danqing lifted his wine glass and drank it all in one go.

After three cups, Tuoba Danqing, who was drunk, came back again. "Xian Di, don't worry. Since you are not against the Taoist sects, I will take care of you. I will deal with the Taoist sects first and wish you revenge soon!"

Li Huowang was not just acting in this play to pass the test. He had other purposes.

He leaned forward slightly and asked excitedly, "Brother Tuoba, I heard that there are some secrets about the Taoist sects that outsiders cannot know within the Monitoring Bureau. Since I am already a member, can I take a look?"

This was Li Huowang's goal. If he could seize the opportunity and obtain this information, it would be the best.

Hearing this, Tuoba Danqing showed a hint of hesitation on his face. "Oh, Ear Xian Di, I know that you have a blood feud with the Taoist sects, but those are top-secret information. You are still a low-level member. Even if I give you face, you still have to climb up the ranks."

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"So, does that mean that as long as I reach the rank of Gengqi in the Monitoring Bureau, I can access all the secrets about the Taoist sects?"

"Of course. The Ministry of Rites has kept records of the battles between the Monitoring Bureau and the Taoist sects for thousands of years. They are heavily guarded to prevent those lunatics from altering or burning them."

Li Huowang nodded firmly. At this moment, he found his goal. He needed to quickly become a Gengqi in the Monitoring Bureau and obtain all the information about the Taoist sects.

After going over this information in his mind, Li Huowang asked again, "May I ask Brother Tuoba, how is the promotion within the Monitoring Bureau calculated?"

Tuoba Danqing picked up a tender and smooth piece of chicken and stuffed it into his mouth, laughing. "I knew you would ask. Ear Xian Di, I know you want revenge, but you have to take it one step at a time. Don't be too hasty.""The position changes in the Monitoring Bureau are all approved by the Master of the Records and the Heavenly Monitoring Officer one by one.

"Generally speaking, the Bureau keeps track of how many tasks you have taken and how much work you have done. If they think you are good enough, they will promote you."

"By the way, don't think that the promotion of this position is related to your strength. As long as you don't sacrifice yourself for the Bureau, even if you are powerful, you can only be a small pawn."

"At the beginning, you will be promoted quickly, but it will slow down later. You did a good job last time. As long as you continue, you can be promoted to Renwu in at most half a year."

"Don't underestimate each level! The waist badge is different, and the status is different. The benefits you can get from the Bureau are also different. Many people join the Monitoring Bureau not just for the rewards."

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"Half a year?" Li Huowang couldn't wait for half a year. How long would it take to be promoted to Gengqi?

"Tuoba, half a year is too long. Is there any other way to get promoted faster? Even if the reward is less, I can't rest easy until I leave the Taoist sects that deceive beings!"

"Hmm..." Tuoba Danqing, holding a wine glass, was thinking.

"Okay, I'll make an exception this time. There is a tricky matter here that I was supposed to handle. If you can solve it, I'll speak highly of you to the Master of the Records, and you should be able to be promoted to Renwu."

With a sly smile on his face, Tuoba Danqing continued, "When you come back, I'll show you the benefits of your new identity!"

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Li Huowang smiled and lowered his wine glass slightly, clinking it against Tuoba Danqing's glass. "Thank you, Brother Tuoba. I'll drink to you!"

After the conversation, the wine was quickly finished. After two incense sticks' worth of time, Tuoba Danqing stood up unsteadily and walked outside.

"Okay, remember to go early. I've given you the address. Don't be late. Also, Blind Chen is waiting at the City God Temple in Yinling City. If you want to return the mirror to him, you'll have to find him yourself."

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