Ji Xiang chewed on a Guokui and said, "You don't understand, this kid is extraordinary. I've flipped through the books from the first to the fourth library to figure out what he did to save us. It's the secret technique of the Ao Jing Sect, the Ascension of the Azure Dragon!"

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"Ah Ge, what is that?" The old woman noticed the seriousness in his tone and softened her voice.

"Our background is not enough. The only thing I found out is that most of the people who used this secret technique died. Those who survived are not ordinary people."

"What's more important is, think about it. What does it mean to ascend? What is he trying to become? Once this secret technique is used, he is no longer an ordinary person! Do you think we can afford to provoke him?"

After hearing Ji Xiang's words, the old woman nodded with lingering fear. "Ah Ge, you did the right thing. We can't owe this person any favors."

"I suspect that this kid joining the Monitoring Bureau has another purpose. It's not about seeking revenge from the Taoist sect."

The old woman took out a handkerchief with a tinge of sadness and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "It's alright, Ge. Let's not worry about these trivial matters. They have nothing to do with us. Let's go home."

Watching the slowly approaching gate, Ji Xiang nodded solemnly.

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As Ji Xiang took out the waist badge of the Monitoring Bureau, the heavy city gate slowly opened a crack. After Ji Xiang's carriage left the capital, the gate closed heavily, like two towering mountains coming together.

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Li Huowang woke up early the next day. After preparing everything he needed, he got out of bed and headed towards the prison.

To Li Huowang's surprise, he was not the only one here. A child and a blind man had arrived early.

"I'm only responsible for escorting the prisoner. Why did the military invite other outsiders?" Li Huowang waited silently.

After a while, another man rode a cow backwards. Li Huowang had never seen this kind of dress before. He sat cross-legged on the back of the cow, holding a statue of a four-armed green female Buddha, and muttered something with his head down.

Li Huowang wasn't sure if the people in the capital knew something, but they turned away from a distance and there were no shops nearby. It was already bright outside, but the prison gate was still eerily empty.

As they waited, the heavy prison gate opened, and an iron prison wagon slowly came out.

The person inside the wagon looked different from the prisoners Li Huowang had seen before. He wore a golden mask on his face.

It was a very peculiar mask with a square face, hollowed-out eyes, a triangular nose bridge, and large ears.

If it weren't for the more intricate lines on the mask, Li Huowang would have thought he saw a Sanxingdui mask.

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"You three, take him to the Wumen Gate for execution." The military personnel accompanying them ordered Li Huowang and the others.

"The Wumen Gate? We don't even need to leave the city?" Li Huowang almost thought he misheard. It would take at most two hours to get from here to the Wumen Gate, even if they walked slowly. This task was completely different from what Li Huowang had imagined.

"That's right." The military personnel seemed anxious and quickly returned to the prison after saying these words.

When Li Huowang saw the prison wagon start to move under the guidance of an old jailer with white hair, he glanced at the other two and stood next to the wagon, heading towards the Wumen Gate.

No matter what they were going to do, as long as it could help Bai Lingmiao get rid of the evil spirit, he was willing to do anything.

As the carriage slowly entered the bustling street, the surrounding voices became noisy. Facing the person inside the wagon, the people in the capital laughed and pointed. They didn't seem surprised by the golden mask, or maybe they had already gotten used to it.

The noisy voices seemed to wake up the person inside the wagon. He suddenly pressed the golden mask against the wagon and shouted desperately at the others, "You... you can't treat me like this! I am the Emperor!! I am the Emperor of Da Liang!!"

Hearing this, Li Huowang's heart tightened, but when he turned around, he found that no one except himself reacted.

At this moment, the blind hunchback next to him kept repeating, "Strange things are not strange, only the one who does the job is not strange."

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Seeing this, Li Huowang no longer paid attention and focused on his duty as a prison guard.

He could already guess why the military had found them, outsiders, to escort this person and why it affected their official careers.

The wheels of the prison wagon rolled slowly, and it arrived at the red palace wall. Li Huowang noticed the gaze from the city wall, but he didn't want to cause any trouble. After all, the gaze was directed at the person inside the wagon.

"Ji Song! Do you think you've won? You haven't!! One day, you will end up just like me!!" The prisoner in the wagon suddenly shouted hysterically at the top of the city wall.

The people on the city wall did not respond and just watched silently.

The carriage moved slowly, but it would eventually reach its destination. At this moment, the executioner had been waiting for a long time, and it happened to be noon. A crowd of people surrounded the execution ground, eagerly waiting.

"Ji Man! Plotting rebellion! Unforgivable crime! You deserve to be beheaded!!"

The red token was thrown down, and the man with the golden mask was dragged out of the wagon. His body had already become as limp as a noodle, and his yellow urine had soaked his prison clothes.

With the executioner's forceful swing, Li Huowang noticed that the man's body was somewhat strange. His belly was big and round, but his limbs were extremely thin.

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And that belly wasn't due to being overweight. It looked like something big and small was squeezed inside to make it bulge.

"Splash!" The strong liquor sprayed onto the big knife, and the executioner with a big belly raised it high and brought it down forcefully. The large head, covered in blood, tumbled to the ground.

The executioner took off the blood-stained golden mask, held it with both hands, and presented it to the executioner's desk.

As the executioner wrapped it in yellow silk cloth and mounted his horse to gallop towards the palace wall, the nearby officials and soldiers began to retreat, leaving nothing behind, letting the corpse gradually grow cold.

As soon as the officials left, the surrounding spectators swarmed in like flies. They held steamed buns in their hands and eagerly dipped them in the blood on the ground.

Because of the different amounts of blood they got, two women even started arguing. Li Huowang found this irony as he watched.

"Is it over just like this? So simple?" Li Huowang frowned and was about to leave.

But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something and walked through the crowd to the headless corpse.

When he gently cut open the swollen belly with a small dagger, large and small pills squeezed out from inside.

"Hmm...?" Li Huowang picked up one the size of a fist and carefully examined it.

"This 'Emperor of Da Liang' had all these pills in his belly. His belly was swollen because of these pills."

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