Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 494: Sword

In a sparse forest, the sound of fighting continued. On one side were the followers of the Fa Jiao sect, with black cloth hanging from their shoulders, while on the other side were six people from the Jian Tian Si organization.

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From their identities, Li Huowang judged that this should be the Jian Tian Si clearing out the Fa Jiao sect that worships the Child God, and the Jian Tian Si clearly had the upper hand.

Even if he wasn't afraid of death, he couldn't make up for the absolute difference in strength.

As for why Li Huowang could judge that the other side was Jian Tian Si, it was because Hong Da, the person who brought him into the organization, was among them.

Looking at the river of blood in the distance, Li Huowang breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, as long as it had nothing to do with the Taoist sects that deceive beings, it was fine.

"Let's go, Jian Tian Si should be able to handle these miscellaneous people. I don't need to intervene."

Since knowing that Jian Tian Si was trying to stop the calamity from descending, Li Huowang's attitude towards them had improved a lot.

But just as Li Huowang took a half step forward, he suddenly saw a Taoist practitioner who was performing a ritual. The weapon in his hand was a bit unusual—it was a pen.

After carefully observing again, Li Huowang was surprised to find that it was Zhuge Yuan's Judge's Pen.

"Zhuge brother, look, isn't that your past weapon?" Bai Lingmiao suddenly heard Li Huowang muttering to himself.

"Indeed, after you died, everything on your body was kept by Jian Tian Si. By the way, Zhuge brother, where did your Judge's Pen come from?"

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"Is that so? That's amazing. If I had taken it back then, but at that time you had just died, I didn't have the mind to think about these things."

Although Bai Lingmiao knew that Li Huowang was probably talking to those invisible illusions, she couldn't help but find it strange.

Just as she was about to ask Li Huowang what he was talking about, she suddenly saw Li Shixiong's face become particularly ferocious, staring fiercely at someone in the distance.

Bai Lingmiao's "vision" followed, and soon she saw a woman with purple lips. She held a peculiar bone sword in her left hand.

As the bone sword moved up piece by piece, when Bai Lingmiao saw the handle of the sword, she couldn't help but let out a low exclamation. It was actually a human head. This bone sword was actually made from a human spine!

Moreover, the head seemed to have been specially refined. It had shrunk to the size of a fist, with all seven orifices sealed by black mud, and a purple talisman was stuck on its forehead.

Although the head had shrunk so much, Bai Lingmiao could still see that this person should have been handsome in appearance when alive.

"Kakaka." Hearing the sound, Bai Lingmiao turned to see that her senior brother was grinding his teeth in anger.

"They... they actually turned Zhuge Yuan's body into a weapon!" Faced with such desecration of his good friend's corpse, Li Huowang's anger couldn't be stopped.

"What's so angry about? Isn't this normal? With your precious heart, even a whole heart pan thrown on the ground, do you think Jian Tian Si would let it go?" The illusion of the Taoist sects that deceive beings sat on Peng Longteng's shoulder, teasing with a mischievous look.

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Compared to Li Huowang's anger, Zhuge Yuan's face appeared very open-minded. "I don't care about material things, I am free in my heart. That is just a stinky skin, Li Xiong, let's go."

"No!" Li Huowang said without hesitation. If he couldn't touch it, he could pretend not to see it, but since he had encountered it, he couldn't just do nothing.

Zhuge Yuan had lost his life for him. Could he just let his body be used by others at will?

Although he had already decided to take back this sword, Li Huowang did not act rashly, but stayed in place silently observing the woman's methods and strength.

Seeing Hong Da's attitude towards the woman, Li Huowang judged that she should be the new memory keeper.

As for which sect she belonged to, Li Huowang couldn't tell from her simple purple dress for the time being.

And especially the Zhuge Yuan's spinal sword in her hand, Li Huowang was even more wary. After all, it was a weapon made from a heart pan.

"Zhuge brother, do you know what kind of weapon can be made from a heart pan? Is there any way to counter it?"

"Naturally, I don't know. I am a heart pan. How could I pay attention to how to refine myself? Li Xiong, let's go. There's no need to get involved in unnecessary trouble for me."

Even though Zhuge Yuan tried to persuade him, Li Huowang had made up his mind. His eyes were fixed on the woman with purple lips.

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Just then, the woman suddenly raised the bone marrow sword in her hand and lightly slashed it towards the followers of the Fa Jiao sect in the distance. The bodies of the followers from the shoulders down and the waist up instantly disappeared.

Their screams turned into two halves, and they fell to the ground, blood spraying from the gap.

"Taoist, let's forget about it. She's so powerful, you might not be able to fight her." The monk expressed his concern to Li Huowang.

However, Li Huowang didn't think so. The determination in his eyes became even stronger."Brother Li, it's so strange. After that person slashed with the bone sword, I could actually see a seam appearing where she had cut, and there were fields and mountains inside the seam."

"There are fields and mountains inside the seam?"

"Brother Li, I understand now. The other side of the seam is Da Qi."

Upon hearing Zhuge Yuan's words, Li Huowang's heart tightened, and he immediately understood what was going on. It turned out that this woman had opened a rift to Da Qi with her sword.

Once the rift closed, it was like a pair of scissors cutting those followers of the Law Sect into three sections, two for Da Liang and one for Da Qi. Rather than calling it a sword, it was more like a key to the history of Da Qi.

Seeing the followers of the Law Sect retreating one after another, and they were about to be unable to resist, Li Huowang, who had figured out the ability of the bone marrow sword, decided he could not wait any longer!

With these people from the Law Sect around, they could still distract the attention of other Sky Watchers. If the Law Sect was completely wiped out, he would have to face this group of Sky Watchers alone.

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"You two go back and wait for me! Gather in the valley from the day before yesterday!" After Li Huowang whispered to Miao Miao and Li Sui, he took off his red Taoist robe and threw it to them, cut the colored phantom to the ground, and slowly approached the woman while invisible.

When he was close enough, Li Huowang took off the copper coin mask on his face, his face writhed and turned into a strange face.

Then he flipped his hand, a black cloth appeared in his palm, and hung it on his arm. At this time, Li Huowang was completely dressed as a follower of the Law Sect.

Watching them continuously slaughtering the men, women, old and young of the Law Sect, Li Huowang silently waited for the best opportunity.

When Li Huowang saw a black jade dagger stretching out from the woman's shadow towards her back, he pushed his feet hard on the ground and pounced at her like a fierce tiger.

Just as Li Huowang was about to pounce in front of the woman, cold light suddenly shot out from all directions, and a ragged robe hung with various old and new knives spun towards Li Huowang.

(End of the chapter)

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