Looking at the iron object in front of the other person, Li Huowang chuckled softly.

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After shaking his head, he began to speak to the wall beside him.

"Lingmiao, take Li Sui a bit further away. Although no one will die in here, it's better to be safe."

"Who the hell are you talking to? Take off your Bluetooth earphones!"

Li Huowang's voice echoed again in the somewhat empty stairwell, filled with exhaustion and restraint.

"Do you know? My mood is really bad now, I really want to find something to vent my anger!"

Li Huowang turned his hand, and the sharp blade tip appeared in his hand. His expression instantly became extremely ferocious, and his feet stepped heavily on the stairs as he rushed towards the three people in front of him like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey.

"Bang!" A splash of blood bloomed on Li Huowang's body, but the familiar pain only made him more excited.

With a flash of cold light, his fingers were still on the gun, and blood rolled in the air.

Just as the man's screams were halfway through, his vocal cords were cut in half, accompanied by a leaking sound trembling in the air.

This scene frightened the remaining two girls. They hugged the girl in their arms tightly and hysterically threatened, "Don't come over! We have a hostage!"

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"Go tell the real police!! In your world, I'm fucking crazy!!"

Hot blood gushed out of the wound, soaking Li Huowang's feet.

Without even looking at the two girls who were scared to the point of losing control of their bladder, Li Huowang, with a knife in his chest, stepped on the bloody footprints and walked towards the upper floor. His voice, like a ghost crying and wolf howling, echoed in the stairwell.

"Yang Na! I'm sorry! I came to find you!"

Li Huowang searched through each dormitory in the stairwell. When he reached the fourth floor, he saw the remaining four men.

With blood all over his body, Li Huowang tilted his head and stared straight at each person's neck.

Even though they had a hostage in their hands and weapons, the momentum was not on their side when facing Li Huowang in such a state.

Finally, the person among the four who was obviously weaker suddenly let go of the girl in his arms and said with trembling voice, "Comrade, can we surrender now? We really didn't do anything! It was Leopard who forced us to rob the bank, he was the mastermind!"

Li Huowang suddenly pulled out the dagger from his body with his left hand, leaned forward slightly, and rushed towards them with a crazy smile and tears in his eyes.

The difference between those who had killed and those who hadn't was undoubtedly huge.

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Dark red blood dripped down the stairs step by step.

Li Huowang, covered in wounds, sat on the two corpses and gasped for breath, feeling the pain all over his body.

His right arm seemed to have been cut off either a nerve or a tendon, and he couldn't lift it up.

"Huo Huowang?"

Hearing that familiar voice, Li Huowang's body trembled suddenly, and he suddenly felt an impulse to leave this place immediately, no matter how far he had to run.

But when he thought of Bai Lingmiao, who was trapped by his own delusions, Li Huowang slowly lifted his head and looked towards the stairway.

It was Yang Na, with a delicate emerald earring on her right ear. Li Huowang remembered this earring. It was a birthday gift he had entrusted his mother to give to Yang Na.

"Wuwuwu, Huowang! How did you get so badly injured?"Yang Na cried as she rushed to Li Huowang's side, helpless as she watched his bleeding wound. She tried to cover it with her hands, but it wouldn't stop bleeding.

"Fake. Fake, fake," Li Huowang repeated to himself, his left hand tightly gripping the knife.

Just as he raised the knife, Yang Na spoke up. "Why did you come to save me?! You're insane!! Why did you come to save me?! How am I supposed to forget you now?!"

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"Ahh!!" Li Huowang felt the knife in his hand weigh a thousand pounds, and her words made him almost completely collapse.

Feeling the excruciating pain in his chest, Li Huowang used all his willpower to plunge the knife into Yang Na's chest, the sharp blade cutting through her purple tight-fitting sweater and piercing her skin.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from

Feeling the pain in her chest, Yang Na blinked and looked at Li Huowang. There was no fear, disappointment, or complaint in her eyes, only a deep sense of grievance. "Huowang, why?"

His eyes were like a sharp knife piercing into Li Huowang's heart, no, it was even more painful than that feeling.

Just as he was about to give up and continue to use force, he suddenly felt a burning pain in his throat, which grew more and more intense until everything around him seemed unstable.

With a clang, the knife in Li Huowang's hand fell to the ground, and the intense pain made his body uncontrollably tremble. Ignoring the wound on her chest, Yang Na quickly hugged Li Huowang, who was leaning back.

With a boom, everything around them disappeared, and Li Huowang found himself back in the dark forest. He was kneeling on the ground, and the red bamboo slip in front of him was the "Dacheng Record," which seemed to be wrapped around something.

At this moment, a tongue drooped out of the bamboo slip and began to speak. The "Dacheng Record" was alive.

"One tongue turns the wheel! One eyelash Dacheng! The wonderful realm is beyond words! The heavens are so mysterious, how can we not be surprised?! My lord is supreme! How dare you be frightened?!"

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Listening to the voice of the "Dacheng Record," Li Huowang felt all his senses re-integrating, merging into a unique sense that could perceive the existence of the Ba Nuo.

Under this perception, Li Huowang could hear that the "Dacheng Record" was alive. He touched the red bamboo slips, which turned into red, constantly wriggling worms.

In a daze, Li Huowang looked up at the black dome above him, which seemed to crack open. A long, almost bigger than the sky, misty eyeball stared through the crack.

It wasn't the Ba Nuo, Li Huowang could feel the Ba Nuo, but it was far away, still in Bai Yu Jing. The eyeball dispersed, and Li Huowang felt the Ba Nuo again, or maybe he saw the Ba Nuo.

This time, he felt a part of himself on the other's body. A strong pain descended from the sky, intertwined with Li Huowang's pain, and began to spread outwards.

Soon, everything around him was covered by this pain, including Bai Lingmiao and those distorted humans. Even the trees, the soil, and the air began to tremble slightly.

As Li Huowang gently lifted his hands, all the pain intensified, and these newly born pains would be controlled by Li Huowang.Li Huowang's mixed perception sensed two eyeballs, one black and one white, intertwined with each other.

They had no boundaries, each other's boundaries mutually negated, and they existed within the spheres.

As Li Huowang raised his hands again, he stripped away all the pain from his body and poured it into the two spheres.

(End of this chapter)

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