Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 458: Sit on the lotus

Seeing that the method in Red's memory was effective, Li Huowang once again used the same trick and hung a face on Twin Soul's face.

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The two who were just laughing and eating suddenly quieted down.

"What's going on? We were fine just now, why did we turn into this?"

"What's going on? We were fine just now, why did we turn into this?"

"What's going on? We were fine just now, why did we turn into this?"

Li Huowang's three troubled faces muttered to themselves.

Although they temporarily suppressed it with the ability of the Taoist sects that deceive beings, the trembling bodies of the two showed that they were still struggling. This couldn't go on for long.

The most important thing was to find the source and solve it.

At this moment, Zhuge Yuan voiced his speculation. "Brother Li, although these immortal appearances are different, they are ultimately evil spirits."

"What can affect ordinary evil spirits can also affect them."

"The sudden appearance of evil spirits outside, coupled with the changes in the immortals, is enough to prove that this disaster is closely related to the evil spirits. This disaster is the root of everything."

But this information didn't help Li Huowang at all. It was impossible for him to solve the disaster, and he didn't even know where to start.

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Looking at the pitch-black sky outside again, Li Huowang gritted his teeth and said, "What is the Monitorial Bureau doing? Are they really planning to cause chaos in the world? If this continues, this place will be destroyed!"

"Kid! Bring a carrier pigeon here!" Li Huowang stuck his head out and asked Yang Xiaohai in the courtyard, holding the token that Liu Zongyuan had given him.

"Carrier pigeon? We don't have one, but can I bring the sparrows I caught for roasting?"

Search for the original.


He wanted to find out what the Monitorial Bureau was up to and how long this disaster would last through Liu Zongyuan.

With Li Huowang's letter and a sparrow tied with bamboo strips on its leg, it disappeared into the pitch-black sky.

But before Li Huowang could catch his breath, cries of surprise came from the courtyard.

When Li Huowang rushed into the courtyard, he saw some things poking their heads over the wall.

They barely looked human, covered in dirt, and their bodies were pieced together with folds, resembling bricks made of rotten flesh.

The only similarity was that, like the previous evil spirits, they all had smiling faces.

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"It's over, it's over. They have all turned into ghosts and come to take Bai girl's life! I said we should bury them farther, but no one listened and insisted on burying them in the back mountain!"

"Stop making noise! These corpses are just possessed by something! There's nothing scary about it! There are no ghosts in this world!!"

With Li Huowang's face, Bai Lingmiao and Twin Soul each drew their swords, the Purple Tassel Sword and the Copper Coin Sword, and followed Li Huowang towards the wall.

At the three corners of the courtyard, the three of them easily dealt with these chaotic things.

These ordinary evil spirits were completely insignificant in front of Li Huowang.

Just as the situation was about to stabilize again, Li Huowang suddenly heard a snap, and one of the two threads in his heart broke.

When he turned his head to look at Twin Soul, he saw that half of the face that had been stuck on her face was inexplicably gone.

"Hahaha~!" Twin Soul's laughter echoed throughout the Niuxin Village. She used all four limbs and looked like a wild beast as she looked towards the direction of the Bai family ancestral hall. "Brother Li, come quickly!"

Li Huowang became anxious. The siege of the evil spirits had not been resolved, and now Twin Soul had run away.

Just as he was in a dilemma, the gate of the Bai family was kicked open, and Gao Zhijian, carrying a giant halberd, swept away the remaining evil spirits with one strike.

Then he shouted at Li Huowang on the wall, "Let's go!"

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With no worries behind, Li Huowang immediately chased after Twin Soul with Bai Lingmiao.

With the talisman on his knees, Li Huowang's speed was fast. In just a few steps, he caught up with Twin Soul, who was running wildly among the blue tiles.

Just as he was about to grab her, Twin Soul suddenly turned her body and jumped into the Bai family ancestral hall.

Following a hidden door on the wall, Li Huowang rushed directly into the Bai Lianjiao main hall, following Twin Soul's footsteps, and finally rushed into the secret room.

Twin Soul suddenly stopped in the midst of the books, standing there laughing maniacally.

When she saw Li Huowang staring at her, tears continuously flowed from Twin Soul's eyes.

With all her strength, she shouted at Li Huowang, "Hahaha! Brother Li! We might really die! Hahaha! The immortals think that the mortal world has become their world! They want to use our bodies to descend to the mortal realm! Hahaha!"

"We have nothing else to give you, but these divine abilities of the Bai Lianjiao's spirit medium! Maybe you can use them after we die! Hahaha!"

Twin Soul's face, filled with extreme joy and sadness, appeared particularly terrifying, but in Li Huowang's eyes, he only saw her concern for him.

"Stop saying these things. The disaster will pass, and you won't die! Be good, sleep quietly." Li Huowang once again covered Twin Soul's face with his own.

"Brother Li, this won't work. Quickly, take the Twelve-Rank Merit Lotus and place it above her head, and let her sit cross-legged with her hands forming the lotus seal!"

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Following Zhuge Yuan's finger, Li Huowang saw the lotus flower emitting a soft light.

"Brother Li, hurry! Say that those evil spirits have truly occupied the body of your beloved, and she is useless now!"

Upon hearing this, Li Huowang immediately did as instructed. When he placed the jade lotus on Twin Soul's head, the laughter from her mouth suddenly disappeared, and the crying that had been masked by the laughter instantly erupted.

"Stop crying for now! Quickly pinch the lotus seal!"

When Twin Soul's sharp nails pinched into an exaggerated lotus shape, the white lotus began to emit a light that gradually condensed around it. Following the base of the lotus seat, it seeped into Twin Soul's body.

As the soft light bathed Twin Soul's body like clear water, the things on her body that belonged to the immortals gradually shrank and receded.

Before long, Twin Soul began to look more and more like Bai Lingmiao. Just as Li Huowang was overjoyed, Twin Soul's body was gradually becoming transparent, she was disappearing!

This scene frightened Li Huowang so much that he quickly removed the jade lotus. Only when he saw the other party re-condense did he breathe a sigh of relief.

This thing seemed to be a very powerful magical instrument, but if used improperly, it could be quite dangerous.

Seeing that Twin Soul was back to normal, Li Huowang once again placed the lotus base on Bai Lingmiao's head.

As the soft light bathed Bai Lingmiao's body like clear water, the first thing to leave her body was the human skin on her face.

Then came the interwoven, bizarre things from the immortals, and finally, the evil spirit that lurked in her heart.

(End of Chapter)

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