Devouring Overlord

Chapter 11

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The sun rose from the east signifying the start of the day for most people, the merchants in the market area have been working since long before the rise of the sun and the people who have to their chores were also up early.

Cultivators have woken up long before others some even didn't sleep as they were meditating all night in order for them to increase the heavenly qi in their body and advance a level in their cultivation. And one of this hardworking people were Gilet who have been seating cross-legged in his own room since he went back.

His room was bigger than Dean and more accessorize than his, there was a big bed just below the window and a prayer mat on the side of that bed, a little table was in that room with 3 empty plates and an empty glass place on top of it.

He opened his eyes and a flickering light appeared in them he look down and observe his body, a smile appeared on his face. He had just broken through from the Early Stage of Saint Elemental and became a middle stage Saint Elemental.

He stood up from the prayer mat he was sitting on and took a set of clean black clothes from his closet. Making sure he was clean and proper Gilet step out of his own room, he closed his room and proceeded to the stairs and went down.

He went by the kitchen and ate a piece of dried meat and rice gruel before heading out to call for Dean, right outside his own house was the room/house he gave for him to stay in so he was able to easily reach it after walking a little bit.

In front of Dean's house, Gilet stood with his back straight like an arrow. He was waiting for Dean to come out and see him, although it would be Dean who should be the one to meeting him first thing in the morning Gilet didn't mind it as Dean was still a child.

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He stood there without moving waiting for his little servant to come out and as he stood there for another 20 minutes the sound of someone snoring entered his ears. Rubbing his forehead Gilet started moving to enter Dean's room.

Entering the house he heard the snoring of Dean clearly than before, he walked and went to the room and took in a deep breath before breaking down the door with his foot "WAKE UP!" Gilet shouted as he entered the room.

Dean who was sleeping so soundly didn't even budge from where he lay, the little blanket was rolled up to him and beside him was the futon that he was supposed to sleep in which didn't even have any single wrinkles on it.

Seeing this Gilet was incense "Your master woke up in front of you and when I went and wake you up you just ignore me? What a wonderful young boy you are." A grim smile appeared on his face thinking about this.

He grabbed Dean by his wrist and dragged him outside and into the garden, with Dean still sleeping with what he just did Gilet became irritated and went to the pond located at the very back of the garden.


Water splash everywhere as he casually threw Dean in the cold pond, he sat on the ground and watch as air bubbles started appearing on the surface of the water. The air bubbles slowly begun to appear less and less frequent until it stop in its entirety.

With the air bubbles not appearing anymore Gilet took a step back, and as he predicted Dean came up from the pond like a fish jumping up the water, Dean looked around him and shouted "Hey who did that?"

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Gilet watch him shout on top of his lungs, the water was shallow letting Dean stand there with the water level just around his waist after a couple more shouts Dean finally saw Gilet upon seeing who it was Dea scratched the back of his head and gave a dry laugh.

Seeing him laugh like that Gilet begun to feel less irritated "Hey are you awake now? Do you even know what you're here for? If you don't do your job right I will not hesitate to fire you whether you're recommended by Freya or not.

"I will adhere any punishment to you because I am in a good mood for today so get out of there and dry yourself, I will not leave with someone who have this kind of appearance servant or not." In the corner of his eyes he saw Dean muttering something to himself but chose to ignore it as he was beginning to feel his qi was already getting excited and he didn't want to let that happen.

Dean watch as Gilet go on his way and return to the bamboo hut in the garden, he started feeling out his body as he started getting out of the cold water of the bond, and just like he thought Dean was not able to fully use his body like he wanted it to.

His joints and muscles were hurting all over even walking was hard for him to do, Dean sat on the side of the pond he was trying to ease the pain that he was feeling. The muscles of his body and his veins were all overuse by him although it was not to the point that he cannot move, Dean was still having it hard.

The pain he was feeling was comparable to being picked by needles all over his body, just the fact that he was even able to move was actually something of a miracle. His body was already at its limit when he restarted the highest rate of the devour skill so he was beat up even more than he had to.

Dean knew of this point and was still confused of this point, he already had the thought that he wouldn't be able to move when he wake up today at the very least he shouldn't be able to walk like he did when he stood up from the pond.

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"Seems like the system was wrong when it said that I would need another 4 days to rest after using the devour skill." He murmured to himself under his breath.

[ Ding

Please do not think that host, system was not wrong when system said about the time frame in order to gain host's top shape, system said that host will need 4 days of rest in order to return to hosts top shape not 4 days to regain body function. Although it will slow down the recovery process of host's body, host will still be able to have normal bodily function. ]

Hearing the sudden interruption of the system in his thoughts Dean understood what it wanted to say. His beaten up body was something that can recover after 4 days of resting, so if he move around when in the process of recovering, his body would need more time.

"System give me a time frame of how long will it need for me to recover if I move around when I'm recovering." Standing up from the side of the pond he started walking back to his temporary home.

[ Ding

10 days, host will need another 10 days of rest in order to go back to his optimal state, if host do anything strenuous another 10 days will be needed. ]

Dean put his hands to his chin and said "But if I were to use a spiritual plant that improves the healing rate of the body how long will it become then?"

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[ If host is able to procure the spiritual plant it will shorten the time of recovery by a margin. But the overall effect will still carry base on how potent it will be.

Mission Triggered: Get a medicinal plant higher than rank 1 to improve the recovery rate of the body.

Time limit: 10 days

Reward: 15 SP

Penalty: None

Will you accept the mission? Yes or No?


Hearing the mission of getting the medicine was in line with his original plan of getting a medicine for himself he thought that it was a bonus for his hard work "Yes I accept the mission."

Going back to his own room he looked left and right to started looking for clean clothes, when a thought appeared in his head –It's still in the Lotus Inn. –

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