Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 460: One less

Upon hearing Lv Zhuangyuan's ignorant superstitious remarks, Li Huowang immediately breathed a sigh of relief and sat heavily on the chair. "The disappeared sun has returned. No matter what, this disaster has finally passed."

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As the tension in his heart completely relaxed, Li Huowang lost consciousness while sitting on the chair.

When he woke up again, he was awakened by the greasy soup in his mouth.

The softness behind his head and the familiar fragrance in front of his nose made Li Huowang realize that he was lying in someone's arms. "Miao Miao."

Bai Lingmiao did not answer, silently continuing to feed Li Huowang the chicken soup.

"I'm not disabled, just a little tired." Li Huowang struggled to sit up and began to drink from the bowl.

Apart from not being able to see, Li Huowang's body was not seriously injured. What made him feel so exhausted was his mental state.

At this moment, Li Huowang felt that his brain was completely rusted. Whenever he tried to think faster, the back of his head would ache sharply.

Li Huowang knew exactly why this was happening. It was because he saw something, the essence of the sudden darkness, an unimaginable existence under the disaster, something that couldn't be said or even thought of.

This disaster was not caused by something missing, but by something added.

When he saw it, Li Huowang also saw some things on it. There were no lies on its body, just like a bronze tripod that recorded important events, it recorded everything on itself.

"Remembering it makes it useless, forgetting it makes it change, and speaking it belongs to its age and represents the present."

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Li Huowang knew what this meant before, but now he had forgotten, completely forgotten.

That was definitely not Siming. He had never seen that thing in Baiyu Jing. Li Huowang didn't know what it was or where it came from, and he didn't want to know.

"Li Senior Brother, what's wrong?" Bai Lingmiao used her slender white fingers to gently stroke Li Huowang's furrowed brow, trying to smooth out his expression.

"It's nothing, I'm fine. This is not something I should be thinking about. We have the Monitors." Li Huowang repeated this sentence with a pale face.

In order to divert his attention as much as possible, Li Huowang tried to think about other things.

Holding Bai Lingmiao's jade hand tightly, he asked her with a hint of anticipation in his voice, "Miao Miao, are you okay? Can you really stop using your spiritual power?"

Unable to see Bai Lingmiao's expression, the only thing Li Huowang could feel was that Bai Lingmiao was gently stroking the back of his hand with her other hand.

Hearing the silent response, Li Huowang's expression dimmed, silently experiencing this moment of silence.

Perhaps he shouldn't mention that matter again. He should treat it as if it had never happened, completely forget it. It seemed to be good for both of them.

"Did anyone in the village go missing?" Li Huowang asked again.

"No one else, but one person is indeed missing. I don't know if that counts as a person."

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"Li Sui is gone, the one who came out of your belly and called you dad."

"What!? Li Sui is missing?" Li Huowang's heart couldn't help but tighten.

He groped his way to the window and shouted loudly outside, "Li Sui!! Come here!!"

We are, find us on google.

He shouted several times, but Li Huowang didn't get any response, which was very unusual.

Li Sui was simple-minded and relied on him day and night. It was absolutely impossible for him not to respond after hearing his call.

"Miao Miao, tell everyone in the village to search for Li Sui! This is important!" Li Huowang ordered with a very serious expression.

"Okay." Hearing the sound of Bai Lingmiao going downstairs, Li Huowang thought about various possibilities in his mind. He didn't think Li Sui would leave him for no reason.

"Li Brother, I advise you to be prepared. The Black Tai Sui is also one of the evil spirits. I can't even predict how the disaster yesterday would affect it."

Hearing Zhuge Yuan's words, Li Huowang's expression became even worse. Now that he thought about it carefully, he hadn't seen Li Sui since the disaster struck.

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"Master! Master!" Lv Xiucai's voice made Li Huowang stand up. He eagerly said in the direction of the voice, "Did you find him?"

"No, I just came to inform you. That dog named Mantou is also missing."

Li Huowang clenched his fist and smashed it hard on the table, causing the wooden surface to crack along with his fist.

Lv Xiucai was frightened by Li Huowang's actions and took the opportunity to cautiously walk towards the stairs while he couldn't see.

"Keep searching! If he can't be found in the village, search the surrounding ten miles of Niu Xin Village!" Li Huowang ordered with a very solemn expression.

"Okay! I'll go tell them!"

As time passed, with the arrival of night, the hope of finding them seemed to become more and more elusive.

Until the middle of the night, Li Huowang, who had gradually calmed down, asked them all to come back and rest, and they would discuss it tomorrow.

Suddenly, a pair of soft hands held a bowl of egg noodles and placed it on the cracked table, followed by a pair of chopsticks being placed in Li Huowang's hand.

"You eat, I don't have an appetite." Li Huowang, in a bad mood, said in a muffled voice.

Just two days ago, he thought everything was going in a good direction, but in the blink of an eye, one bad thing after another happened to him.

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"Tsk, look at you like this. I don't know if you really think you lost your real son. That's an evil spirit. Is the one who came out of your belly really your son? I think it's better this way. You have one less burden."

The mocking voice of the faceless Taoist made Li Huowang look towards the direction of the voice. "Zhuge Brother, can you do me a favor and slap him?"


"Thank you."Watching Li Huowang talking to himself, a hint of pity flashed in Bai Lingmiao's eyes as she was walking towards the bed.

She came back, picked up a chopstick of egg noodles, blew on it gently, and brought it to Li Huowang's mouth.

"I'm not hungry, you eat." Li Huowang pushed it away with his hand, but the noodles were pushed back to his mouth again.

After a few back and forths, Li Huowang finally opened his mouth and swallowed the cold egg noodles.

One feeding, one eating, the room was extremely quiet.

Just as the bowl of noodles was about to be finished, a familiar voice came from the window. "Dad, did you call me?"

"Li Sui?!" Overjoyed, Li Huowang immediately stood up and groped towards the direction of the voice.

However, Li Huowang was quickly blocked by a figure, it was Twin Soul.

"Brother Li, that's not Li Sui, that's a dog's face with its skin peeled off, it's grinning at you now."

(End of the chapter)

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