Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 370: Goodwill

Seeing the face-changing actor in front of him trembling with fear, Li Huowang was about to lift the person's face to see how many faces he had.

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Seeing that the situation was not right, the innkeeper who was planning his life quickly came over to mediate. "Guest! I'm really sorry, my subordinate bumped into you. How about this, your meal is on the house, and I'll also give you all a bowl of soup?"

After standing still for a few seconds, Li Huowang slowly calmed down and sat back down.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so nervous?" Seeing the unusual behavior of Li Huowang, Bai Lingmiao was puzzled.

Li Huowang sighed lightly. The face-changing actor just now reminded him of the Taoist sects that deceive beings, and he couldn't help but overreact.

While continuing to eat, Li Huowang explained to her, "It's nothing. This place is Shangjing, the territory of the Monitoring Bureau. The Taoist sects that deceive beings shouldn't be able to infiltrate here."

After quickly finishing their meal, Li Huowang changed to another inn without a theater troupe and settled down. He then walked alone to the address left in the letter.

Not being familiar with Shangjing, it wasn't until late at night after curfew that Li Huowang finally found the place.

"Creak." The wooden door opened, and the janitor holding a lantern poked his head out. After looking around and seeing no one else, he quickly pulled Li Huowang inside.

Li Huowang looked into the courtyard and found that it was a small courtyard with only a well. Apart from a jujube tree, it occupied most of the courtyard. Li Huowang was somewhat surprised. The chief eunuch lived in such a small place, and it seemed that there were no servants.

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However, although it was small, it looked exceptionally exquisite. It would be just enough for a family of three.

"E Jiu, our family has been looking forward to your arrival day and night. We finally waited for you." The smiling old eunuch grabbed Li Huowang's hand and didn't let go.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from

Li Huowang forcibly pulled his hand back and arched his hand towards the janitor. "Thank you, Chief Eunuch, for your help. I won't forget your kindness!"

"Hehehe, it's nothing, it's nothing." The janitor smiled and looked at Li Huowang, not knowing what he was thinking at the moment.

Seeing the real person, Li Huowang didn't hold back either. After all, the other party owed him a favor. "Chief Eunuch, can you really contact the military and have a way to remove the evil spirit? Is it true?"

Things had different degrees of importance, and Li Huowang still felt that Bai Lingmiao's situation was more urgent than his own.

"Yes! Yes, yes! Our family knew you would ask about this. We have prepared it specially. Shall we go now?"

Although he didn't know why the other party seemed more anxious than himself, Li Huowang didn't mind. After all, he wanted things to happen as soon as possible. He immediately followed the janitor through the corridor to the back door, where two sedan chairs were already parked.

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"Please, sir, get in the sedan chair~" The four sedan chair bearers knelt on the ground and were extremely skilled.

This was Li Huowang's first time riding in a sedan chair, and to be honest, it was very uncomfortable. It felt like being in a swaying cart and made him feel dizzy.

The janitor lifted the sedan curtain and eagerly shouted to the sedan chair next to Li Huowang, "Brother E Jiu, you just arrived in Shangjing, where did you set foot? Did you like the courtyard just now? If you like it, why not let me keep it for you?"

"Thank you, Chief Eunuch, for your kindness, but I don't deserve such a gift."

For some reason, Li Huowang felt that the eunuch's enthusiasm was excessive since they had only chatted for a few moments, and he was already giving him a house.

Upon hearing Li Huowang's words, the janitor pretended to be displeased. "Ah, Brother E Jiu, you're being too polite. How can you say you don't deserve it? You helped me so much before, and a broken house is nothing. This was originally meant for our retirement. If the territory is not good, just don't dislike it."

"Then let's settle it like this. The keys and the deed are under your sedan seat, and there are some worthless little things left in the house."

Li Huowang reached under his buttocks and immediately felt three brass keys and a few pieces of paper.

Sitting in the swaying sedan chair, Li Huowang held these items and pondered the purpose of the eunuch's actions.

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After thinking for a while, Li Huowang finally realized that the other party wanted to repay the favor by giving him the house directly. The little things left in the house were probably not ordinary.

"Why did he give me the retirement house? Does he not plan to work in the Monitoring Bureau anymore?"

Just as Li Huowang was contemplating this question, the sedan curtain was lifted, and the sedan chair bearer's humble voice sounded, "Please, sir, alight from the sedan chair~"

Li Huowang put the keys and deed into his pocket, bent down and got off the sedan chair. As soon as he raised his head, a huge lion head with a grinning face jumped in front of Li Huowang.

Stepping back a few steps, Li Huowang saw the prison gate in front of him. It was another prison cell, and it seemed that the eunuch was completely tied to this prison.

With the sound of creaking, the prison gate opened a crack, and the janitor led Li Huowang inside.

The entire prison had double doors and double walls, appearing exceptionally sturdy. After entering the main gate, there was a second door, which was even smaller. One had to not only bend down but also squat down.

Further inside was the third door. Carved on the door frame of the third door was a tiger, but after the janitor quietly explained, Li Huowang learned that it was not a tiger, but a legendary beast called a Bixi.

When the third door opened, gazes that felt substantial stared at him. Gradually adapting to the dim prison environment, Li Huowang also saw who was staring at him.

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To put it bluntly, what appeared before him was a room full of Peng Longtengs.

These prison guards, who had faces carved with characters, stood, lay, drank, or played drinking games. They were all military personnel, and their presence caused the lingering evil aura in the air to condense, making it difficult to breathe.

Li Huowang found it hard to imagine what kind of existence would require such a group of people to suppress it.

"Ah, isn't this Chen Gonggong? What wind blew you here?" A senior prison guard who was drinking was very surprised to see the janitor. His thick white sideburns extended from his left ear to his right ear.

"Hehehe~ Cao Baihu, it's been a long time. I've missed you so much. How's everything at home?" The janitor smiled and leaned over.

"It's alright, just so-so. My daughter-in-law and son fight every three days and beat each other every two days. Wait a moment, I'll go and light incense for the prison god."

With this action by Cao Baihu, Li Huowang noticed a carved shrine embedded in the lower half of the left wall. The shrine was made of sandstone and had three small brick-carved statues inside. In the middle was an old man with a relatively kind expression and dignified posture. But the two little ghosts on both sides were completely different. They were fierce and menacing, with terrifying appearances.

That old man in the middle was the so-called prison god.

(End of this chapter)

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