Chapter 2 – Murdering your own husband?

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Translator: Pan

Editor: Notsaneinthebrain & Likyliky


A magic bear was even more powerful than a magic tiger.


There were no magic bears in the world of his previous life, so this was the first time that Xuanyuan saw such a ferocious beast. He trembled at the sight.


His heart screamed, “Am I going to die just when I’m reborn into a new life? If a magic bear could kill me, I don’t deserve the Yellow Emperor’s name. I’m going to fight!”


Xuanyuan’s bloodthirst was growing by each second spent between life and death. He pulled out the rusty black dagger from his waist and ignored the pain from his body. He pushed through his body’s limit and jumped. He thrust the dagger, which was more like a tiny sword, 40 centimetres in length, towards the bear’s neck. A strange, indescribable feeling arose within Xuanyuan’s heart when he held the black dagger. He did not put much thought into that feeling, there was no time.


The bear seemed to have sensed something when it saw the rusty dagger. A tinge of disdain flashed through its eyes as bit down onto the dagger.


At this very moment, all of the bear’s long, sharp teeth shattered. Blood was oozing from its wounds.


As the blood covered the dagger it seemed to come alive. The dagger burst into an incredible amount of black threads which wrapped around the bear’s head. The threads were so tight that the bear could not move. Xuanyuan’s hand was glued to the dagger.


His body gave a violent shake. All the black threads condensed into a black light which was directed towards his body. Xuanyuan felt his wounds healing, his strength replenishing. To his shock, the bear’s torso shrank at an alarming speed until there was only skin and bones left. The bear merely struggled for a brief moment before it died.


His wounds disappeared, his hunger no longer remained. He felt energetic. He looked at the dagger. A few pieces of rust fell from the dagger, the black light shone weakly for a while longer and then it returned to normal.

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When his life was at stake; Xuanyuan was fierce and fearless, however he realized after that a cold sweat had covered his body. He tried to steady his breathing. All the sensations he just experienced were unimaginable. He could not find anything similar when searching through the old memories from this body.


It took him a while to compose himself. Then he remembered that he could exchange the bear’s skin for money. He took out the dagger and began to remove the bear skin.


Thanks to this body’s memories, Xuanyuan was an expert at skinning a beast, so he could sell it at the highest possible price. And since the bear’s flesh and blood were completely absorbed by the strange force from the dagger; he removed the skin without much difficulty. When it was done, he neatly folded the bear’s fur. His eyes lit up when he saw the bear’s skeleton.


“Bones of a magic bear! I can get lots of money from those.”


The second he touched the bones, the skeleton burst into fine dust and was blown away by the wind. Xuanyuan was dumbfounded. He sighed – It was regretful that he could not sell the skeleton. Then he suddenly saw a blood-red cobblestone-size object, an elixir was laying on the ground.


“Ha! An elixir!”


Xuanyuan naturally knew how precious the elixir was. He was ecstatic to have found it. If he sold it, he could afford better medicine and equipment to protect his life.


“This is just like the fairy tales from my past life. This is a magical world. It’s not just a dream that I can become a Xian!”


Suddenly, he felt like a great hero. He will hold his head high. Guxing came back this time with a small hog in its mouth. The wolf was a natural hunter.


“Where’s Guyue?” The sight of Guxing reminded him of his other wolf companion, Guyue. If Guyue was dead, the least he could do was to bury it properly.


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It was as if Guxing understood him and sadness filled its eyes. It shook its head.


Xuanyuan knew that Guyue was lost forever. This realization made his heart ache.


“Come on, let’s go home!”


From his newfound memories, he knew his home was nearby under a magnificent tree.


The boy and the wolf moved slowly as they headed home. Xuanyuan continued looking into his memories: he had carved a hole inside the tree using this rusty dagger. His home was simple, a simple bed with bed sheets made from the fur of a magic tiger. The walls were filled with his hunting trophies and magic wolves’ fur covered the floor. In his imagination, it was a cosy little home. In the middle of this tree house, there was a pit; a metre or so wide that he could use for cooking. Cooking in the open attracted unwanted attention, which might result in his death. Surviving in this world was definitely hard.


People like him who struggled to survive did not have many options: They could become servants or hired thugs for the rich families in Moonwaste City, become mercenaries and bodyguards or possibly do shady deals. If they were lucky and talented, they could be adopted by a sect. Then they would not have to suffer from hunger and the cold. They only needed to concentrate on perfecting their martial arts skills and occasionally go on missions for the sects. If they were unlucky, they would be robbed and killed, or raped and killed, if you were a woman.


He finally realized how helpless he was. It was difficult to achieve something great in this cruel, strange world. He swore to take revenge on Yuejue, the son of the master of the Moonwaste City. However was that even possible?


“The worst thing that could happen is death. Like I give a damn!”


He felt disheartened nonetheless. Xuanyuan knew very clearly that if a person lost his spirit, courage, principles and will, he was better off dead. So he had already made up his mind.


“I’ll avenge you whatever it takes. This is all I can do for taking over your body. I swear on you and Guyue’s souls, I shall avenge your deaths!”


While he was encouraging himself, Xuanyuan already reached his home. It was located very discreetly. He opened the door, it was the same as within his memories.

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Except, when he and Guxing walked into the tree house, he was stunned by the sight on his bed.


He couldn’t believe his eyes, he couldn’t even move. There was a woman in a snow white coloured silk dress. Her shoulders were peeking out from the dress. Her hair was like the smoothest black silk, draping casually to her waistline. She had beautiful collarbones and below them, you could almost see her equally beautifully shaped breasts. Her skin was like porcelain, white and perfect. Xuanyuan could not stop staring.


“I have never seen such a pretty girl in my life. I should look while I still can. She is prettier than a thousand widow Zhao’s combined…”


The old beggar was a good guy, except for being quite horny. He would always bring Xuanyuan to sneak a peek at widow Zhao when she showered. Xuanyuan realized his blood was boiling and his face was flushing red.


The girl’s tiny, lovely face looked peaceful with a hint of sadness. A teardrop was clinging on to her long eyelashes. Her expression calmed and her cheeks flushed, she gave off a serene atmosphere. So delicate, she was untouchable.


Xuanyuan stared at the woman up and down, from her face to her chest, from her casually placed arms to her tiny waist, from her knees covered in the white dress to her delicate feet. He had numerous experiences in peeking at widow Zhao as she showered, that’s why he could determine that this girl had two long, beautiful legs judging only from the shape of her dress.


His heart was pounding violently. He didn’t know who the girl was. This was his home and certainly it was inappropriate for her to sleep on his bed. He buckled up and walked nervously towards the bed.


Xuanyuan’s heart was screaming.


“Her ass, I still haven’t seen her ass. The old beggar said that girl’s asses should be round like full moons. That’s the best…”


He seemed to have forgotten all his grandiose promises.


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He held his breath as he walked up. She was lying on her side, revealing her cleavage from her low-cut dress. The dress also revealed a perfect outline of her bottom. He drew nearer to the girl and could smell her natural, sweet and refreshing body fragrance.


“How perfect…perfect…Thank you God, you are fair and just…sending this great beauty my way.”


Xuanyuan was so excited. His hand reached out for her shoulder. When he touched her porcelain-like arms, he was so excited that he teared up. Goodness.


“I’ve never touched anything smoother. Perfect…so smooth…”


He suppressed his urges, cleared his throat and whispered awkwardly.


“Lady, wake up, lady…”


His voice was almost inaudible, he didn’t expect it to wake the girl, but she indeed awoke. Her eyes sharply opened. They were dreamlike, reminding Xuanyuan of a fairy. They were feminine and tempting, but her gaze was cold. He failed to see what the girl did, he only felt his sight spinning and his head hurting, he was already a few metres away from her. He felt like he was floating. He rolled back to his feet, one hand covering his injured forehead, the other pointing at the icy beauty.


He yelled, “Are you trying to murder your own husband?”


She looked at the dumb boy in front of her and smiled sweetly. Her smile was comparable to the most beautiful sceneries of the world.


His anger dissipated immediately. Xuanyuan was a poor little beggar for all his life. He experienced both cruelty and kindness from people. He could easily distinguish the good people from the bad. He looked past her fairy-like beauty. She did not seem bad. She seemed like a good person.


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