After saying these words from the heart, Dr. Li smiled and gently rubbed Li Huowang's head, then put on his glasses and walked towards the door of the ward. Just as he was about to leave the ward, he suddenly stopped.

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"Oh, by the way, Xiao Li, didn't you just say that you thought this world was fake because you could bring things from that world to this one? Have you ever tried to send things from this side to that side? Maybe you'll get a different result."

After saying these last words, Dr. Li left.

Li Huowang, who heard this, stood still, subconsciously thinking about this sentence. "If I really can bring things from that side to this side, then which side is real?"

"Should I try it? What if it really works?"

"No, I can't have any interaction with these illusions anymore! It will only make me sink deeper and deeper!!"

"Just give it a try, what are you afraid of?"

Unconsciously, Li Huowang fell into confusion again, his face showing extreme pain.

As he struggled with this issue, Li Huowang felt the white walls around him and the machine next to him making a beeping sound were quickly fading away. In no time, the bright energy-saving lamp quickly turned into a dim oil lamp.

When Li Huowang found himself lying on an old-fashioned wooden bed, looking at the dusty beams above his head, he immediately realized that he had come back.

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After staring blankly for a while, Li Huowang quickly pulled up his blanket.

Then he was surprised to find that his abdomen, which he had cut open, was wrapped in clean white gauze, and when he pressed it with his hand, he found that it only hurt slightly.

It must be noted that when he had done it before, all the intestines in his abdomen had fallen out!

"The intestines were rotten like that, but they could still recover?" Li Huowang couldn't help but feel shocked.

When he had done it, he had performed the ritual on the bamboo slips with a desperate heart, but he had actually survived.

"Could it be..." Li Huowang's mind involuntarily recalled the clean and tidy intensive care unit he had just seen in his hallucination, as well as the beeping machines and the two hanging IV bags.

Li Huowang wanted to avoid it, but he knew in his heart that he had started to become suspicious again, and he couldn't get rid of it.

"Senior Li! You're awake!" Bai Lingmiao, holding a bowl of chicken soup, ran over excitedly.

"Where are we?" Seeing Bai Lingmiao, Li Huowang quickly pushed his doubts to the deepest part of his heart.

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"Wujiacun." Bai Lingmiao carefully put the chicken soup on the table and began to check Li Huowang's wound by reaching into the blanket."How did my wound heal? Why am I not dead?" Li Huowang asked directly, his previous suspicions now uncontrollably stirring within him.

"Senior Li, what are you talking about? Why would you die? We found you in the bamboo forest and gave you some pills that you made. They must have healed you," Bai Lingmiao said, her head bowed low, almost touching the blanket. She dared not look Li Huowang in the eye.

Li Huowang knew very well that the pills he made were just ordinary ones, not some miraculous elixir. How could they have healed such a severe injury?

"Is your world really that rational?" Dr. Li's words from earlier echoed in Li Huowang's mind.

A terrible thought occupied Li Huowang's heart. "Is this side fake?"

Suddenly, Li Huowang felt extreme panic, but he didn't know what he was panicking about.

The next moment, Li Huowang held Bai Lingmiao's cheeks tightly in his hands, pulling her close to his face, his expression gradually becoming more and more anxious.

"What the hell is going on? Tell me! What are you hiding from me, or are you fake too?"

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Two clear tears rolled down Bai Lingmiao's cheeks. She was terrified by the ferocious Li Huowang in front of her.

The tearful girl's silence made Li Huowang's heart ache. He opened his arms and hugged Bai Lingmiao tightly, suppressing his own pain as he murmured to himself.

"Lingmiao, please don't hide anything from me. These things are really important to me. Please, tell me how my wound healed."

The dimly lit room fell silent for a long time, until finally Bai Lingmiao said softly, "Senior Li, I actually became a disciple of the Ma family. I asked the Ma family's elder to come and heal you. She took the last remaining Yangshou Dan from your gourd."

Li Huowang's pupils shrank instantly, as various scenes flashed through his mind. The previously seriously ill Bai Lingmiao and the drum skin she deliberately took away - all of this had already been foreshadowed, but he had never thought about it before.

Bai Lingmiao shrank out of Li Huowang's embrace, looking at him timidly. "Senior Li, I really didn't mean to deceive you. Please don't blame me."

At this moment, Li Huowang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and burst into laughter. "It's okay, it's okay, as long as it's real, it's okay, as long as it's real."

"What is real?" Bai Lingmiao clearly did not understand what was going on."It's nothing. Bring the chicken soup over. I'm a bit hungry," Li Huowang changed the topic. At this moment, he felt much more relaxed. No matter what Dr. Li said, this side was real, and that side must be fake.

After eating the Black Tai Sui, everything on that side froze. This was also favorable evidence. He had already fallen into an illusion and couldn't fall into it again.

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Li Huowang picked up the delicious chicken soup and drank it greedily. His stomach told him that his body urgently needed nutrients.

After a while, he finished the bowl of chicken soup and handed it to her, asking her to refill it.

"By the way, I was crazy just now. How did you feed me this chicken soup?" Li Huowang asked.

But Bai Lingmiao didn't answer. Her face turned red, and she ran outside with the bowl.

"How else can you feed it? Of course, with your mouth. I said you could only be force-fed with a spoon, but Bai Shimei felt sorry for you," Xiao Man, who walked in, answered Li Huowang's question.

Xiao Man walked to Li Huowang's bedside and looked at him with a complicated expression. "Li Shixiong, Bai Shimei really gave everything for you. You have to treat her well."

"Ahem," Li Huowang felt a bit embarrassed. He didn't want to discuss this with the other party. "After that incident, did the people in Wujiacun let us stay here?"

Hearing this, Xiao Man's face showed a hint of difficulty. Finally, he said, "They all left."

"Left? Where did they go?" Li Huowang was puzzled. Wasn't this their village?

"I don't know. Since the trees around the village started blooming and withering, everyone in Wujiacun seemed to have changed. No one recognized anyone, not even the six sons of Wu Village Chief. It's like they didn't even have the surname Wu and were not brothers."

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