Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 445: Ankle ring

Seeing Bai Lingmiao's exaggerated reaction, Li Huowang felt speechless. "What nonsense are you talking about? I've told you before, it's the Black Tai Sui inside my body that I use to suppress illusions. It's just that I don't need it to suppress illusions now, so it has come out of my body."

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Saying that, Li Huowang picked up Li Sui's hat, revealing the black sticky tentacles underneath.

Hearing this, Bai Lingmiao immediately noticed the most crucial information and showed a look of ecstasy. "Oh?! So, you won't have illusions anymore in the future?"

"No, I still have to go there. Things haven't been settled properly over there, but now I can barely control it."

Bai Lingmiao immediately became overjoyed, looking much happier than Li Huowang. "That's great! You are the first one among us to cure your own defects!"

Looking at her joyful smile, Li Huowang felt a trace of guilt in his heart. Compared to his feelings for her, she undoubtedly cared more about him.

We are, find us on google.

After thinking for a moment, Li Huowang took out a gold ring wrapped in a red string from his pocket. He bent down and gently took off Bai Lingmiao's white shoes.

"I still remember, when we came out of Qingfeng Temple back then, we didn't have money to buy food, so you melted your own gold ankle ring and bought steamed buns for me."

Looking at the gold ankle ring on Bai Lingmiao's fair ankle, Li Huowang said with a complicated expression, "I said at that time, when I have money, I will buy you a bigger one. I'm sorry, so many things have happened along the way, and I only have time to buy it for you now."

Bai Lingmiao blinked her white eyelashes slightly and didn't say anything more. She just gently leaned down and nestled in Li Huowang's arms.

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Li Huowang looked at the inside of Bai Lingmiao's body, where joy and love covered desire and evil. At this moment, she was the same as when she hadn't been possessed by the Black Tai Sui, without any changes.

Just as Li Huowang gently stroked Bai Lingmiao's hair and smelled the fragrance on her body, enjoying this rare tranquility, Li Sui moved to the nearby table and climbed up, holding two eyeballs and staring intently.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

It was very curious because it had never seen such a thing, and Li Huowang had never told it about it.

"Is your son's brain not working?" Bai Lingmiao, who buried her head in Li Huowang's arms, asked in a muffled voice.

With a light laugh, Li Huowang let go of Bai Lingmiao and walked to Li Sui's side, whispering a few words to it. Soon, Li Sui crawled out of the open window like an octopus and went to play with mantou.

When he closed the window and turned around, he saw Bai Lingmiao, who was full of excitement, pounce on him directly.

Li Huowang panicked and hugged her, about to speak, but was stopped by her soft and slippery lips. At this moment, Bai Lingmiao's desire was obviously stronger than before.

After a long time, Li Huowang lay on the bed, holding Bai Lingmiao wearing a lotus white bellyband, enjoying the tranquility after the storm, and softly telling the experiences they had after they separated.

As Bai Lingmiao nestled in Li Huowang's arms, her body curled up, she listened attentively while playing with the red thread gold ring on her ankle.

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But as they continued to talk, when they mentioned that cultivation techniques could be used to cultivate falsehoods as truth, Li Huowang's words suddenly stopped.

"If both sides can become real, then is it not good for Bai Lingmiao and Yang Na if I am like this?"

Li Huowang fell into distress. He had never thought about this question before because he always felt that one side must be fake. Thinking about this question was a waste of time.

"Say it, why did you stop?" Bai Lingmiao gently nudged her head into Li Huowang's arms.

"It's nothing. There's nothing much to say about the illusions. Is Niu Xin Village doing well when I'm not there?" Li Huowang casually changed the topic.

"It's just the same. What else can we do? I hired some people to work in the fields. There's too much land in the village, and Dogwa Zhao Wu and the others can't handle it all. Besides, they are not fit for farming."

Li Huowang nodded understandingly, thinking of the unfamiliar faces in those fields.

"By the way, although they are servants in private, they call you 'godfather' in public. You have to respond to that."

"Godfather? What does that mean?"

"It's the way they address people in Daliang. Since Emperor Daliang is benevolent and doesn't allow others to keep slaves, the people can only use a different term to sell themselves."

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"Hey, Li Huowang, don't look at your young age. Being both a godfather and a biological father is quite a high status. Hehe."

Just as the two continued to whisper, a knock on the door came from outside the room. "Miao Miao, it's time for dinner."

It was Xiaoman's voice, with a hint of shyness. She only reminded them with a sentence and then fell silent. She naturally knew what the two were doing inside.

"Hey, let me tell you something interesting. Recently, Zhao Wu and Gao Zhi have been having a bit of a conflict because of Xiaoman. They are both like flies buzzing around her, but they have annoyed her."

Li Huowang got out of bed and dressed. He absentmindedly pulled the skin on various parts of his body, feeling the recovery. "That's good. Let her decide for herself. After all, it's her own path. We can't help with this kind of private matter."

After the two changed into new clothes and sat at the main seat, the people at the ten or so tables all raised their glasses under Lv Zhuangyuan's lead.

"Let's toast to Young Master Dao! May everything go well for Young Master Dao!" When Li Huowang raised his glass and drank it, the atmosphere at the dining table became lively.

Through several tables, Li Huowang could hear Gouwa's boastful voice. "That's my Senior Brother Li! My buddy! A god-like figure! He can fly, create soldiers from beans, and do anything! It was on that day when we encountered a group of river bandits while on the road."

"What's the alcohol content of this wine?" Li Huowang furrowed his brows and rubbed his throbbing head. Being sensitive to alcohol, he was not good at drinking.

"What kind of liquor? The Zhuangyuan Hong that Master Lv Ban specially bought should be good. If I had known, I would have replaced it with tea for you. Just eat something and go rest in bed," Bai Lingmiao replied.

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Li Huowang shook his head vigorously and immediately left the table, walking out of the Bai family's courtyard.

When he bent over and pressed his throat under a tree, he vomited all the liquor he had just drunk, instantly sobering up a lot.

At this moment, a hand holding a handkerchief was extended to him. Li Huowang immediately took it and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

But when he turned around, he found that the person was Twin Soul, her head covered with a red veil.

Under the distant courtyard light, Li Huowang looked at Twin Soul's blood-red veil with a very complex expression.

"Brother Li," Twin Soul said. Li Huowang stared at the ten emotions and eight sufferings changing on her body, and for a moment, it seemed as if the past Bai Lingmiao had returned.

After hesitating for a long time, Li Huowang finally took out a new gold ring tied with a red thread from his bosom and handed it over.

(End of the chapter)

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