The other party's actions frightened Bai Lingmiao, causing her to take a step back and hide behind Li Huowang. "I-I'm married."

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Looking at the burly servants behind him, Li Huowang prepared himself for a fight, but the other party's reaction surprised him.

"Oh, I have disturbed the lady. Please forgive me." Upon hearing this, a hint of disappointment flashed in the young man's eyes. He politely bowed to Bai Lingmiao and walked away.

As he passed a group of beggars, he casually threw a handful of silver coins at them, then turned and bowed to another young girl.

Such frivolous behavior naturally did not receive a good response. However, despite being rejected, he remained unfazed and continued to greet other young girls.

Watching his figure disappear, Li Huowang thought for a moment before loudly reminding him, "The cat in your arms is fake. It's made up of three pieces of jade."

"Oh?!" The young man turned around in surprise, holding the jade cat in his hands. "Brother, you must be mistaken. The shopkeeper just said it's worth five thousand taels."

"It's a trick. You've been deceived. There are three vertical marks and two horizontal marks under the left foot of your jade cat."

"If your cat had those marks, anyone who touched it would know it's worth five thousand taels. But even if you sell it for two thousand taels, no one would want it."

"Oh?! Is that true?"

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When the young man saw the marks under his jade cat and walked towards the jewelry store in surprise, Li Huowang took Bai Lingmiao's hand and walked forward. "Let's go, there might be a fight soon."

After walking a distance, Bai Lingmiao looked at Li Huowang in astonishment. "Senior Li, how did you know the jade cat was fake without even looking at it?"

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Li Huowang didn't answer this question. In fact, the trick was the same. The Taoist sects that deceive beings also use this kind of trick.

As long as one of the Taoist sects leaves a mark on a person, even if they don't communicate with each other, when they encounter other Taoist sects, they will use the same trick based on the reminder of that mark.

If one person says this, they might be suspected of being a fraudster. But if every person you meet says the same lie, even the most determined person will waver and doubt themselves.

Just like before, those Taoist sects, even though they didn't have any contact with each other, all claimed to be Red. They used this trick.

But I didn't expect that by deceiving others, I actually became Red.

After this little incident, both of them didn't think much of it.

Later, Bai Lingmiao had a great time playing, and she even drank some alcohol.

They played until the lanterns on the street went out one by one. Li Huowang then carried the slightly drunk Bai Lingmiao on his back and headed home.

Bai Lingmiao tilted her head and squinted her eyes. Her slender fingers kept circling on Li Huowang's back.

"Senior Li, the Shangsi Festival is so much fun. I wish we could celebrate it every day."

"Yeah, let's celebrate the Shangsi Festival every day." Li Huowang went along with her drunken words.

As they walked, Li Huowang felt his back getting wet. He heard sobbing sounds coming from behind him.

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Gradually, the sobbing turned into crying. Bai Lingmiao seemed to want to cover her mouth with her hands, but her crying only grew louder.

In the end, with tears and snot covering her face, she cried like a child, burying her face in Li Huowang's back.

Bai Lingmiao used all her strength to pat Li Huowang's back frantically.


Although Li Huowang stayed up late with Bai Lingmiao last night, he woke up early in the morning.

Instead of leaving immediately, he took a deep breath and dug his finger into his left eye.

With a sudden force, he pulled out his left eye, blood dripping from it.

"When she wakes up, tell her that I went to find a solution for her eye." Li Huowang gasped for breath as he placed his eyeball in Twin Soul's hand.

Seeing the red hood shaking as Twin Soul nodded, Li Huowang gently hugged her, picked up two swords from the table, and left.

Getting up so early, some lanterns on the street were just being taken down. Many people were yawning, clearly having stayed out late last night.

Li Huowang bought a youtiao and a mazi as breakfast and walked towards the headquarters of the Monitoring Bureau while eating.

By the time he finished eating, he had arrived at his destination. Li Huowang wiped his oily hand on the stone lion and walked into the government office.

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The person on duty today was the Mo family member, Sima Lan, with a black bird perched on his shoulder. He was very surprised to see Li Huowang.

"Ergou, I never thought you were still alive. You haven't shown up for so long, I thought the Taoist sects had killed you." Sima Lan's black bird spoke to Li Huowang.

"Perhaps it wasn't my time to die. I've been given a second chance at life. Sima brother, I hope you've been well." Li Huowang bowed to him.

Having met a few times, Sima Lan from the Mo family and Li Huowang were considered acquaintances.

After a brief chat and cursing the Taoist sects, Li Huowang told him about the matter at hand.

He pointed to his left eye, which was now only a drooping eyelid. "Is there anything in the Bureau that can heal eyes?"

"Eyes?" Sima Lan thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Ergou, the Bureau's internal storage is so vast, I don't know if there is anything. You'll have to find it yourself. By the way, have you been to the internal storage before?"

Seeing Li Huowang shake his head, Sima Lan told him the location of the Monitoring Bureau's internal storage.

After wandering through the labyrinthine underground corridors for a while, Li Huowang finally found the so-called internal storage.

After verifying his identity with his waist token, Li Huowang entered.

As soon as he entered, Li Huowang felt like he had shrunk into a mouse and stumbled into a large pharmacy.

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The warehouse was so spacious that even speaking echoed. Rows of densely packed wooden cabinets were neatly arranged. These cabinets were extremely tall, reaching up to the ten-meter-high ceiling.The items inside these wooden squares were quite different. Some squares were sealed with talismans, while some wooden boxes were bound with chains.

It was clear that these boxes contained the heavenly and earthly treasures under the control of the Skywatch.

These were the very items that enticed outsiders to work for the Skywatch.

Not all items were placed in these small boxes. Some scattered items were categorized and placed on a long table.

There were all kinds of strange and unusual items, but Li Huowang couldn't discern their uses.

"Wait, isn't this mine?" Li Huowang reached out and picked up his copper coin mask from the table.

This item must have fallen into the hands of the Skywatch along with his head when he was pretending to be Red last time.

Although he now had the Heart Impurity Spindle that Zhuge Yuan gave him, Li Huowang would certainly not refuse an extra layer of protection.

Just as he was about to speak, a eunuch with a smiling face walked over from the side.

He was different from the eunuchs in the main hall. This eunuch in the inner treasury had no eyes. His eyes were completely replaced by two copper coins, which were sewn on forcibly.

(End of the chapter)

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