Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 6: The value

Yang Na looked a little flustered when she saw Li Huowang's move. "What are you doing? The nurses can hear us talking here."

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As soon as she finished speaking, the nurses' laughter came from the loudspeaker at the head of the bed. "Hoho, don't worry, we can't hear anything. Little Li brother, you have to work hard!"

"Sisters, can you stop being so nosy? Focus your attention on the intensive care unit."

After Li Huowang finished shouting at the head of the bed, he pulled Yang Na to the other corner of the room.

He took out the jade pendant from his pocket and stuffed it into her hand, then leaned over to whisper in her ear. Yang Na's eyes widened as he spoke.

"This is impossible, this..." He didn't finish his sentence. Li Huowang covered her mouth with his hand.

Their eyes met, and Li Huowang stared at Yang Na with a strong desire.

"Help me, what I'm saying is true. Even my parents don't trust me, they all think I'm crazy. You're the only one I can trust in the world, I'm not crazy!"

After looking at Li Huowang for a few seconds, Yang Na finally nodded, and when she left, her eyes were red and she looked back three times, seeming very worried about Li Huowang's mental state.

Li Huowang watched her leave with mixed emotions. He didn't care what others thought of him, but Yang Na was different.

"Na Na, trust me once, just once!"

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The waiting time was always long, and Li Huowang paced nervously back and forth in the room.

During this time, he had another hallucination, but Li Huowang came back as quickly as possible. According to the doctor, this was not good, but he was afraid of missing Yang Na.

One day, two days, three days passed, and Li Huowang became more and more anxious.

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"Little Li, your girlfriend is here to see you!" When he heard the nurse's announcement, Li Huowang jumped out of bed and ran towards the courtyard.

In the garden of the hospital, Li Huowang met Yang Na. They hugged each other excitedly.

Yang Na suppressed her voice and shouted in his ear, "Huowang, it's true, the jade pendant is real!"

"I'm not sick!! Hahaha!! I'm not sick!!" Li Huowang hugged the girl's slender waist excitedly and spun in the air.

After being excited for a long time, the two finally calmed down.

"I asked for your help, did it affect your life and studies?" Li Huowang asked Yang Na, who was sitting next to the flower bed, with concern.

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Yang Na didn't answer directly, but changed the subject. She held out four slender fingers with white onion roots. "Do you know how much that jade pendant is worth? This number!"


"Four hundred thousand! And I think he definitely underreported it. If we ask a few more places, it will definitely be higher."

"Four hundred thousand...four hundred thousand..." Li Huowang laughed foolishly. Not only could it offset his treatment costs over the years, but he could also save some money. More importantly, this was just the beginning.

"Yang Na, are you ready to be a little rich woman?"Li Huowang's teasing made Yang Na's cheeks turn slightly red. "Stop being sarcastic. This is too strange. Are you sure it won't harm your body?"

"It's fine. What could happen to me? It's all good. If that's the case, my treatment time will probably have to be delayed. This is valuable, I can't be cured so quickly."

Hearing this, Yang Na became nervous and worried. She said to Li Huowang, "Huowang, this is different. I don't want money. Your treatment must not stop, and you can't stop taking your medicine. Promise me, otherwise I won't help you again."

Li Huowang thought of many reasons to refute her, but looking at her concerned and worried eyes, a warm feeling surged in his heart. "Okay, I promise you."

Yang Na smiled and gently patted his head. "That's a good boy, little brother."

Just as the two were discussing how to turn the jade pendant into cash, several middle-aged men with big builds hurriedly walked by with riot forks.

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"What happened to Master Zhao? Is something wrong?" Li Huowang asked one of the familiar people in confusion.

"Don't ask so much. Little Li, you hurry back to the ward. Also, if you run into Old Liu, report it immediately. That guy must have secretly spit out his medicine again." The person said hurriedly and turned to rush towards the stairs.

"Isn't the severe ward surrounded by two layers of iron fences? How could Old Liu with his small physique escape?" Li Huowang looked over in confusion.

When he couldn't distinguish between reality and illusion, he had lived there for a while. It was not a good memory.

Seeing that other patients were being taken back to their wards by nurses, Li Huowang turned his head and said to Yang Na, "It's a bit chaotic here. You go back first. Call the hospital tonight, and we'll contact each other by phone."

"Okay, you take care here. Also, remember what you promised me just now." After Yang Na finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the hospital gate in the distance.

"Four hundred thousand..." Li Huowang muttered. When he realized that the jade pendant was really worth so much money, he began to have many new ideas.

What did it matter whether it was an illusion or reality? That thing over there was worth so much money.

Just as he had taken a few steps, a familiar scream came from behind. Li Huowang turned around and saw a bald, skinny old man tackling Yang Na to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Li Huowang's blood boiled. He gritted his teeth and rushed over. "Old Liu! That's my girlfriend, let her go!!"

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"Whoosh..." A howling sound suddenly rang out, and a hexagonal tile flew up and directly hit Li Huowang's head.

He fell heavily to the ground, and his vision was gradually covered by redness. His head was broken.

In the red vision, Li Huowang saw a pair of bloated feet bound by patient clothes walking past him towards Yang Na, who was struggling and screaming.Listening to the heavy footsteps gradually approaching Yang Na, Li Huowang's mind buzzed with only one thought: he couldn't let them hurt Yang Na!!

He trembled as he took out a pill given by his master from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth, mixed with his own flowing blood.

In an instant, an extremely hot and warm current rushed into Li Huowang's limbs from his stomach, and he instantly felt full of strength. His dizzy head became extremely clear.

"Bang!" A punch was swung, heavily smashing the fat chin, and instantly the yellow teeth in the mouth loosened and flew out, leaving only a few in a while.

Li Huowang, covered in blood, ignored the fat man who fell to the ground and walked to Lao Liumao's front, kicking his thin chest with one foot.

"Crack, crack." The sound of bones breaking constantly sounded, and Lao Liumao, who was spitting blood, flew out like a noodle.

Looking at Yang Na on the ground, crying and holding her broken sweater, Li Huowang bit his teeth tightly, even bleeding from his gums.

His bloodshot eyes stared dead at the two people lying on the ground beside him, and he pounced on them like a cheetah with one foot heavily stomping on the cement floor.

"Huowang!! Stop!! What are you doing?!"

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