Just as Li Huowang felt like he was about to lose consciousness, he reached into his waist and pulled out the bell. At the moment the extremely piercing sound rang out, the uncomfortable feeling quickly faded away.

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With a "bang," the back of Li Huowang's head hit the ground heavily, making his head buzz.

Ignoring the pain in his head, Li Huowang gritted his teeth and continued to shake the bronze bell with force, almost being tricked by this thing.

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The edges of the Eight Immortals' table, the bamboo poles supporting the stage, and the edges of the Hu family ancestral tablets all began to twist and quickly condensed into a strange aggregation.

As Li Huowang pointed with his throbbing head, the evil spirit, You Lao Ye, pounced towards the fake Lv Zhuangyuan who was retreating.

Seeing that the other side had a helper and was about to escape, but it was too late, You Lao Ye had already come to its side.

However, it did not approach Lv Zhuangyuan's body, but instead went straight towards the ground and dived into the black shadow illuminated by the lantern.

When the lines on You Lao Ye's body cut the shadow of the little foot woman into pieces like a sharp knife, the thing screamed like a wild beast and struggled desperately on the ground.

"So this thing's true form is the shadow on the ground? No wonder cutting its body in half didn't work." This thought flashed through Li Huowang's mind.

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Under You Lao Ye's attack, the fake Lv Zhuangyuan turned into a deflated balloon and the human-shaped shadow on the ground quickly spread, eventually forming a stinky and viscous black liquid.

Just when Li Huowang thought everything was over...

With a "swish," You Lao Ye quickly darted back and began to spin rapidly around him.

"What's going on? Could there be more?" Li Huowang increased the strength of his bell shaking motion that had just slowed down.

Seeing that hiding did not work, the little foot woman flashed out from a wriggling line in the distance and stood there staring at this side gloomily.

"Just now, it wasn't just this one that turned into Lv Zhuangyuan, there are two of them." Just as Li Huowang was thinking this, another little foot woman split from her and began to divide and become smaller and smaller.

Not just one, several little foot women jumped out from the twisted lines around them and also began to divide and become smaller.

As Li Huowang pointed with his hand, You Lao Ye rushed up and began attacking the small foot women that were only the size of a palm around him.

But no matter how fast he attacked, they divided even faster. These identical little foot women surrounded Li Huowang, splitting and twisting their strange bodies, opening their blood-red cherry mouths, and starting to sing nursery rhymes in their extremely sharp voices."God of Joy, God of Happiness, dressed in a friendly manner and bowing to each other."

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"God of Joy, dancing and playing, red and black paper sticking to the door."

"God of Joy, angry and sad, holding a lantern with fragrant skull shining like the sea."

"God of Joy, hungry and starving, left hand holding liver, right hand holding intestines, come and welcome the God of Joy at the village entrance~!"

As soon as they finished singing, their bodies exploded, and some black substance splashed out from within them, completely staining the surrounding space, which was wriggling and twisting, black.

Although he didn't know what the other party was doing, at this moment Li Huowang sensed something was wrong, stopped shaking the bell in his hand, and prepared to retreat first.

But the next second, his feet were nailed to the ground like a nail, and a vague, weak, and unknown guidance made Li Huowang lift his head straight up and look at the sky above.

It was extremely dark there, with nothing, but Li Huowang sensed something. There must be something very grand moving in the darkness.

"God of Joy?"

As soon as this thought came out, Li Huowang saw outlines of different sizes starting to emerge in the darkness. "No, that thing sensed my thoughts! I must leave here immediately."

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Li Huowang thought so, but his body did not do so. His body began to become excited, his breathing became rapid, the veins on his face bulged, and he tore open his Dao robe with both hands, raising them high to welcome that thing in the darkness.

The black outline became clear and distorted, and Li Huowang could already see it! The blood vessels in his eyes were even beginning to burst due to excitement, and two blood tears slowly slid down from his eye sockets.

"I can't watch anymore! I definitely can't watch anymore!! Quickly close my eyes!!" Li Huowang struggled with all his strength, but it was useless.

Li Huowang could already see the head of the God of Joy, if that long string of chaotic and viscous things could really be called a head.

Just as that thing was about to completely emerge from the darkness, a very special "clatter" suddenly sounded.

Immediately after, that thing in the darkness suddenly stopped and shrank a lot towards the pitch-black sky, as if there was something in the darkness pulling it.

Suddenly, an extremely loud rooster crow sounded, and the darkness in the sky shattered like a mirror.

Accompanied by the sound of bones cracking, Li Huowang regained consciousness by looking up, and he suddenly lowered his head, propped up with both hands, and looked at the bricks on the ground while gasping for air.

"What did those little foot women summon? What just happened?!" Various questions that were destined to remain unanswered appeared in his mind.Supporting himself with the Eight Immortals table beside him, Li Huowang struggled to sit up. He looked up and saw nothing in the air, as if everything just now was fake.

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It was already dawn, and the fifth watch had passed. The Hu family would come to pick up their ancestors soon.

The distant stage was still ringing, and Lv Zhuangyuan and the others had been singing all night, even though they looked shaky and their voices were hoarse due to the influence of the bell sound. But they dared not stop for a moment.

Looking at the various black memorial tablets next to him, Li Huowang suddenly realized that the clattering sound just now seemed to be the sound of the spiritual tablets hitting the table at the same time.

Li Huowang looked at the Hu family ancestor memorial tablets in front of him in surprise, "Could it be that they helped me just now?"

After thinking about it carefully, he became more and more convinced that it was possible. He quickly stood still and bowed to the half-immortal table with the memorial tablets, "Thank you all for your help."

As soon as he finished this gesture, those memorial tablets suddenly began to tremble slightly, and the trembling sound became louder and louder. "Clatter clatter clatter..."

Looking at this creepy scene in front of him, Li Huowang held the Dao bell in his hand and stepped back cautiously.

"What's going on? Did thanking them cause trouble? It's already dawn, why aren't you going back yet? What are you waiting for?"

Just as Li Huowang was thinking this, there was a "swish" sound, and all the memorial tablets on the Eight Immortals table in front of him fell back at the same time.

Then a familiar and ethereal voice sounded in Li Huowang's ear, making him feel like his body had fallen into a bone-chilling ice cave. "Child..."

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