Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 497: Yang Na

"He's a complete lunatic!" Yang Na's father stared at Li Huowang, who was hysterical in the distance, his disgust deepening. It was because of him that his daughter had become like this.

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Immediately, he reached out and grabbed Yang Na's thin arm, preparing to forcefully pull her back the way they came.

Watching the two of them walk further and further away, Li Huowang, with bloodshot eyes, stumbled and fell onto the wire mesh. "They'll turn back! Yes, they will! They'll turn back soon!"

Li Huowang's eyes widened, staring fixedly at the backs of the two people, exerting all his strength to control the imperceptible innate qi within his body!

"Turn back! Turn back! Please turn back!" As Li Huowang's face pressed forward, the intersecting wire mesh distorted his grotesque face into diamond-shaped pieces.

When Li Huowang saw Yang Na struggling to break free from her father's grip and running towards him with tears streaming down her face, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Hahaha! It worked! I can cultivate in this world!"

Seeing Yang Na in front of him, crying, Li Huowang had never been so happy in his heart. His plan had succeeded!

He reached out and held her thin hand, his voice trembling as he said, "Yang Na, wait for me! Give me three years! No, two years! Just give me two more years! Everything will return to the beautiful time when we were in school together!"

Yang Na vigorously shook her head, her dark hair sticking to her tear-stained cheeks.

Suddenly, she felt her lower body become light. It turned out that her father was carrying her on his shoulder, preparing to pull her away from the wire mesh.

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"How long will you continue to be stubborn! Can't you see that he's completely insane? If you can't forget about him, how can your illness possibly get better? Your life will be ruined by this guy!"

No matter how he pulled, their hands remained tightly clasped together.

With tears streaming down her face, Yang Na exerted all her strength, leaning her head over and kissing Li Huowang's cracked lips through the cold wire mesh.

Feeling the softness of her lips, Li Huowang felt as if he had returned to that twilight evening on the rooftop in that instant.

How he wished he didn't have to think about anything else and could stay in this moment forever.

But it was destined to be impossible. When Li Huowang saw Yang Na's thin waist almost breaking from the pulling, his heart suddenly ached, and he quickly released their tightly held hands.

"Nana! Go back and be well. Two years! After two years, I will come find you!" Li Huowang shouted loudly towards her.

And Yang Na, who was clinging to her father's back, finally burst into tears, her voice tearing at the heart.

After Yang Na disappeared from his sight again, Li Huowang slowly stopped shouting.

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Staring blankly for a long time, he took a deep breath and stood up, supporting himself with the wire mesh in front of him.

Just as he turned around to pick up the broom on the ground, he saw Sun Xiaoqin standing there with a doctor and three nurses. It seemed like they had witnessed everything that had happened before.

"Five people?" Li Huowang instantly became alert and immediately performed a somersault, holding the broom on the ground with both hands, assuming a starting posture for swordplay. "Don't come any closer! If anyone takes another step forward, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Sun Xiaoqin, with a pained expression on her face, was about to speak but was stopped by the young doctor. He pulled Sun Xiaoqin aside and whispered a few words to her before returning.

"Li Huowang, don't worry, we won't come near you. Can you tell me why you are so concerned about five people? Is four not enough?" As the young doctor waved his hand lightly, the three nurses and Sun Xiaoqin gradually retreated into the nearby building.

"Did you encounter danger over there? Were there exactly five people trying to harm you? You're not the only one with these symptoms."

Li Huowang, with a sword in his hand, stared at the doctor's frameless glasses. "Doctor, I just want to stay quiet for a while, without doing anything, just for a while."

"Of course, that's naturally possible. Look, I haven't done anything to you, have I? Are you waiting to return to that world over there? It's okay as long as you don't have a stress reaction. You can do whatever you want."

After calming Li Huowang's emotions, the doctor took off his white coat, held it with one hand, and then, as if taking off a hat, lifted his wig from the top of his head, shook it, and put it back on.

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"Li Huowang, since I've met your request, can you help me with a favor? Actually, I don't want to bother with you, but I have no choice. I have to submit this report, and if you don't give me a reaction, I'll have to make things up every day, and it's making my head lose hair every day."

When Li Huowang didn't speak, the doctor pushed the frame of his glasses in front of his nose with his index finger. "Still not saying anything? If you don't help me, then I won't help you either. I'll go gather five people and bring you back."

"Wait!" Li Huowang furrowed his brows and looked at the doctor in front of him. He pondered over what had happened on the other side that had twisted into this situation here. Was this doctor one of the five people?

"No matter what, I need to stabilize this doctor first. As long as I can maintain stability until I wake up, then I'll be safe."

After thinking for a moment, Li Huowang spoke to the doctor in front of him, "What do you want to ask?"

"It's nothing, I'm just a little confused. Seeing how you were separated from that girl as if it was a matter of life and death, do you really take this side seriously or do you consider it fake?"

A trace of confusion appeared in Li Huowang's eyes. "Fake. No, it's real! It must be real!"

The doctor nodded and approached Li Huowang slightly. "Let's put aside the part that's real for now. Let's discuss why you think this side is fake."

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Hearing this, Li Huowang vigorously shook his head. "No! This is real! Everything here is real!"

"I know you want to recover, but forcing yourself to believe won't work. Let me think, is it because there are too many coincidences? Every time you wake up, something always happens? Like Yang Na's appearance just now?"

Upon hearing this, Li Huowang's mind instantly became calm, and he stared calmly at the doctor in front of him. "Have you read my past medical records? I only told that to my previous doctor.""Who you've spoken to doesn't matter, what I want you to understand is that this is not a coincidence. Even though you've been trapped in illusions for a long time, it doesn't mean that you know nothing about what's happening here."

"What do you mean?" Li Huowang furrowed his brows.

Seeing Li Huowang listening to him, the doctor continued, "Li Huowang, when you're lost in illusions, your subconscious is actually constantly receiving information from your surroundings. When you perceive information that matters to you, your subconscious will call your true self to wake up."

"Do you understand now? All the coincidences that happen every time you wake up are not just happenstance. They are the result of your inner desire for these coincidences, which is why your true self wakes up."

"I even conducted a small experiment for this. I deliberately had your girlfriend call you when your mother was feeding you, informing her that she was coming over. Their conversation, this piece of information, was received by your subconscious. Yang Na was coming, and your inner self yearned to see her."

(End of Chapter)

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