Chapter 24: To the battlefield (Part 2)

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After returning to the tent with the map, Wu Ling Feng did not fall asleep immediately. Instead, he lit an oil lamp and looked at the map. Although he said that he was getting cold feet, it was always good to know something.

Unexpected crossing to another world, unexpected possession of the system inside his body, and unexpected into what the princess’s guardian knight, suddenly to command a force of ten thousand people, was given such a mission to Wu ling feng, and he has begun to change himself at this time.

He is no longer the carefree senior high school student who is waiting to die, but a magician and an adult who has high hopes, Imperial Baron and the guardian knight of Princess Charlotte. These aura may not be clear to Wu Ling Feng, but now he must assume the obligations under these aura.

Looking at the map, although Wu Ling Feng did not understand the meaning of different languages, he still clearly understood the markings of rivers, mountains and forests. Although they are different, the map style is similar to that of the earth.

The yellow line is an advanced route. There are three cities in total. Although I don’t know what their names are, there are several rivers around the first city. This is an obstacle. The enemy will definitely fortify here. The rivers have become the natural defense line.

Wu Ling Feng remembered the method of water attack in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but how to use it is a problem. No one knows how to break the city, but what about the specifics?

Another thing to consider is that Wu Ling Feng, who has studied the Three Kingdoms during his education, compulsory reference for history BTW, knows that it is the so-called hay first, and the number of supplies is a big problem. If the first city is located in a plain area, there is no problem with the supply lines, but what if the supplies are not delivered in time?

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As a general, Wu Ling Feng is not very competent, but he has three absolutes. First, he will never die and strive to stay alive. Second, he will never be hungry and will always be full. The last thing he cannot do, he will try to do.

This is Wu Lingfeng’s way of life. No matter whether he wins or loses, as long as he can do everything he can, then he can achieve victory. In order to defeat Helena, he had to fight against magic beasts in the forest for several days. In the end, he won, he grew up, rose to level 5, and got a peach wand. This is success and what can be done must be done absolutely.

Winnie looked at Wu Ling Feng seriously and felt very warm. She knelt down on him and gently massaged him with her small hand on his shoulder. To be honest, she admired Wu Ling Feng very much. In ordinary times, he could talk and smile with you. At the key moment, he was a real man and his serious face made you unable to look away.

Wu Ling Feng felt the tenderness on his shoulder and a slight warmth wormed in his heart. Ha ha, although he was afraid of trouble, he was already in the middle of the game, so he had to work hard for himself, for others, or just to simply protect Winnie’s smile.

It was not until midnight that Wu Ling Feng fell asleep on the table. Winnie covered him with a quilt.

” Master Ling Feng, is he there?”

This time there was a crisp sound outside the tent.

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Winnie tucked Wu Ling Feng up and hurried out. Seeing Helena, she whispered, ” He just fell asleep as he studied the map for half an evening. Is there anything wrong with Miss Helena?”

Helena handed Winnie a light blue robe in her hand and said: ” This is from Her Royal Highness. As the commander of Chengren, he must look a bit like that. The cloth on Master Ling Feng is too poor and should be changed. However, to my surprise, he is studying maps and looks a bit reliable.”

Winnie took over the robe, nodded and said: ” Although some words should not be said by me, Onii-chan is really a very responsible person. He is studying the map very carefully. I believe he will protect your highness.”

” Onii-chan?” Helena said doubtfully.

Winnie blushed a little and said, ” This is what he asked me to call him, saying it is a more intimate title.”

Helena pouted, sighed, and said: ” In fact, it is of little use even if Master Ling Feng really works hard. After all, big princess is too strong. His Majesty the King is already dying. I have already prepared for the worst and flee to the chaotic country in the south with Her Royal Highness.”

” It’s all right. Onii-chan is very good, and he always keeps his word. No matter what happens, he will protect your highness.” Winnie comforted.

” Well, I can only trust you for the time being. You should also rest soon. You have to leave early in the morning.” Helena said.

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” Okay, please be careful …” Winnie nodded and watched Helena go far and enter the tent.


The next day, Wu Lingfeng changed into the robe sent by Helena yesterday. It was much better than the original cloth. The peach wand was suspended behind him, making him look like ‘legit’ powerful wizard.

Outside the camp, there are already many soldiers standing in front of him in rows, the front is equipped with black knight, followed by bowmen, and then the last is the infantry carrying swords and shields.

Princess Charlotte was sitting in a carriage with a pink device, a Gothic – style carriage, and two black-horned white horses pulling the carriage. They were much taller and grander than the average horse. The right eye of Wu Ling Feng showed its stats:

Single-horned horse, level 10, ordinary magic beast. It seems that magic beasts can also be tamed.

[I was supposed to use unicorn here but upon seeing the ordinary magic beast description I held back.]

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At this time Helena took a single-horned horse in her hand and walked to Wu Ling Feng. She handed him the reins in her hand and said, ” This is your mount. According to your wishes, I had one driven out overnight.”

Wu Ling Feng nodded and looked at the saddle and stirrup so that he wouldn’t fall off the horse.

Riding on a one-horned horse, it seems that as a magic beast, it can feel the magic fluctuation of Wu Ling Feng. It raised its head meekly. They seem like to be close to wizards.

Wu Ling Feng touched the mane of the one-horned horse gently, then looked at the 10,000 soldiers in front of him and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He said, ” Before marching, I want to say a few words. My name is Wu Ling Feng. As you can see, I am a magician and a guardian knight. Under my leadership, you will conquer everything in front of you for your highness and block all enemies who dare to invade for your highness.

Perhaps you will think that what I said is a bit grandiose, and I think so too. I ask myself that I am not capable of leading you well, but this is definitely not an excuse. I knew I could not do well without doing it. Is this denying myself? No!

Before, I was just like you as an ordinary soldier. By chance I learned magic and became a wizard. So before, I was just like you, living a indifferent life. Anyway, life is like this. It’s ok to be confused for a lifetime and then die. But is this our life?

No! No, we are men, we want to make contributions, we want to create honor, when we set foot on the battlefield, we are not fighting for this country, not for your highness, but for ourselves!

My brave men, please believe me. Starting today, we will embark on a road of honor. If you believe in the power of magicians, please believe me. I will give you the glory you deserve and set off now. ”

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