"What's wrong with this person? Why did he jump from such a high building? Should we call an ambulance?"

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"Guard! Someone is injured here!"

"Oh! I know him, he has been on TV! I heard he is a great hero who fights for justice."

"Look, his hand is injured, how pitiful."

The discussions of other patients around did not disturb Li Huowang at all. He withdrew his gaze from the cell in front of him and looked around, searching for something.

"Although I came out of its belly, I am still in the water. If I don't hurry back to the ship, I'm afraid I will drown!"

Li Huowang continued to search and suddenly focused his gaze on a distant steel watchtower.

It seemed to be the outskirts of the Bai Ta Prison, where a soldier with a gun was looking in their direction with a puzzled expression, holding his neck.

The watchtower was very tall, much higher than the surrounding buildings, and it was the highest place nearby.

"No mistake, that's the ship I was on before!" Li Huowang quickly raised his hands, as if swimming, constantly swinging in the air, while rushing towards the steel watchtower.

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Li Huowang felt a lot of pain all over his body, his arms could hardly be lifted, and his body was about to fall apart.

He understood that he must have been seriously injured inside the monster's belly, but he couldn't give up easily. Li Huowang used all his strength to swim, muttering to himself, "Li Sui, help your dad, swim faster with me. I can't see what's happening over there now, so rely on you for anything!"

Just as he finished speaking, Li Huowang felt a surge of strength in his heart that seemed to help him. "Thank you, Li Sui!"

At this moment, a group of prison guards happened to come out from the prison gate, holding large nets, iron forks, and other weapons, anxiously chasing after Li Huowang.

In the oval-shaped playground inside the Bai Ta Prison, one person was running in front while a group of people were chasing behind. Li Huowang's movements were not as fast as theirs, but the distance between the two sides was rapidly closing.

Finally, they reached the edge of the playground, and a dense wire mesh wall stood between Li Huowang and the watchtower. Without hesitation, Li Huowang put his fingers into the gap and started climbing the wall.

Seeing that the situation was starting to get out of control, the soldier on the watchtower quickly raised his gun, closing one eye to aim.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" A panicked voice came from the crowd chasing after him. "This person is highly concerned by society! If he dies in our prison, it will be a big trouble!"

As Li Huowang climbed to the highest point, a cage with dense spikes appeared in front of him.

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When Li Huowang reached out to grab the cage and prepare to climb over, a blue arc suddenly shot out between the two, clearly indicating that it was electrified.

Seeing this scene, the various forks and nets that had just reached up quickly retracted, afraid of being electrocuted.

"Just this pain is not enough to stop me! Not enough!" Li Huowang, with a ferocious expression, directly grabbed the spiked cage with one arm and exerted force, flipping his whole body onto the cage. His skin began to char, and his patient gown started to emit smoke.

"Pull the switch! Pull the switch quickly!"

Seeing that Li Huowang's body was about to ignite, everyone stood below, dumbfounded, watching the person who was emitting white smoke but still able to move. "Oh my god, is this still a human?"

Li Huowang used his last bit of strength to leap and jumped onto the iron platform at the corner of the watchtower.

"Huff...huff..." Li Huowang gasped heavily, his whole body numb, and his consciousness began to fade.

At this moment, he was really tired, as if his last bit of strength had been drained. But seeing that he was about to return to the ship, he absolutely couldn't fail at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, Li Huowang stood up suddenly, using his hand, which was cut and bloody from the spiked cage, to support himself on the railing beside him, swaying as he moved towards the watchtower.

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Seeing that this terrifying madman had climbed up the stairs, the two soldiers on duty didn't know whether to raise their guns or not.

In the end, they simply put their guns on their backs and assumed a military fist position.

However, they were very surprised to find that the madman in front of them, after climbing up the watchtower, just stood there without any intention of attacking them.

Of course, Li Huowang didn't need to move because he knew that he had returned to the deck for now, temporarily escaping danger.

Taking a breath, Li Huowang forced himself to stay alert and said to the two people in front of him, "Captain, don't...don't stop, continue to Xing Island."

"Clang clang clang." Hearing the sound of various shoes stepping on the iron ladder, Li Huowang's mind suddenly sounded an alarm.

He quickly retreated against the wall, forming a corner with the people rushing in and the two in front of him.

Looking at the shiny forks in their hands, Li Huowang shouted hysterically, "Water Monkey, huh? You won't drag me back into the water!"

Seeing that they were about to pounce on him, Li Huowang decisively raised his right hand and pressed it against his left eye.

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"Huowang!" The almost wailing voice made Li Huowang's hand stop. He looked at the water monkey in front of him in astonishment, and a white figure walked out from inside.

It was Yang Na, looking exhausted, standing there, so heart-wrenching. "Huowang, are you awake? Do you recognize me now?"

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Li Huowang instinctively lowered his head, avoiding Yang Na's gaze. In a dazed state, he suddenly raised his hand and opened his mouth wider, "I am the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, Sun Wukong! Today, I will break through the Lingxiao Palace and create chaos in the Heavenly Palace!"

Li Huowang laughed and cried, tears streaming down his face, dancing and jumping like a real madman in front of everyone.

Seeing Li Huowang's behavior, Yang Na's heart was stabbed with pain. She almost collapsed and shouted, "Huowang! What do you want me to do? I really can't forget you!"

Hearing these words, Li Huowang gradually stopped. After his expression changed, he staggered and raised his right hand towards her. In his bloody hand, he held a small white wildflower the size of a fingernail.In the moment when Li Huowang was distracted, a red fire extinguisher was violently smashed onto his forearm, bending it into a ninety-degree angle.

With a tremendous force suddenly hitting from behind, two warriors rushed up and pinned Li Huowang firmly to the ground. Fearing that the martial madman in front of them might violently hurt people, others hurried over to help, and the number of people pressing on him increased. They were almost about to completely submerge him.

Li Huowang's gaze passed through the swaying crowd, looking at the helpless and desperate Yang Na. He softly said, "Na Na... I'm sorry for what happened before..."

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