Chapter 006     Wen Ni

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Translated by Yorasu, edited by Kai


Soon, all the foe’s soldiers were beheaded. Together with his subordinates, Captain Ma Ke gathered the dead bodies of his team and buried them in a hole dug at the hillside. Then, a nameless wooden plaque was placed on top of the soil that covered the hole. After all, in a war, how could there be no lives lost? Although they were victorious against the enemy’s surprise attack, Ma Ke lost nearly half of his soldiers.


However, after a moment of silence for the dead, they soon celebrated in happiness as being able to survive the war was a miracle itself. It was an extremely difficult battle for them as opponent had a silver knight plus overwhelmed them in numbers.


Of course victory was all because of the presence of Wu Lingfeng. His magic had definitely saved the defence post and most of the people there. Everyone expressed their gratitude to Wu Lingfeng and they no longer looked down upon him. Titles such as “Lingfeng the little kid” could no longer been heard. Instead, he had a new title, “Master magician.”


Together with everyone, Wu Lingfeng started to celebrate and party. He had now become the pride of the soldiers. After all, in Light Empire, no, it should be in this mainland, he was the only one who who had risen from a little soldier all the way up to be a magician.


In this world, only those who had noble blood lineage could be a magician. All of the nobles had magician’s blood flowing in their body. This blood was inherited from their ancestors.


Ordinary people could only train hard to become swordsmen, knights or thiefs in order to seek a higher status. Yet no matter how extreme their training, they will never be a noble. This world was really too cruel. The nobles were destined to be magicians and those swordmen, knights and thieves could only follow the nobles in order to gain higher authorities.

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This meant that from this moment onwards, Wu Lingfeng had a status of a nobleman. Soon, the representative of the kingdom would come and find him. After all, magicians were a very rare existence. In the entire Light Empire, there were only about 1000 plus magicians whereas the total population of this empire was 1 billion, what a crazy proportion was that?


And the most important point was there were many descendants of the magicians who had became so weak that some of them lost their ability and became ordinary people. After all, after so many generations had passed, the blood lineage the descendants possess would become thinner; causing a weaker magic power.


After the celebration, Xiu Kesi dragged Wu Lingfeng into his room.


“What’re you doing, Uncle Xiu Kesi? You need to rest properly. After all, you blocked the arrow for me. It was not something light so you better take a proper rest….” Wu Lingfeng was concerned about him.


Xiu Kesi shook his head and said, “Do not underestimate me. Last time, I used to be a high level knight too. It was just that because of some reasons my power had been sucked out by someone. However, this body here is still strong, plus I am fat! A little loss of blood won’t harm me. The reason I sought you now is because I have a request.”


“What request? Just tell me…. After all, you are my savior….” Wu Lingfeng patted his chest and agreed without even listening to the request yet.


Xiu Kesi nodded. “Actually I do not have a daughter. The daughter that I mentioned before was actually the child of a magician whom I followed. Because my master’s lineage was weak, he was killed by another powerful magician. Thus, I brought Miss away in an escape but during the process, even my strength had been destroyed.

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Then I came across Wolf Corps and became the chef here. As for Miss, I placed her in a nearby town, Mingjin Town. Every month I would go back and have a look at her. Because when we were on the escape, she was still a baby only a month old. Thus, she does not know her real identity. Her lineage was so thin that she is now just an ordinary girl.


I would like to entrust Miss to you. She really has good looks. Having you, a magician to protect her, I would be relieved. You don’t have to take her as your wife. Becoming your concubine should be more than enough. After all, if you want your descendants to be magicians, both parents must be magicians for it to happen.


“Uncle’s only wish is this. Actually I thought both of you could lead an ordinary life, but now, having you as her husband would be even greater. I believe Miss would be able to lead a happy life being by a magician’s side.”


Wu Lingfeng could not help but to be left speechless. Should he agree and start collecting concubines? After all, Uncle Xiu Kesi did risk his life to protect Wu Lingfeng. Furthermore, getting a concubine to warm up his bed could be considered as fulfilling a part of his dream living in this world.


“Okay, I will promise then, Uncle Xiu…” Wu Lingfeng agreed without any hesitation.


Xiu Kesi was very satisfied, nodding his head happily. “This is good. Tomorrow, tomorrow I will bring you to meet Miss. Although she no longer has any magical power, her looks are still beautiful. I am sure you would be satisfied with her.”


Wu Lingfeng nodded his head. He was looking forward to tomorrow as he would be able to see a beauty from this world.

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…   …


The following day, Xiu Kesi dragged Wu Lingfeng to meet Captain Ma Ke and ask for a leave so that he could bring Wu Lingfeng to Mingjin town and meet his daughter.


Ma Ke immediately agreed to their leave request. He was actually busy writing the battle report. In the report, he did mention regarding Wu Lingfeng’s promotion to magician and his meritorious service by killing a high rank silver knight. This eventually led to total annihilation of enemy’s army.


Ma Ke let Wu Lingfeng take all the credit. It could be considered as Ma Ke doing something beneficial for him.


Mingjin town was not far from the post of Wu Lingfeng. it was just only a few kilometers away. Actually, his daughter did not reside inside the town. Instead, she live in a man made wooden house not far away from the town.


“Da! Da!”


“Wen Ni, its me! I have come back to see you….” Xiu Kesi stood in front of the door and knocked twice.

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Soon, the door was opened gently. A lovely cute little girl with blue hair and azure pupils appeared in  Wu Lingfeng’s line of sight. Even though she was wearing scruffy gray clothes, it could not hide her beautiful face. Furthermore, the pair of towering breasts were gently swaying.


“Wen Ni, this is who I keep mentioning to you, Lingfeng. I knew you always wanted to have a look at him. Let me tell you some good news, Lingfeng is now a highly respected magician. Furthermore, last night he defeated an enemy’s high level knight…..” Xiu Kesi patted Wu Lingfeng’s shoulder while talking with the blue haired girl.


“Hhhee……Hello. I am Wen Ni…..” The blue haired little girl nervously greeted Lingfeng with both hands on her chest. With a pair of clear azure eyes, she observed him carefully. After all, this was the first time she met a so-called legendary magician.


“Hi. Just call me Lingfeng. Miss Wen Ni, you are so beautiful….” Wu Lingfeng replied with a smile. His heart was so excited right now.


Oh my old mother, your son is going to hit the jackpot soon. This cute little sister could really warm up my bed?


“Lets go. Enter the house, before continuing our chat.” Xiu Kesi laughed at them. After watching Wu Lingfeng’s satisfied expression, he knew everything would be fine and there won’t be any problem.


“Well, I will go fetch some water.” Wen Ni entered the house with small steps by using her tiny feet.

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