Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 462: Reason

Facing Wu Fuzi's words, his wife ignored him and went straight outside, picked up a winnowing basket, and skillfully climbed up the roof with a bamboo ladder to collect radishes.

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Wu Fuzi took his time getting dressed and turned to go eat dinner. It wasn't until he saw the egg placed in the noodle soup that his expression improved slightly.

After finishing the meal, he threw the bowls and chopsticks onto the table, crossed his hands behind his back, and walked out.

At this moment, it was dusk outside, and the yellow sunset shone on his face, making it appear even more yellow.

A cool white radish strip was thrown down from the roof and fell into his hands as he moved forward. "Wash the dishes! What are you standing there for?"

"Ah, ah!" He reached into his clothes while rushing towards the courtyard.

He walked all the way to the left side of the Bai family ancestral hall and hummed towards the place where he lived. "Hmph! The sage's words are indeed correct. It's difficult to raise women and villains."

After tidying up the wrinkles on his robe, Wu Fuzi had just turned around when he was startled by a flattering old face.

"Hehehe~ Mr. Wu, are you going to give a lecture? Let's go together." Lv Zhuangyuan, holding his grandson, said with a smile.

Wu Fuzi looked at Lv Zhuangyuan with some disdain and walked towards the private school.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from "pawread dot com".

"A lecture? That's too much of a compliment. Teaching them can only be called basic education! Each and every one of them has terrible comprehension and spends their days playing the lute to a cow."

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"Hehehe, that's right, that's right. They are all hopeless even though they are already of age. They are not the material for studying and becoming top scholars. Our child is the best time to learn to read and recognize characters!" Lv Zhuangyuan proudly lifted the baby boy in his arms.

"I've told you many times, don't bring such a young child to the school! He can't understand what I'm saying at all!"

"Hey, Mr. Wu, this is the time when babies are just learning to speak. It's not a bad thing to listen to the teachings of sages. What if he can understand some of it?"

"Ah, playing the lute to a cow, playing the lute to a cow." Wu Fuzi shook his head repeatedly and walked towards the private school.

By the time he arrived, the others had been waiting for a long time. As soon as the master arrived, the others who were chatting immediately quieted down.

Wu Fuzi looked at the person in the corner of the room wearing a bamboo hat and straw raincoat, and his brows slightly furrowed.

Compared to before the calamity, this person appeared taller and stronger. Even if he stood there motionless, the oppressive feeling emanating from him made Wu Fuzi feel extremely wary.

More importantly, during the calamity, he was not blind. He saw the supernatural powers displayed by those people.

Thinking of those things, Wu Fuzi dared not even think about what might be inside that straw raincoat.

The sage once said, "Scholars should respect ghosts and gods, but keep their distance."

He actually wanted to keep his distance, but he didn't dare. He was afraid that if he didn't listen to their orders, he would meet a tragic end.

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Having lived for so many years, Wu Fuzi had read many stories in books about villains with supernatural powers. After obtaining those powers, they would commit evil deeds, bully men and dominate women, and take lives casually.

Just thinking about the terrifying scenes in the books happening to himself made his body tremble involuntarily.

Therefore, all he could do now was to be like a monk striking a bell every day. The only comforting thing was that he still received his salary, and the people in the village treated him well.

After quickly scanning the room, Wu Fuzi furrowed his brows. "Huh? Why are there fewer people today?"

"Master, Gao Zhijian is recruiting militia in the village. I heard that there are rewards for those who pass the selection, so everyone went."

"However, Gao Zhijian is very strict, and many people don't meet the requirements. They will probably come back soon."

Looking at Zhao Wu, the only one among these people who could be considered studious, Wu Fuzi's tone improved slightly. "I see, that's why. Why didn't you go?"

Zhao Wu wore a bitter smile and patted his weak legs. "Master, you're joking. With my physical condition, I don't even need to try to know."

Wu Fuzi nodded understandingly. With a light cough, he began to teach.

There were occasional people coming and going in the private school, but whether they were tired of listening or paying their respects, Wu Fuzi paid no attention and focused on his own work.

Unknowingly, it was already late at night. Wu Fuzi, who had been speaking for a while, looked at the tired faces below and waved his hand.

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"Let's stop here for today. Remember, reviewing the old can lead to new discoveries. Tomorrow, I will give a surprise test."

After finishing today's work, Wu Fuzi carried the lantern and walked towards his home.

Late at night, as he walked on the quiet street, Wu Fuzi truly felt a bit anxious, especially after the calamity that happened before.

But he didn't dare to show it, afraid that his cowardly expression would be seen by his stupid cow-like students. After all, he was a scholar.

As he walked, he arrived at the Bai family ancestral hall, and Wu Fuzi's steps became much lighter.

Living in the village, it was inevitable to hear many rumors. It was said that many people had died tragically in this ancestral hall.

"I am a scholar, full of righteousness, not involved in strange powers, and can ward off evil spirits!" Wu Fuzi said incoherently, comforting himself in his heart.

Just as he had passed the Bai family ancestral hall and let out a sigh of relief, a wooden mask suddenly sprang out from the darkness.

Before Wu Fuzi's strange cry could fully sound, a wooden hand covered his mouth. "Don't make a sound. I don't intend to kill you. I'm looking for someone. Do you know where they live in the village?"

Seeing the teacher in front of him frozen like a wooden statue, Liu Zongyuan asked again, "What? You don't know? It's the one wearing a red Daoist robe and always carrying two swords on his back."

Seeing the direction pointed by the trembling hand, Liu Zongyuan disdainfully glanced at his soaked pants, turned around, and walked towards that direction.

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Not long after Liu Zongyuan walked past, he saw that the window on the second floor of a large courtyard was open. "Brother Liu, I am currently unable to move freely. Please come in and talk."Liu Zongyuan, agile as a spirit monkey, quickly stepped on the wall and hooked his right hand, diving straight in.

As soon as he entered, he saw a red-robed Taoist sitting there, legs astride, and an incredibly horrifying skin-peeling beast squatting quietly on his left, its eyelid-less eyes staring intently at him.

"Brother Liu, you're unharmed?" Hearing the inquiry, Liu Zongyuan came back to his senses, looking at the eyes covered by white gauze.

"What happened to your eyes?"

"Something happened during the disaster, so I'm blind. It's no big deal, just a minor injury. I'm just surprised that Brother Liu is here again."

"Well, I rushed over as soon as I received your letter. You wouldn't know, holed up in here, how chaotic it is outside."

"Yes, I can guess. So, about this disaster, do you have any news, Brother Liu? Two disasters in just two years, I fear it's an ominous sign."

"Ah." Liu Zongyuan sighed lightly and sat down next to Li Huowang, "Do I need to say it? Anyone who's not blind can see it. I heard that before this disaster happened, the higher-ups in the Skywatch Bureau already knew."

"They knew in advance? Isn't the Skywatch Bureau supposed to monitor the heavens? If they knew in advance, why didn't they stop it? Or could they only do as much as they did before?"

"Bang!" Liu Zongyuan clapped his hands in annoyance, "You think they didn't do anything? You think that grand setup in the capital was for show? Ah! Wasn't it ruined by those damn Taoist sects that deceive beings!"

(End of Chapter)

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