Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 360: Another way

Tuoba Danqing completely collapsed, and the others were not much better.

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Liu Zongyuan knelt on the ground, pounding the ground with his hands in frustration.

And Hong Da stood still with no expression, staring straight ahead with a blank expression.

A sense of despair enveloped everyone. The voices of the people who could never die around them were extremely shrill and mocking.

In this situation, it seemed that nothing could be done, and even death had become a luxury.

But this did not include Li Huowang, who had experienced all kinds of hardships and was rarely defeated by anything else.

When he noticed Bai Lingmiao's expression turning fierce, Li Huowang hugged her and said shakily, "As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you!"

Twin Soul approached from behind and leaned lightly on Li Huowang's back, and this time Li Huowang did not reject her.

"Do you have a solution in this situation?"

Bai Lingmiao stared at the man in front of her with wide eyes. How could he say such a thing in such a desperate situation?

Li Huowang nodded slightly and looked up at the pitch-black dome above his head, with a bitter smile on his face.

"Immortals cannot enter this place, but I think there must be a presence that can."


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"Ba Hui! The Ba Hui from Baiyujing!"

Li Huowang had been to Baiyujing, and no matter how impure his heart was, it was insignificant in front of those unimaginable beings, even if it was the impurity that fused life and death together.

After thinking about it, Li Huowang said firmly, "I want to use the Cangqiang Dengjie and borrow Ba Hui's power to break the current deadlock."

If there was no other way to solve the current deadlock, this was the only way.

Bai Lingmiao's heart skipped a beat. She remembered when Li Huowang told her about this before. "Isn't that good?"

"Yes, that's right." Li Huowang glanced at Tuoba Danqing, who was being remembered with three knives and six holes, and hugged Bai Lingmiao, walking towards the dense forest on one side.

As for the others, they didn't care where Li Huowang was going. At this moment, they might not care about anything.

"Cangqiang Dengjie requires both physical and mental pain, extreme physical pain is easy to achieve, I need to find extreme mental pain."

Thinking of this, Li Huowang remembered something and struggled for a moment, but quickly suppressed it.

Upon hearing this, Bai Lingmiao trembled in her heart and said without hesitation, "Tell me, what do you want me to do? I can handle it."

Li Huowang shook his head and his lips trembled slightly. "You don't need to do anything. I just need you to watch me because... I need to enter a hallucination to find it."

When Li Huowang spoke, he showed strong resistance in his eyes, but when he saw Bai Lingmiao in front of him, his eyes became firm.

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He was not an ordinary person. He was Heart Element, and just as Heart Impurity could use his abilities, Heart Element could also use them.Just like the first time he climbed the stairs of the blue beetle, as long as he dared to do it, the illusions there would continuously send extreme emotional pain to him.

In the deserted night forest, Li Huowang carefully looked at the girl in front of him.

"Don't worry, I'll save you from this danger just like when I was at Qingfeng Temple."

"No! Think of another way!" Bai Lingmiao directly vetoed Li Huowang's words.

But Li Huowang had no intention of listening to her. "Li Sui, come out, stay with your mother quietly, don't run around, I'll be back soon."

Black tentacles drilled out of Li Huowang's chest, forming a wriggling monster in the end.

"Miao Miao, he's my son, don't be afraid." Li Huowang explained to Bai Lingmiao, who saw Li Sui for the first time.

Bai Lingmiao widened her eyes and looked at the terrifying monster in front of her. "Say it again, whose son is this?"

Li Huowang smiled lightly and felt everything around him start to shake and change. He didn't explain anything anymore.

"Wait for me here, stand a little further away so you don't get hurt. Even if you can't die, it still hurts."

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from "pawread dot com".

Everything around began to melt. This time, for some reason, it changed much slower than other times, but Li Huowang eventually returned to the dark and dirty bridge hole.

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Looking at everything familiar and strange around him, Li Huowang was slightly stunned for a moment before rushing to the river next to him and washing his face with water.

Staring at himself in the reflection on the water's surface, Li Huowang seemed to be hypnotizing himself.

"Miao Miao is still waiting for me, I need to use illusions to find the extreme emotional pain in my heart in order to save her!"

He said it three times in a row. Li Huowang stood up straight, and the next thing to consider was how to find the extreme emotional pain.

This kind of thing seemed to require no thinking. It was obvious what to do to achieve extreme pain.

At this moment, Li Huowang heard footsteps outside. Not long after, Huanhuan appeared at the door holding a basket of steamed buns.

When she saw Li Huowang staring straight at her, a happy smile appeared on her face. "Uncle, are you awake again?"

"Extreme pain, extreme pain, it's all fake, it's all an illusion."

Li Huowang kept muttering to himself and looked around, picking up a thin rope from the ground and walking towards Huanhuan.

"When I just arrived, this child appeared. It's impossible for such a coincidence to happen. Yes, this is obviously fake. I don't need to hesitate."

Li Huowang looked down at her condescendingly, his right hand trembling more and more violently as he held the rope.

"Uncle?" Huanhuan retreated half a step in fear. She felt that her uncle in front of her was different from before.

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Suddenly, Li Huowang deflated like a deflated balloon and slowly exhaled all the air in his lungs.

"No, this is not right."

Li Huowang turned around, his teeth grinding loudly, and paced back and forth in the same spot."No, I haven't known her for long. Even if I kill her, the extreme pain isn't enough. I need more, much more!"

He knelt on the ground and wrote two names with his hand: Yang Na and Sun Xiaoqin.

Staring at the two names, fear appeared in Li Huowang's eyes, and he even trembled with fear.

"This is all an illusion, an illusion! I've already traveled through time, none of this is real!"

Li Huowang's trembling hand was about to be raised, but it was retracted as if it had been electrocuted.

Suddenly, he grabbed a pebble from the ground and struck it against his head.

In an instant, blood flowed from Li Huowang's head. However, this was not enough. Li Huowang grabbed the stone and repeatedly smashed it against his own head.

Soon, Li Huowang's tears, sweat, and blood mixed together, making his appearance extremely terrifying.

"This is fake, this is clearly fake! This is obviously an illusion! What the hell am I hesitating for! Miao Miao is still waiting for me to save her!!"

(End of Chapter)

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