Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 449: Hospital

On a cold day, Gao Zhijian, dressed in short sleeves, walked up to Li Huowang with steam rising from his head. Excitedly, he pointed to the military book and said, "Practice."

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Li Huowang understood what he meant. He was planning to let him cultivate this military technique. He shook his head slightly. "No need, you can practice it yourself. I don't need it now."

If he had just come out of Qingfeng Temple and obtained this thing, it would definitely be treasured.

But compared to the cultivation technique he was currently practicing and the supernatural powers of the Taoist sects that deceive beings, this military technique seemed a bit redundant.

As for being headless and not dying, he could also achieve that now, as long as he didn't realize his head was missing.

"But speaking of it, won't your personality change if you practice this technique?" Thinking of Peng Longteng's personality back then, Li Huowang couldn't help but worry about Gao Zhijian.

"No." Although Gao Zhijian answered quickly, Li Huowang still felt his change. After all, he had done stupid things like squatting at other people's graves to eat wild rice with the monks.

If the previous Gao Zhijian gave him the feeling of being foolish, the current Gao Zhijian was full of energy.

"Alright, then practice well. This technique is also a good thing for you."

At least from the current perspective, although this military technique made people more outgoing, it might not be too serious.

After chatting with Gao Zhijian for a while, Li Huowang was ready to go back to the Bai family's courtyard for dinner.

Just as he walked to the door, he suddenly thought of something and turned to Gao Zhijian. "This kind of body-refining technique from the military is not very effective when practiced alone. There are many tenant farmers in the village, right? You can try teaching them and select some with potential."

If there was a small team of military guards in Baijia Village, he wouldn't have to worry about the backyard catching fire no matter where he went.

Because Li Huowang didn't accept the military technique, Gao Zhijian, who seemed a bit lonely, instantly brightened his eyes and tightly gripped the military book, nodding vigorously.

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When Li Huowang returned to the Bai family's courtyard and had dinner, he told Bai Lingmiao about this. "That's great. They will have something to do during the slack season."

"Give them a little more wages. Although they are our private slaves, we still need to win their hearts."

Bai Lingmiao gave him a white look while holding a ceramic bowl. "What nonsense are you talking about? They are our godsons. How could I mistreat them?"

After speaking, she stood up and went to serve the rice.

"What happened to your foot?" Li Huowang immediately noticed something unusual in Bai Lingmiao's walking.

"It's nothing. There was a pit on the ground and I bumped into it."

"When you have a blindfold on, don't go out running." Li Huowang scooped up half a bowl of soup with a ceramic spoon, drank it to moisten his throat, and stood up to walk outside.

"Hey! Li Huowang! Where are you going so late at night? Can't you stay calm for a while?" Bai Lingmiao caught up and asked.

"No need to wait for me. Just leave a window open for me at night."

Li Huowang quickly leaped and jumped through the tiles, rushing towards the tall Niuxin Mountain behind the village.

As they passed by an empty house, Li Huowang shouted below, "Li Sui, follow me!"

"Okay." Li Sui quickly put down the struggling steamed bun and followed.

The two walked along a small path until they reached halfway up the mountain before stopping. Li Huowang looked at the densely packed graves in front of him with some surprise. "Why are there so many dead people here?"

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The halfway up the mountain was covered in mounds of soil, with some faint green ghost fires flickering among them. In the dim environment, it looked very eerie.

But Li Huowang didn't care. He had been here for so long and had seen everything except ghosts.

Looking left and right, Li Huowang walked into an open space. It seemed that they were also preparing to bury the dead here, but they must have finished burying, so it became empty.

He said to Li Sui beside him, "I'll go over there, you keep an eye out. If there's anyone unfamiliar or dangerous, crawl into my belly to wake me up."

Things here were temporarily stable, but the reality over there was full of troubles.

"Okay." Li Sui held up his two eyeballs and said, his slippery body revealing a mouth slit.

Li Huowang took a deep breath, sat down on the open space, and gently revealed a trace of his innate Qi, which was enveloped by his divine light.

As the surroundings twisted and collapsed, his pupils gradually lost focus and calmly surveyed the surroundings.

While Li Sui was diligently doing his own work in the bushes, it suddenly felt footsteps approaching.

But when it saw the appearance of the person with its eyeballs, it immediately relaxed its guard.

"Mom, it's so late. Aren't you going to sleep?" Li Huowang softly spoke to a wooden stele in front of him.

At this moment, a fair and jade-like hand slowly reached out, gently stroking Li Huowang's cheek.

"Li Huowang, Li Huowang, is your hysteria cured?" Bai Lingmiao squatted in front of him, staring at his face with a hint of helplessness in her voice.

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"Mom, it's already clean enough. Don't wipe it anymore." Li Huowang's words were cut off as a wet towel was placed on his face."What's wrong with washing a few more times? Are you afraid it'll wash off your skin? It's better that you're awake now, go ahead and brush your teeth." The soft plastic tube of toothpaste was shoved into Li Huowang's mouth.

Although this elicited a round of complaints from Li Huowang, a smile that they couldn't suppress appeared on both of their faces.

Looking at Sun Xiaoqin who was wiping his hands, Li Huowang thought for a moment before asking, "Mom, what did the doctors here say? When can I leave this place?"

This place was called a hospital, but in reality, it was more like a prison. A special prison for the mentally ill. Here, he was not only deprived of his personal freedom, but even moving a finger was difficult.

Since he had decided to make this place real, he had to treat it as such.

If he wanted to do something here, the first step was to get out, even if it meant being sent back to a private hospital.

"Do you feel oppressed staying here?" Sun Xiaoqin looked up at him.

"Not really, I'm just a bit worried about Yang Na. I don't know how her illness is now."

Without a word, Sun Xiaoqin picked up a towel, held a basin, and walked towards the door.

The ward was extremely quiet at night, so much so that he could hear his mother arguing with someone.

"Comrade, are you joking? Do you think..."

"Look, my son's illness has already... He can be transferred to a better environment. This... It's not auspicious to detain him like a criminal."

As footsteps approached, their voices became louder and more intense.

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"If you don't let my son out, then I won't pay! You can keep him for free!"

"What are you talking about? This prison is public, it's funded by the government. Whether there's more or less, it won't go into my pocket. Even if you don't pay, we won't let him leave!"

The other person softened his tone. "You should consider others too. Your son is like an iron man, he doesn't feel pain. Ordinary people are no match for him. If he goes crazy on the street, what then?"

"Your son killed seven robbers, he could kill seven students too!"

"My son wouldn't do that!"

A large hand pointed in from the window of the door. "He wouldn't do that? Can he even tell the difference now? Your son is mentally ill!"

The room fell silent at these words.

Li Huowang, lying on the hospital bed, thought for a moment before asking in the direction of the large hand, "So what should I do to leave here in a dignified manner?"

But the large hand didn't pay any attention to Li Huowang's question. It led Sun Xiaoqin out of the door, and their peaceful conversation gradually faded away.

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With a "click", all the lights in the ward went out.

Li Huowang, with a slight frown, looked at the blinking night vision camera in the corner of the wall, thinking about how he could escape this predicament.

(End of Chapter)

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