Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 380: New Year's

When Li Huowang woke up again, it was still nighttime. He learned from the monk that he had been unconscious for three whole days.

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Although he felt very hungry, his mental state was much better than when he was skinning the fox.

He took out some dry food and a water bottle, eating and drinking while walking towards his own skin. To his surprise, Mantou was there.

It curled up into a big yellow ball, even when sleeping, it never forgot to guard Li Huowang's skin. There were two dead rats next to it.

As soon as Mantou smelled the food, it woke up immediately and sat there, wagging its tail at Li Huowang.

"The more people you meet, the more you like dogs." Li Huowang touched Mantou's head with his hand and threw the half piece of helmet far away, letting Mantou pick it up by itself.

Seeing it gnawing on the helmet, Li Huowang squatted down and carefully pulled his skin out of the mud.

Li Huowang had thought of other ways to skin himself, but without any help, this was the most convenient method.

Moreover, the skin peeled off this way was completely intact without any damage.

First, Li Huowang poured out the mercury, then took out the "Dachi Lu" and placed it next to the carriage. He stuffed the prepared dry straw inside.

He couldn't help but feel strange when he saw himself in front of him.

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Then he took out six incense sticks and inserted three in each eye socket. He then cut off a few strands of his hair, gathered cinnabar, and quickly drew symbols on it.

"Tian Di Xuan Zong, Wan Qi Ben Gen! Guang Xiu Yi Jie, Qian Luo Da Na! San Jie Nei Wai, Wei Wu Du Zun, Ti You Jin Guang, Fu Ying Wu Shen!"

As Li Huowang finished reciting, the talisman in his hand was also completed.

Seeing this scene, Li Huowang couldn't help but feel nervous. "Did it work? It should have worked, right? I've been practicing for a long time."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Huowang immediately saw smoke coming out of the seven orifices of his skin. The incense he had just lit seemed to have ignited the straw he had just stuffed.

As the smoke grew thicker, the skin quickly shrank inward. When the smoke dissipated, a palm-sized human figure appeared in front of Li Huowang.

"Success!" Li Huowang reached out and carefully examined the skin in his hand. After shrinking, the facial features became blurry and the skin turned wax yellow, looking like a small paper person cut out of ginger paper.

According to the records in the book, as long as this refined artifact was carried with him, it could ward off disasters and bad luck, and help him change his fate when he was in mortal danger.

Li Huowang didn't know how to change his fate, but he was certain that this thing should be a life-saving artifact.

And this was not a one-time deal. As long as he recovered, this kind of artifact could be supplied almost infinitely.

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With this thing, Li Huowang finally had some confidence in facing the upcoming dangers.

Unfortunately, he couldn't refine other artifacts easily. Either he couldn't find the spiritual treasures mentioned in the book, or he couldn't understand what they were talking about. This was the simplest and easiest to refine.

"Do I have a golden finger now?" Li Huowang looked at the skin in his hand and self-mockingly said in a low voice.

"Dad, what's a golden finger?"

Li Huowang shook his head without answering Li Sui's question. He wanted to find a place to put the skin.

This important thing couldn't be thrown around casually. After thinking for a while, Li Huowang held his skin in front of his navel.

A tentacle stretched out and wrapped around the skin, shrinking it back. "Thank you, Dad."

"Let's go." Li Huowang turned and got on the carriage.

Driving the carriage, Li Huowang took out the cold dry food and took a bite, washing it down with cold water. "By the way, it should be New Year's now, right?"

"Ah, it's New Year's! I've been looking forward to this day since a month ago."

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Dressed in a silk robe, Gouwa sat down and started gnawing on a big chicken leg with his hands.

Before he could swallow, Gouwa's eyes looked at the other dishes on the New Year's Eve dinner.

Braised carp, lion's head meatballs, preserved vegetable braised pork, spicy sheep stomach, four happiness meatballs, spicy pig trotters, stir-fried preserved meat with dried tofu, white-cut three-yellow chicken.

Although Yang Xiaohai couldn't make anything fancy, each dish was a solid main course.

Today was New Year's, and they couldn't usually eat so many delicious dishes. He loved New Year's the most in his life.

He picked up the most tender pieces of fish belly with his chopsticks and put them in his wife's bowl. "Eat more! Let's work hard to eat all this delicious food!"

Not only Gouwa, but everyone else also enjoyed the food, especially the new disciples of the Lv family troupe. Their heads were buried in their plates.

"Hey, I wonder where Miao Miao is now and what she's eating." Chun Xiaoman poked at the bones in her bowl with the tip of her chopsticks, not tasting the food.

Zhao Wu picked up a meatball with his chopsticks and put it in her bowl. "She has supernatural powers, and Li Senior Brother is with her. Don't worry, let's celebrate the New Year peacefully first."

"Eat." A lion's head meatball was directly placed in Chun Xiaoman's bowl by Gao Zhizhen.

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Just as everyone was happily eating in the hall, a figure appeared in front of the Bai family's courtyard. "Oh my, are you all having the New Year's Eve dinner? The smell is so good even standing here."

Everyone turned to look at the door when they heard the voice. When they saw Bai Lingmiao standing there with a smile, Chun Xiaoman was the first to react.

Search for the original.

She rushed up and felt all over her, finally relieved when she saw that she had returned in one piece.

Then she complained, "You worried me so much during this time. Next time, at least say something to me before leaving."

Bai Lingmiao patted her on the shoulder with her hand and walked straight to the hall without saying anything.

There were three tables in the hall, but she didn't find the other two small tables. Instead, she walked towards the largest table, which was also facing the main seat near the door.

Sitting in that position was Lv Zhuangyuan, the oldest person there. His cheek was pushed up high by half a pig's trotter, and he looked at Bai Lingmiao in surprise as she walked towards him.

Bai Lingmiao stood there without saying anything, but the smooth Lv Zhuangyuan clearly felt what she wanted to express. He quickly smiled, picked up the tobacco pouch on the table, and moved his butt, squeezing his son off the table.

"Hehehe, Miss Bai, you're back? Ah, everyone was worried about you when you left. By the way, didn't Li Senior Brother come back with you?"

Bai Lingmiao raised a glass of wine and raised it high to the whole table, saying in a very generous manner, "Come, it's New Year's, I toast everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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