Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 342: Li Sui

Upon hearing this, Li Huowang's pupils slightly contracted. "This my displacement ability? Do I have this ability in my hallucinations too?"

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At this point, Wang Zhilong finally cried, while pitifully saying, "I didn't earn a penny. Do you know how much I invested in this deal? And how many connections I made to keep the city management from catching you? We swiped dozens of credit cards to get the money!"

"Ancestor, I beg you! Please turn something into gold for me. We're about to jump off the building because of all the debt collectors!"

Li Huowang let go of his hand and looked around in panic. What's going on? Why is this world becoming more real?

He looked down at the bloody wound on his body, then raised the knife in his right hand and stabbed it into his left hand. "Why does this pain feel so real?"

Even if there was only a one in ten thousand chance that it was real, what about Yang Na and my mother? Maybe they haven't abandoned me. Maybe they're looking for me right now!

Li Huowang's heart started beating faster. He lifted his foot and ran outside, but as he ran, he gradually stopped when he was just a step away from the sunlight.

"But what can I do even if I find them? Besides making them suffer and causing me to continue to be confused, what's the difference? I can't let them continue to be burdened by me."

Li Huowang turned around in despair and walked back into the bridge. "This is all fake. Since I've decided that this side is fake, there's nothing to hesitate about."

After releasing Wang Zhilong from his restraints and giving him back his freedom, Wang Zhilong didn't go to rescue his other companions. Instead, he hesitated for a while before approaching Li Huowang.

"Li Xiaodi, while you're still clear-headed, can you tell me if you really have special abilities?"

Li Huowang completely ignored his surroundings and began to think about how to persuade Li Sui to return to his stomach.

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"I've seen it on surveillance. The golden box you gave your mother was full of gems! Just one of them could buy a house!"

"Then it must be real, right? Otherwise, they wouldn't have the money to post missing person notices everywhere."

"Get lost..."

"Hey, Li Xiaodi, don't be like this. If you really don't want to go back, give me some gold and I'll tell your mother that you're dead, so she can give up completely."

When Li Huowang's vision refocused on Wang Zhilong's greedy face, a killing intent suddenly appeared in his eyes. "You want gold? I'll give it to you!"

He took out the gold necklace he had taken from the fat man's pocket and wrapped it around Wang Zhilong's neck, then kicked his leg hard and lifted him up. Wang Zhilong immediately started rolling his eyes and struggling, grabbing at Li Huowang's hand, but Li Huowang, with bloodshot eyes, remained unmoved.

As Wang Zhilong's struggles became more intense and his face turned from red to purple and then black, Li Huowang's pupils contracted slightly. He suddenly realized how similar this scene was to when he killed Chixi with his own hands.

A wave of fear surged in his heart and Li Huowang let go of Wang Zhilong's neck. He lowered his head and trembled as he looked at his own hands. When did he become so ruthless?Li Huowang turned his head to look at his reflection on the river beside him, finding the ragged beggar in the water so unfamiliar.

His ordinary high school life was just a few years ago, but it seemed as distant as his previous life in his current eyes.

His past memories had begun to blur, replaced by the bizarre and crazy things on the other side.

Li Huowang found the reason. After experiencing various events, he was being assimilated by the world on the other side. He didn't know when it started, but he was gradually becoming as indifferent to life as those in the Skywatching Bureau, and his heart was filled with anger.

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Even worse, he was turning into another Danyang Zi.

"No, this is not me, this is not Li Huowang." Li Huowang walked over to Wang Zhilong, who was lying on the ground clutching his neck, and helped him up.

With a hint of excitement in his voice, he pleaded, "Please, can you stop bothering me? I'm crazy! I really don't want to kill anyone!"

Having just escaped death, Wang Zhilong didn't dare to say anything else. He nodded repeatedly, then ran towards the outside of the bridge tunnel, not caring about his other three companions.

That moment had truly frightened him, and he could feel that the other party really wanted to kill him.

Li Huowang let out a deep sigh, walked over to the other three, and untied their bindings.

Ignoring their panicked escape and the bleeding wounds on his body, Li Huowang knelt on the ground, closed his eyes, and clutched his head, repeating over and over, "This is all fake, this is all fake..."

After an unknown amount of time, Li Huowang felt the surroundings suddenly dim.

He looked around and, as expected, the entire room was in chaos, as if a strong wind had blown through it.

"Finally back..." Once again returning to this crazy, chaotic world, Li Huowang felt an inexplicable sense of security.

He walked over to the collapsed bed, knelt on one knee, and reached under the bed, saying as gently as possible, "Li Sui, don't be afraid. That person was a liar. What he said was fake. You won't hurt me if you stay in my stomach."

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After a while, a hesitant black tentacle emerged from the darkness under the bed and wrapped around Li Huowang's hand. "Mmm..."

As Li Huowang gently pulled Li Sui out, he hugged him, gently soothing the long and short tentacles. "Li Sui, be good, come in. Dad really can't be without you now."

Two eyes with double pupils looked at Li Huowang with affection as they entwined with the tentacles.

"Ugh...ugh~!" Accompanied by waves of nausea, Li Sui crawled back into Li Huowang's throat.

With an unusual feeling, Li Sui's tentacles spread along Li Huowang's veins, covering his entire body.

Feeling his stomach, Li Huowang breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Li Sui was there, he wouldn't have to go back to that place.

Then Li Huowang walked to the window and looked outside. The sky was still gray and gloomy, but it seemed to be already dawn.

After tossing and turning all night, Li Huowang didn't plan to sleep anymore. He picked up his luggage, went downstairs, and headed for the stable.

But as soon as he arrived at the lobby, he saw the miserable-looking Old Wu, accompanied by the cook and the groom, bandaging each other.

Seeing the injuries on Old Wu's body in the same place as Wang Zhilong's, Li Huowang immediately understood what had happened.

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"When did you approach my room? Didn't I tell you not to come near my room if it's not necessary?"

The postmaster Old Wu forced a smile with his bitter gourd face and quickly knelt on the ground. "I heard some noise and... I was afraid you were in trouble, so... I deserve to die! I deserve to die, my blood dirtied your hands, I should pay for your handwashing."

Li Huowang grabbed his clothes and lifted him up, "Stand up!"

Then he recited a spell, and the white wax from the "Fire Robe True Scripture" quickly melted, turning into a flaming worm that jumped onto Old Wu's wound.

"Ah ah ah!!" Old Wu's screams echoed in the lobby.

"Don't shout! This is healing you!"

When their voices were hoarse from screaming, the wounds on each person's body were replaced by a layer of mild burns.

Li Huowang then took out two silver ingots from his pocket and placed them on the table. "This is to compensate for your furniture."

"I... I can't accept this..." Old Wu tried to refuse, but Li Huowang directly stuffed the silver into his pocket.

"Just take it when I tell you to. I don't want to be assimilated by this broken place!"

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