"Hmm? What's going on?" Li Huowang furrowed his brows and walked into the woods where the idiot was staying.

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As soon as he entered the woods, Li Huowang's pupils shrank. He saw the idiot and the old beggar he had just followed crouching in front of a small mound, munching on something.

There were several yellow papers on top of the small mound, firmly pressed down by a stone.

Suppressing his anger, Li Huowang rushed over and kicked the idiot down. "Get up! How dare you eat offerings for the dead! Are you tired of living? Didn't I tell you not to talk to beggars like him?"

The idiot climbed up, looking aggrieved. "I didn't...didn't...didn't talk to him."

"Kneel down! Apologize and kowtow!" Li Huowang ordered sternly.

After seeing the idiot kowtow heavily to the mound, Li Huowang pulled him up.

This place was full of ghosts and he didn't dare take any risks. If he couldn't handle things properly, it would be trouble.

With a clang, Li Huowang drew his long sword and pointed it at the old beggar's nose. He said coldly, "I don't care what your purpose is, stay away from my people! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Without waiting for the man to reply, Li Huowang pulled the idiot and left.

"I'm not begging, I'm a monk," the man muttered under his breath, continuing to squat there and eat the offerings for the dead.

Returning to the road, the group continued on their journey. Li Huowang's expression became solemn as he began to instruct the others. "Don't sleep so soundly these nights. Something might happen."

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Although the idiot had already apologized, who knew what kind of temper the thing in the grave had. Li Huowang didn't want to take any risks.

After hearing Li Huowang's words, the others immediately understood and nodded lightly.

As the sun set and night fell, people on the road went into the nearby woods to collect firewood and start a fire.

Li Huowang built a big bonfire around the two donkey carts and had the others cut enough firewood from the woods. There was no moon tonight, and it was pitch black all around. The branches swayed in the breeze, as if countless things were hidden inside, spying on the people around the fire.

As time passed, the surroundings gradually became quiet, and everyone fell asleep except for Li Huowang. He was quietly waiting for something.

Apart from the woods around him, most of his attention was focused on the old beggar.

If the thing came looking for them, it would definitely go for him first.

If it did come, it would be a good opportunity to find out what was going on with this guy.

After a long wait, the first half of the night passed and it was now the time when people were most likely to doze off.

"Li...Senior Brother, did you see a face just now?" Gouwa, who was on watch with him, said in a trembling voice.

Li Huowang quickly looked over, but he didn't see anything in the darkness.

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"Are you sure?" he asked in a low voice.

Gouwa swallowed hard. "Not sure, maybe...maybe I was seeing things."

"Shh, be quiet." Li Huowang pretended to stare at the bonfire and cast a sidelong glance in that direction.

After waiting quietly for a while, he saw an ugly face slowly emerge from the darkness, with a cruel smile on its face.

What made Li Huowang's scalp tingle was that more and more heads slowly emerged from behind that head, with white light flickering under the heads.

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"Wait, white light?" Li Huowang stood up abruptly, grabbed a burning stick from the bonfire, and threw it at them. "Stop! Who are you people?"Li Huowang's loud shout was like a thunderbolt in the quiet environment, waking up the others who were sleeping.

When the rolling firewood was thrown under their heads, Li Huowang immediately understood that these people were alive when he saw their shadows.

Not only did Li Huowang see them, but others also saw them, and they saw the big knives in their hands. "The robbers are here!! Run!!"

This panicked shout caused chaos in the crowd. Everyone picked up their belongings and scattered like birds and beasts.

"Damn it! We've been spotted! Bring the horses over here!!" Soon, the sound of horse hooves rang out, and the robbers with their knives chased after the pedestrians on the road.

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"Run into the woods! Their horses can't run in the woods!!"

Hearing the beggar's shout, others quickly moved away from the main road and ran into the surrounding woods.

They ran away, but Li Huowang, who had a donkey cart, couldn't run away. Donkeys couldn't outrun horses.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves behind him, Li Huowang quickly stood still and turned around, only to see a tall horse carrying a bearded robber who was about to chop an old woman.

"I can't avoid it!" Li Huowang quickly took out a pill and swallowed it. A rush of heat instantly rushed through his body.

Just as Li Huowang was about to rush towards the bandit, an old beggar suddenly rushed out from the side and pushed the old woman who had fallen down.

The bandit on the horse, Gaodeqiu, looked at the old beggar in front of him with a hint of disdain in his eyes. He didn't even raise his knife. He just pulled on the reins in his hand, and the horse's hooves lifted high, stepping straight towards the man.

A cruel smile appeared on his face, expecting the bloody scene to come next. He usually played with women and had no other hobbies.

However, in the next moment, he saw a figure rushing out from the front and a fist hitting the horse's head hard.

"Bang!" With the horse's neigh, the horse that was charging forward was forcibly changed direction and fell to the right.

Gaodeqiu, who was falling to the ground, couldn't do anything but watch the sunken horse head's eyes widen.

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The next moment, with a muffled sound, his head and his horse fell to the ground.

Seeing their comrades encounter an enemy, the other bandits quickly put their fingers in their mouths and blew whistles to come and help.

However, Li Huowang, who had eaten Danyang Zi's pill, made them realize immediately that they had provoked someone they shouldn't have. In the dim and silent dirt road, after losing several people, these bandits quickly left in a panic.

"Quick! Retreat! It's probably someone from the Supervisory Bureau!"

Li Huowang, with bloody fists, stood there, panting heavily.

He turned around and looked at the old beggar behind him. After the scene just now, he could conclude that this guy was not a tiger but a pig.

Under Li Huowang's gaze, the old beggar stood up, knelt down in front of a person who had been killed by the bandits, and chanted something with his hands together.

As Li Huowang approached, he heard what the man was chanting.

"Amitabha, Amitabha, Amitabha..."

He kept repeating the pronunciation of Amitabha.

After chanting dozens of times, the old beggar walked into the woods on the side and began to dig the ground with his hands.

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