Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 486: The past

Seeing Lian Zhibei's injuries, Li Huowang spoke, "I'm sorry, something went wrong. It's my fault. Don't move, I'll heal your injuries and then compensate you with some Yang Shou Dan."

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Saying that, Li Huowang supported Lian Zhibei and sat him on the meditation chair, then turned around to get the "Fire Coat Scripture".

"No, no, I can't stand it." Lian Zhibei pinched a talisman and covered it on Li Huowang's sword hilt, slowly pulling out the long sword.

"We agreed before, since it's your fault, you should give me the jade pendant quickly. Let's settle our debts." Despite the pain, Lian Zhibei cared more about the Yang Shou Dan.

When Li Huowang handed her the jade pendant that could exchange for pure Yang Shou, despite the pain, Lian Zhibei smiled.

Without caring about anything else, she glanced at Bai Lingmiao, then covered her wound and walked out unsteadily.

Li Huowang looked up and saw someone standing in front of him. It was Bai Lingmiao, her expression filled with sadness as she looked at him.

Then, she silently walked to his side and gently hugged him.

Li Huowang looked up, trembling, and looked down, only to find a pair of blood-red embroidered shoes and a red headscarf stained with blood.

"Senior Brother Li, the immortal beings who were attached to me are gone. I'm sorry I told you too late." Bai Lingmiao, hugging Li Huowang, silently shed tears.

Late at night, Li Huowang lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.

He had achieved his goal. The immortal beings could no longer control Bai Lingmiao. This hidden danger was gone. But despite it being a good thing, he felt inexplicably uneasy.

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"Senior Brother Li, are you asleep?" Bai Lingmiao's voice sounded softly.

Li Huowang took a deep breath and sighed slowly.

"Senior Brother Li, I miss Twin Soul. No matter what painful things happened, she could always share some of the burden for me. She's just like my sister..."

"Did I do something wrong? But if I don't deal with the immortal beings, what will happen to Bai Lingmiao?"

Li Huowang kept thinking. If he had known earlier that getting rid of the immortal beings would make Twin Soul disappear, what would he have done?

But as it approached dawn, Li Huowang suddenly understood. There were rights and wrongs in major matters, such as when the Taoist sects stole the Ghost Eye of the Divine Mountain, causing disasters to befall the world. It was wrong, and it was right for the Celestial Court to send people to eliminate the Taoist sects for the sake of the world.

But in terms of emotions, it wasn't the same. There were only suitable choices here, not so much right or wrong.

"Cock-a-doodle-doo~" The rooster outside the window crowed. Li Huowang had not slept all night, and Bai Lingmiao beside him was the same.

He got up from the bed, put on his Taoist robe, and walked towards the hall. As soon as he walked out of the house, he saw Li Sui squatting in the center of the hall, staring at the courtyard outside where drizzling rain fell.


Li Huowang walked to his side and sat down, looking at the half-bloodied wild dog in front of him, and asked softly, "What are you doing here?"

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"Waiting for Mother. I caught this thing last night, and I've eaten half of it. The other half is for Mother." Li Sui's words pierced Li Huowang's heart with pain. He reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "Stop waiting, she's gone."

"I know, Mother said that Mother is gone. So I'm waiting for her to come back. Mother always liked to eat this." Li Sui nudged the bloody wild dog with his nose.

Li Huowang's lips trembled slightly, and he spoke again, "Didn't you see her disappear? She's gone!"

"I saw it, but Mother used to disappear and reappear. Father, don't worry, she will appear again soon."

Li Huowang didn't say anything more. He opened his arms and hugged Li Sui tightly, then stood up and walked back into the house.


High Zhijian, with steam rising from his body, was shirtless, wielding a giant halberd, flipping it up and down.

The muscles on his body were as tough as iron, red and full of strength.

As he swung the giant halberd horizontally, the row of militia holding wooden spears in front of him was blown away by the force of the wind, squinting their eyes and almost losing their balance.

When the heavy halberd slammed heavily on the ground, Gao Zhijian calmed down for a moment, and said to them, "Practice!"

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The dozen or so people looked at each other. One short person whispered to the person next to him, "How do we practice? Is this something humans can practice?"

"Just practice. Just practice. This guy is stubborn. Let's just treat it as training for lunch."

They began to swing the heavy wooden spears in their hands in pairs. These spears were just cut down, still containing moisture, heavy and heavy.After a short period of training, they could no longer lift the giant halberd in their hands. However, Gao Zhijian didn't care about this. If anyone dared to slack off, his calloused hands were not to be trifled with.

In the seemingly endless time for these village soldiers, they finally made it to noon. The call for lunch from the young Yang was like heavenly music to their ears.

When they arrived at the mess hall, they held the white steamed buns they had been dreaming of, shivering as they stuffed them into their mouths.

Although they could hardly hold their bowls steady, they didn't waste a single moment when it came to eating. They gobbled up their food like pigs, non-stop.

Meanwhile, in the Bai family's courtyard, the other disciples were also considering this issue.

"Brother Zhao Wu, it's time to buy grain. Brother Gao Zhijian said that we need at least a hundred village soldiers. If they all eat like this, no amount of stored grain will be enough."

"I know, but now is not the time to buy grain. The price of grain is high due to the natural disasters. We should wait until the autumn harvest when it's cheaper."

Young Yang muttered, "But we have to make it to the autumn harvest."

"Why don't we reduce the number of people? We all have so many people who can use divine powers, who would dare to provoke us?" Dog Wa, who was holding his bowl, suggested.

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"No!" Gao Zhijian shook his head vigorously, "Li Li... Brother Li said... said... said, we need... need..."

"Alright, alright, we get it. You don't have to say it, by the time you finish, it'll be time for dinner."

Gao Zhijian frowned and glared at Dog Wa who had made the comment, then continued to eat the food in front of him.

"Let's stop arguing, let's just do it this way for now. Brother Li left some gold, I'll pawn some of it for silver."

Hearing Chun Xiaoman say this, everyone continued eating, and the matter was settled for the time being.

However, one person noticed the worry on Chun Xiaoman's face. After finishing the meal, when Chun Xiaoman was about to go to the Bai family's ancestral hall, Gao Zhijian stopped her. "I... I have money. If... if... if... if the village... village... village is short of money in the future, come... come... come to me!"

"You have money? Where did you get the money?" Chun Xiaoman asked in surprise.

"I... I... from the past!"

"Were you a tycoon in the past?"

Gao Zhijian's face turned red, not knowing how to explain. He simply squatted on the ground and started drawing on the ground with his finger.

(End of the chapter)

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