Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 441: ultivation te hnique

Li Huowang looked at the cultivation technique in his hand, constantly recalling everything about it in his mind. The memories of Red's past clearly told him that this technique was real.

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But if Red's past was all fake, can this technique be trusted? What if there are irreversible consequences after cultivating it?

After hesitating for a moment, Li Huowang finally put down the cultivation technique in his hand. "It seems that I need to find another person to practice with if I want to cultivate."

Just like the method he used to get rid of the evil energy, finding someone to be a guinea pig was the simplest solution that came to his mind.

"Who should I find?" Li Huowang immediately started searching in his memories. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. Beifeng seemed to have been begging him for this thing all along. Maybe he could let him try it.

Although Beifeng used the Taoist sects' method to deceive illusions, Li Huowang couldn't believe that he wouldn't be tempted by the powerful innate energy in his body.

With this in mind, Li Huowang picked up the cultivation technique and left the room. The two women who had finished writing were already sitting there playing mahjong.

It was already several days later when Li Huowang found Beifeng in a brothel. She was lying in a bathtub filled with red petals, smiling as she lifted her white foot from under the water.

"Young man, it's such an honor for Red to come and find me."

"Do you want the cultivation technique?" Red opened the paper in her hand.

Beifeng's eyes instantly lit up as she walked out of the bathtub, water droplets splashing. "I knew you had it. You lied to me before, saying you didn't have it! You're so bad~"

As Beifeng entered the body of the brothel's top girl, her words started to carry a hint of a worldly scent.

But after she took it in her hand, a trace of hesitation appeared on her face. "Are you really good at this? Are you trying to deceive me again? I won't fall for it again."

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"Forget it." Li Huowang immediately took back the cultivation technique and turned to leave.

"Hey hey! Don't go, I didn't say I don't want it." Beifeng reached out her hand with red nails and took it. "Forget it, even if I have to be deceived by you again for this cultivation technique, I'll accept it."

Wrapping her jade body, which was covered in water droplets, with a nearly transparent veil, she crossed her legs and sat on the red bed.

Li Huowang, with a furrowed brow, stood still, seemingly waiting for something.

Then, everything around them started to float in mid-air. The pink pillows revolved around Beifeng, initially still pillows, but soon they turned into blue bricks.

Beifeng suddenly opened her eyes in surprise. "Red, this thing really works!"

However, there was no one in front of her anymore. Li Huowang seemed to have already left.

Beifeng was momentarily stunned, but then she held the cultivation technique in her hand and jumped out of the window, a smug smile appearing on her face.

A month later, with an elderly face and dressed in a Daoist robe, Beifeng sat cross-legged in an underground cellar, kindly looking at the man in front of her.

"Disciple, since you have the innate energy, what I have taught you is almost enough. Today, I will give you the final cultivation technique, the cultivation technique!"

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"With this cultivation technique, not only can you move mountains and seas with a single thought, but it can also free you from the invasion of illusions!"

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Upon hearing these words, the man became excited and immediately knelt down and kowtowed to the old man in front of him.

This old man was like his second parents, treating him so well. Not only did he rescue him from the hands of those evil people, but he also taught him such powerful techniques!

Watching the disciple start to sit cross-legged and close his eyes, Beifeng narrowed her eyes and coldly snorted. "Hmph! Red, you said for me to try it, so I'll try it. Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Of course, I have to find someone with innate energy to try it first. Whether this impatient person will encounter problems in advance is not my concern, hehehe..."

As the disciple breathed in and out, the surrounding space began to distort, as if everything around them was being sucked in.

Everything in the cave started to change along with him. The scenes of some places flashed weakly, and the cellar turned into a wedding room, then into a prison cell.

When the ground under the man's body sank completely, he suddenly opened his eyes, looking at everything around him in shock. "Master! This cultivation technique is really effective!"

"Don't stop! Keep practicing!"

Hidden in the shadows, Li Huowang clenched his hands as he watched everything unfold.

Praying mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. Li Huowang knew what kind of person Beifeng was, so he had to be cautious. But as long as he had a guinea pig to try the technique, any guinea pig would do.

Li Huowang waited by the side for a long time, until the man's cultivation technique reached a certain level, before slowly leaving the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, Li Huowang looked extremely terrifying. Li Sui's black tentacles had spread all over his body, visible through his skin, and the swollen tentacles were constantly twitching.

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Li Huowang found a quiet place in the forest, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and clenched his fists. Following the instructions in the cultivation technique, he gathered the divine light from his eyes to the center of his brow.

Using the divine light he found in his eyes, he searched for the invisible innate energy within his body.

Cultivation was not easy, especially cultivating the Dao. This kind of cultivation method was purely conceptual, making it quite difficult.

But Li Huowang was not greedy, especially at the beginning. As long as he could suppress the illusions, it would be enough.

According to the cultivation technique, as long as he used the divine light to cover the innate energy and prevent it from overflowing, it could be easily achieved.After three days and three nights, Li Huowang slowly opened his eyes. After taking a few deep breaths, he said with a slight tremble in his voice, "Li Sui, come out. Let me try."

The next moment, tentacles crawled out from Li Huowang's mouth, eventually forming a mass of black tentacles, with two curious eyes staring at Li Huowang.

Li Huowang held his breath and clenched his fists, waiting quietly. A moment that felt as long as the time it takes to brew a cup of tea passed, and nothing happened. Then, the time it takes to burn half an incense stick passed, and still, nothing happened!

"Brother Zhuge! This thing really works! I've mastered it!" Li Huowang excitedly shared his joy with the illusion beside him.

"Well, that's good. At least it can replace the Black Taishui, otherwise, I'm afraid your body would have been taken over by it."

"And it's not just suppressing the illusions! I can even control when it appears!"

As Li Huowang spoke, he slightly revealed a gap wrapped in divine light, and everything around him began to change.

When he came back to his senses, he found himself lying on a cold machine, with a slight headache.

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At this moment, a group of people were surrounding him, and his mother, Sun Xiaoqin, was also by his side. When Li Huowang looked around in confusion, a round of enthusiastic applause broke out.

Sun Xiaoqin was so moved that she was about to kowtow to the doctors in white coats, but she was stopped.

"Ms. Sun, you don't need to be so excited. If electroconvulsive therapy can help your son regain clarity, with the combination of medication and psychological counseling, there is hope for your son's recovery."

Looking around at everything, Li Huowang thought to himself: "So... if the illusions are caused by the overflow of the innate Qi in my body, does that mean this is still fake?"

Just then, Sun Xiaoqin rushed over and hugged Li Huowang's head tightly in her arms.

She finally saw hope for her son's recovery! This was more important to her than anything else.

Feeling this familiar warmth, Li Huowang looked at the applauding doctors and nurses around him, his eyes gradually firming.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm not lost anymore, I'm fine now. The innate Qi in my body is a part of the heavenly path! And now it can be used by me! Even if everything here is fake, I will make it real one day!!"

Volume Two (End)

------Author's Note------

Volume two is finished, um... I'll take a day off then. I hope you all understand.

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