Sitting on the hospital bed, Li Huowang recalled everything that had just happened.

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He never expected that the thing on Làyuè Shíbā was stranger than anything he had encountered before; it could fundamentally alter one's cognition and silently replace a person's identity.

And it could also transfer various identities of other people onto that person.

When his own identity changed into an old man's, if he had truly believed that he had died, he would probably have died for real.

In that situation, even Danyang Zi might not have been able to trigger him.

However, it did not expect that Li Huowang was mentally ill, and changing the cognition of a madman was not easy.

The hallucinations that he had been deliberately avoiding before had become the key to breaking free from its control.

Although Làyuè Shíbā was powerful, it could only modify one cognition, but Li Huowang, as a heart element, had rare dual cognition.

Watching the patients who were basking in the sun outside, Li Huowang did not immediately take action, but began to silently plan in his mind.

"I can't just wait like this now. Maybe after the hallucination subsides, Làyuè Shíbā will likely modify my cognition again. I must influence the other side by acting in the hallucination."

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Fortunately, Li Huowang did not have no other cards in his hand. After the previous two incidents, he had already understood that what happened in the hallucination would also happen in reality, and he also had some understanding of Làyuè Shíbā.

Li Huowang firmly remembered the path he had just walked, and now he needed to go back to the Wu family's courtyard, remind others that the Li Huowang there was an impostor!

From beginning to end, Làyuè Shíbā only dared to act in a covert manner and did not even dare to show its face. That meant its ability to confront head-on was definitely not good.

As long as its tricks did not work, it was probably not even as good as the previous little-footed woman, and even Yóu Lǎoyé could easily deal with them.

After figuring out the countermeasures, Li Huowang was about to sit up, but he found that both of his hands were tied to the bed.

However, this did not bind Li Huowang. He was already very familiar with everything in the hallucination. Li Huowang turned his head to the microphone on the bedside and pretended to shout like before, "Which beautiful sister is on duty today? Can you please loosen my restraints? I need to pee."

After a while, a fat nurse rushed in excitedly and untied Li Huowang.

"My good boy!! Little Li, you finally woke up?! Why did it take so long this time? I was really scared. I thought you would never wake up again!"

(Note: The names in the original text are already in pinyin, so there is no need to provide name correspondences)"Wait a minute, I'll go and inform Yang Na to come over. Your girlfriend will definitely be thrilled to know that you've recovered. You don't know how many times she's cried during this period."

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The nurse's words did not stir up any waves in Li Huowang's calm heart. No matter how beautiful it was here, what was fake was fake.

Mrs. Master Jingxin always said that her heart was full of confusion, but Li Huowang didn't think so. He had already seen through everything and would never consider everything here as real.

While the nurse turned around to go and inform the doctor, Li Huowang quickly turned over and got out of bed, following the route in his mind to escape.

He was already very familiar with this hospital.

Soon, he arrived at the hospital entrance and quickly climbed over the fence on all fours. Ignoring the shouts and whistles of the security guards behind him, he ran towards the road.

"It's all an illusion!"

Li Huowang didn't have time to pay attention to these illusions now. Bai Lingmiao and the others were still under the control of the evil spirits on the 18th day of the twelfth lunar month and were in danger at any time.

When he arrived on the road, Li Huowang's blue and white striped hospital gown attracted the attention of others, and many people even raised their phones.

"Hey, what's wrong with this guy? Why did he come out barefoot? Isn't he cold?"

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"Look, there's a hospital name on his clothes. Oh my god, he's from a mental hospital! Should we call the police?"

"Is it real or fake? Could it be a web celebrity? Those guys will do anything for fame."

"It's fake, it's all fake. You guys already fooled me once, I won't be fooled a second time!" Li Huowang shouted in his heart, biting his lip until it bled.

After twisting and turning on the road, Li Huowang arrived at the Wu family's mansion in his memory. But in this illusion, he was standing in the middle of the road.

Although cars were constantly passing by, Li Huowang was not afraid at all because he knew that it was all fake and the cars couldn't hit him.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from "pawread dot com".

Li Huowang shouted loudly at the endless stream of cars in front of him, "Bai Lingmiao! Quickly pick up my bell! Ring it! Summon Old Master You! The Li Huowang next to you is a fake! Let Old Master You attack him!"

"Honk honk honk beep beep beep!!" Because of Li Huowang's "contribution," the road was congested.

All the cars honked their horns, but Li Huowang laughed. It was obvious that Bai Lingmiao had followed his instructions. These honks were the distorted result of the bell sound in the illusion.At this moment, the owner of a red sports car stuck his head out of the window and shouted arrogantly, "You crazy person! You want to die! Get lost! Watch me beat you up!!"

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Li Huowang, who was in an excited state, quickly turned his head and stared straight at the big red sports car. He felt a gaze shooting at him from the car.

He walked over, grinned again, revealing his white teeth, and said to the red sports car, "Oh, so you are a physical entity in my hallucination, huh? Làyuè shíbā! I've found you!"

Làyuè shíbā, who had not appeared in Wujiacun, unexpectedly appeared in front of Li Huowang in this form, which was a pleasant surprise.

Li Huowang continued to shout to his unseen senior brothers and sisters, "Everyone, look at me! No matter what is in front of me, attack it with all your strength! This thing is Làyuè shíbā!"

At this moment, the owner of the sports car also noticed the red letters of the psychiatric hospital on Li Huowang's left chest.

He was suddenly frightened and no longer had the arrogance he had just now. He hurriedly got into the car and closed the window, trembling as he picked up his phone.

"Hello! 110? Come quickly! There's a crazy person running around in the Walmart's big carousel! Yes, the one next to the Walmart, hurry!"

When Li Huowang was about to step forward and hit the engine hood of the red sports car, he suddenly stopped.

As everyone watched him, he suddenly turned his head and looked at a red electric bike in the distance. The gaze of the sports car had already shifted to it.

Oh no! Làyuè shíbā saw that it had been discovered and was ready to run away!

"You want to run? Not that easy! Everyone, follow me! That thing must be injured! It's getting smaller!" Li Huowang lifted his foot and chased after the red electric bike.

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