Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 327: All under one roof

"Dad, this is a date paste mooncake. I remember you love date paste the most." Bai Lingmiao held a mooncake with a red mark on it and put it in front of a spiritual tablet, standing on her toes.

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"Brother, you like red bean paste. We couldn't find any in the village, so try this sesame one. It tastes pretty good too."

After dividing the mooncakes, Bai Lingmiao took out three incense sticks and knelt down to bow to them, inserting them into the remaining mooncakes.

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A few wisps of smoke drifted slowly among the spiritual tablets, and the ancestral hall of the Bai family once again had incense.

Bai Lingmiao looked up at the black wall in front of her, seemingly lost in thought. After a long while, a smile appeared on her face as she said, "It's the Mid-Autumn Festival today. Let me celebrate with everyone."

She picked up a mooncake from the plate and took two steps forward, sitting down on the steps of the ancestral hall. She ate the mooncake while looking at the bright moon in the sky.

As she ate, a figure appeared beside her. Bai Lingmiao reached out her right hand and put the mooncake into Twin Soul's red hood. Then she leaned her head to the left and rested it on the red silk dress of the Great God.

So the two identical women silently leaned against each other on the steps outside the Bai family ancestral hall, eating the same mooncake and admiring the same full moon in the sky.

Suddenly, a fire lit up in the distance. Bai Lingmiao stood up and looked over to see a mud kiln built with tiles and stones.

The kiln was very high, taller than any other house in Niu Xin Village. The flames rose up and enveloped the kiln, like a huge bonfire.

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Gouwa was standing on the roof of a nearby house, howling strangely and throwing various old clothes into the kiln.

It was the tradition to burn the kiln on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Bai Lingmiao remembered it happened every year. However, it was something that the older brothers in the village liked, and the girls didn't care much for it.

Looking at the towering flames in the distance, Bai Lingmiao thought of her troublesome younger brother.

As the eldest sister, she had to take care of him alone as their parents were busy every day. She watched the baby in the cradle grow into a boy who could run and jump, but then everything came to a halt.

The longing for her family reached its peak, and she finally reached for the drum at her waist and began to beat it.

"Dong dong dong~" rhythmic drumbeats echoed through the desolate village.

After hesitating for a few moments, Bai Lingmiao trembled as she opened her mouth and began to sing, finally letting out the tears she had held back all night.She used the Cry Smoke Soul tune from the Sad Family, and her voice seemed to contain an extreme level of tragedy, causing everything around her to tremble.

"Clear wind... Smoke soul... Wuuu..."

At this moment, she resonated with the lyrics. If everything before was just because of the pressure from the Immortal Family, she suddenly had a higher understanding and feeling towards those who moved troops.

Only when enough family members had died would one understand what kind of emotions were needed to sing the Cry Smoke Soul tune.

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She found that her emotions had infected the Immortal Family, and this feeling was very special.

It could even be said that the current Bai Lingmiao was at least stronger than Li Zhi in the Sad Family, but this was a price that Bai Lingmiao did not want to pay.

The drumbeat continued, and the extremely desolate divine tune continued to be sung.

"Smoke soul... Three Yang worlds for people... Wuuu... Three Yin cities for smoke souls..."

"They say that the sky is a precious cover, and the earth is a pool. People are like fish in the muddy water of the three Yang worlds... Wuuu..."

"Muddling through for a moment, missing a moment for two... Wuuu..."

This time, Dashen watched as Bai Lingmiao sang the summoning divine tune. A gust of Yin wind blew through the door of the Bai family ancestral hall, blowing Dashen's red head covering, and finally extinguishing the white lantern, slowly swirling around Bai Lingmiao.

Feeling something, Bai Lingmiao could hardly continue singing, but she finally gritted her teeth and heavily struck the drum at her waist.

"Heard that the smoke soul shed tears of sadness, the heart is like eating bitter yellow lotus, with grievances and nowhere to tell the smoke soul, where to cry out for injustice... "

The Yin wind grew stronger, and the spirit tablets in the entire ancestral hall shook violently. The tiles of the ancestral hall also shook violently, as if the entire Bai family ancestral hall had come alive at this moment.

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As she sang, a gust of Yin wind lightly brushed against Dashen's skirt and entered the blood-red head covering.

A burnt smell began to emanate from Dashen, and she trembled as she approached Bai Lingmiao slowly. "Nannan..."

At the moment she heard this voice, Bai Lingmiao's heart trembled. Regardless, she opened her arms and rushed towards Dashen. "Mother!!"

The moment she hugged Dashen, Bai Lingmiao seemed to have found reliance again, and she poured out everything that had accumulated in her heart.

She closed her eyes and spoke for a long time, but she didn't receive any feedback until she stopped.As she looked at the red-covered head of the deity with her red eyes, she was disappointed to find that he had already left when she stopped her divine communication.

"Did my mother say anything before she passed away?" Bai Lingmiao asked softly.

The deity stared at Bai Lingmiao through the red cover for a long time before finally saying slowly, "She is not... your mother..."

"No... she is my mother! My father and grandfather just came back! They are all blaming me!" Bai Lingmiao shook her head and loudly denied.

The deity didn't say anything and opened his arms to embrace her again. She bowed down and lifted Bai Lingmiao up, gently rocking her in her arms.

With her eyes open, Bai Lingmiao silently looked at the roof beams of the ancestral hall as she was gently rocked, as if she was thinking about something.

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The earthen stove outside had gone out at some point, and the two of them sat silently in the dark ancestral hall.

"If I leave, can you help me take care of Li Shixiong? He really can't be without someone by his side." Bai Lingmiao suddenly spoke up.

The deity just held her without any reaction.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't hold on anymore. I can't do anything, I can't even help my family seek revenge!"

Tears streaming down her face, Bai Lingmiao struggled out of the deity's embrace and took out the rope that she had prepared beforehand.

She walked to the center of the ancestral hall and threw the rope towards the roof beam, starting to tie it up.

The deity stood up and held Bai Lingmiao's slender legs from behind, helping her with the next steps.

When the deity gently let go and stepped back, the sound of the taut rope and the uncontrollable gasping began.

Ignoring these sounds, the deity silently went around to the front of the ancestral hall steps and sat down again, continuing to admire the full moon in the sky.

Behind the red cover, there were Bai Lingmiao's lightly shaking white shoes, and behind the shoes were the densely packed memorial tablets of the deceased, like a black wall.

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