Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 355: Hidden

"Kill him!" A murderous intent arose, and everyone's weapons attacked the beggar-like man.

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Li Huowang, who reacted first, caught the attention of the man with a cloudy heart. After giving Li Huowang a deep look, the man quickly disappeared.

As his eyes disappeared, Li Huowang felt a chill in his mouth. The copper coin mask had been hidden by the man with the cloudy heart!

But in the next moment, Li Huowang realized that he had more important things to do. Blood rushed to his head, and his body began to tremble. His red eyes looked at everyone around him: Hong Da, Tuoba Danqing, Liu Zongyuan.

"Boom!" With a sweep of his fire sickle, Li Huowang felt a sharp pain all over his body. The raging flames quickly engulfed him.

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"Kill! They know my identity as a Heart Elementalist! I must kill them all! Not one can escape!"

As Li Huowang attacked, Liu Zongyuan curled up and fled towards the window.

Suddenly, Li Huowang felt a strong force lift him up and throw him out. As a complete Fire Person, Li Huowang roared and inserted his hand into his left eye socket. A strange light enveloped everyone.

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Jixiang raised the decaying wooden ruyi in his hand and pointed it at Li Huowang, but he had no response. He raised his purple spike sword and was about to cut off his left arm.

"Ergou! What are you doing?" White Wuchang roared in the forest.

"Don't bother! Can't you see? He's being controlled!"

Hong Da's face turned ugly as he inserted the rusty knife into his own arm.

But Li Huowang was shocked. He realized that they couldn't see his Heart Elementalist identity. He suddenly remembered when Zhuge Yuan gave him the spindle and said, "Use this. It's much better than what you have."

At this moment, Li Huowang understood what he meant. The reason they didn't discover his ability was because Zhuge Yuan's item replaced his mask and hid his identity.

Li Huowang looked down at his burning clothes. The bag containing the spindle had been burned black, and it wouldn't take long for it to burn completely.

"No, I can't let this thing leave my body." Li Huowang, who was on fire, quickly took out the spindle.

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He wanted to find a place to put it, but his body was burned so badly that he didn't even have pockets left. In the end, he lifted his burning skin and put the spindle into his abdomen like a pocket.After letting go, Li Huowang walked towards the others. "Everyone, it's all good now. The person controlling me during the ritual has been defeated by me!"

"Stop right there!" The expression on Ji Xiang's face was extremely ugly as he pointed his golden abacus at the fire person in front of him. "I don't care if you're sane or not, just stand there obediently!"

When Li Huowang saw that he had actually stopped, Ji Xiang, Liu Zongyuan, and Hong Da gathered together to discuss something. Li Huowang couldn't hear what they were discussing as he had something more important to consider - how to extinguish the fire all over his body.

Li Huowang thought of something, reached out and pulled out the "Dachi Record" hidden under his skin. When he threw it on the ground, the raging flames on his body gradually extinguished.

This time, because it had just started, Li Huowang's skin was not completely burned off. At this moment, Li Huowang looked like a melting wax figure. Although he was still in great pain, he looked much better than before when he was completely blackened.

"My clothes are gone again, but luckily I brought an extra set just in case." Li Huowang turned towards the direction of the carriage, but all he saw was a burning bonfire.

"Ah..." Li Huowang had nothing to say when he saw this. He took out the "Fire Jacket True Scripture" to heal himself.

As the flames crawled over his skin, Li Huowang thought of Zhuge Yuan's figure. "He recognized my identity, but instead of arresting me, he even helped me cover it up with this spinning wheel. Was his kindness genuine?" A long-lost warmth flowed into Li Huowang's heart.

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Li Huowang suddenly wanted to meet Zhuge Yuan again. There were too many things he wanted to talk to him about.

"Erjiu." Li Huowang turned his head and saw the three of them walking towards him. They seemed to have already discussed what to do.

"Erjiu, can you identify who did the ritual to harm you earlier?" Ji Xiang asked with a serious expression.

"I have some impression. It looks like a leper Taoist." Li Huowang replied confidently.

"Hmm..." Ji Xiang pondered for a while with a serious expression before saying, "Okay, let's go back first and talk about it later."

Upon hearing this, the others nodded and walked along the dirt road together. However, it was clear that they didn't completely trust Li Huowang's words as they subtly surrounded him.

After walking a few steps, Li Huowang stopped and asked in confusion, "Do you guys remember why we came out this time?"

Hong Da looked puzzled and said, "I was just called out by Master Ji Xiang. I don't know anything else."

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"I was also called by Master Ji Xiang. Master Ji Xiang, what mission are we on this time?" Liu Zongyuan quickly followed up.Li Huowang also looked at the record, and he remembered that he had been called over by this record. If it weren't for the other party's promise to help him retrieve information about the Taoist sects that deceive beings after completing this job, he might not have accepted such a headless and tailless task.

Being stared at by three people, the record's expression was very serious. He wiped the dust off his face with his sleeve, seemingly thinking about something.

"Our family... our family is not quite sure either." There was a hint of uncertainty in the record's words. "What did our family call you two over for?"

Li Huowang and Hong Da looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Calling them out and actually forgetting what they were called out for, this superior was really capricious.

"Well, let's start our journey and find a place with people first. The carriage is gone, and if we don't hurry up, we'll definitely have to spend the night outside."

Looking at the sky, Li Huowang and the others no longer hesitated and quickly sped up their journey.

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