Dianxia Qingcheng

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: There’s No One Left to Save You Now!

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October 3, 2022Merchie

The two were still talking when a few people suddenly walked toward the front of the lonely little palace.

The chief eunuch at the head of the group squeezed a thin, girlish voice out of his throat, “Yo1, What is Your Highness doing sitting with a servant? Quickly get up, it’s not befitting of someone of your status!”

Qi Changyi recognized him as one of the more high-ranking eunuchs that served his Royal Father. He puffed his cheeks in indignance and dusted his butt off before he stood up.

The eunuch spoke again, “His Majesty has ordered the masters of each palace to gather at the main hall immediately. Your Highness, it’s best that you clean yourself up a little and come with us, so His Majesty doesn’t reprimand you for being late.”

Li Yu immediately pulled Qi Changyi back inside and dressed him in an exquisite silver and white robe that was embroidered with golden threads and dark cloud patterns. He straightened the other’s clothes and hair before he rushed back outside with the little man in tow. The group hurriedly departed for the main hall.

Unexpectedly, once they had climbed up the steep stone staircase to the main hall, they were blocked by another group of people, led by none other than the third princess, Qi Yirou, who was still supposed to be in confinement.

The chief eunuchs all bowed respectfully, and Qi Yirou waved her hand, “You all can leave now. I’d like to have a little chat with my little brother.”

After all the servants had left, Qi Yirou could no longer hide her true face. She walked to Qi Changyi’s side and began to poke his shoulder.

“I didn’t expect that Royal Father couldn’t bear to keep me locked up, he actually let me go early. I’ve never been punished by Royal Father before. You’re really cunning, you’ve actually succeeded in embarrassing me and ruining my reputation!”

Qi Yirou had already forced Qi Changyi to the edge of the stone platform. If he stumbled back just a little he would immediately fall to his death.

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“I thought I wouldn’t have to worry about a fool like you, little did I know what a scheming, conniving person you are! You killed Yingying, yet I was the one who was punished by Royal Father! You really deserve to die!”

Qi Yirou raised her hand and shoved Qi Changyi with all her might. Her servants held Li Yu back so that he couldn’t rush forward to protect Qi Changyi.

“Hmph, even if you roll all the way to the bottom, people will just think you were being clumsy, and you might even do me a big favor in the process. You can go die now!”

Qi Changyi was suddenly surrounded by the third princess’s many servants, and there was no way for him to escape. He was pushed hard in the chest before he teetered precariously and fell.


Qi Yirou laughed loudly as the little white bundle began to fall downward. He had almost fallen to the foot of the staircase.

Suddenly, a tall figure soared into the air and caught that little bundle. He hugged the little man to his chest before smoothly landing back on the ground.


The little man still had his eyes shut tight and was screaming in fright until he felt someone pat his cheek. He cautiously opened one eye.

“Kid, you almost got hurt again. I’ve saved you twice now, so you should thank me properly.”

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The man was wearing a heavy robe with intricate patterns; it resembled a woven blanket. The silver ornaments hanging from his neck shook like bells, and his hair was wavy and slightly windswept. It was the unmistakable formal outfit of the southwestern barbarian tribes.

A’mu Le was still holding the little man to his chest. His skin had a milky scent that was laced with a fresh fruit fragrance; it was very pleasant.

Only then did Qi Changyi realize that he had been safely returned to the ground. He exhaled in relief and patted his thumping heart.

“Huu, huuu, scared me to death…”

Li Yu ran down the stone staircase three steps at a time. “Your Highness, are you all right?! You’re not injured, are you?”

A’mu Le looked to the top of the staircase. He caught a glimpse of a woven skirt that fluttered over the stone platform.

There were many officials, princes, and princesses already waiting in front of the main hall. Qi Changyi quickly broke free from A’mu Le’s embrace and forced a smile, “Thank you, A’mu Le. I’ll be leaving now.”

He quickly turned and darted away like a startled rabbit, following Li Yu all the way up the staircase and disappearing through a gate at the top.

A’mu Le gazed up at his receding figure. If he had been just a second later, the consequences would have been unimaginable. Just what kind of life was this little man living in the palace?

However, not too far behind A’mu Le stood Pei Zheng. His eyes were narrowed, for he had also just witnessed the entire debacle. The jade ring on his finger was about to be crushed into dust…

Everyone quickly shuffled into their seats. The Emperor sat atop his golden throne and stared down at the people below. The Empress was seated right beside him.

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The royal family and officials both sat on separate sides of the hall. On such an important occasion, Pei Zheng was still seated at the spot closest to the Emperor. One could tell how important he was from a single glance.

As a barbarian envoy, A’mu Le sat across from Pei Zheng along with several of his subordinates. They raised their cups in several toasts; both of them wore complicated expressions on their faces.

Excluding the Crown Prince, who was far away in Jiangnan, all of the Emperor’s children were present. Anyone with half a brain already knew what he was planning, but this was just for the barbarian envoy A’mu Le to take a quick look at the selection.

During the banquet, the Emperor mentioned his second daughter Qi Bingzhi at least twice, but it was a pity that A’mu Le didn’t even spare her half a glance. His eyes were glued to a certain corner the entire time.

The Emperor’s eyes locked with Pei Zheng’s, and Pei Zheng nodded calmly; everything was going smoothly, so the Emperor had no choice but to acquiesce.

The banquet finally ended. The officials all left the palace, and the princes and princesses all returned to their residences to rest.

The Emperor invited A’mu Le to accompany him to the imperial garden to admire the flowers. A’mu Le readily agreed, and even invited Pei Zheng to come along with them. The little group wandered into the lush and blooming imperial garden.

Qi Changyi had also left the banquet with Li Yu. They were on their way back to his residence when they passed by the imperial garden. The walls were high, so he couldn’t see what was inside. However, there were a few flowers blooming on the side of the path; they had delicate petals and carried a light fragrance.

Qi Changyi ran forward and immediately stuck his nose into a hole in one of the walls. He sniffed deeply and exclaimed, “Wow, it smells so good, it’s so fragrant, achoo!”

The pollen tickled his nostrils, and he sneezed so hard that his eyes began to water.

Li Yu frowned, his expression filled with worry. “Your Highness, how can you be so carefree at a time like this? The third princess’s sentence has already been lifted, I’m not sure how we can deal with her anymore. It’s like she’s lost her mind, and she doesn’t care about the consequences of anything anymore.”

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Before Li Yu could finish his sentence, a few shadowy figures appeared from behind him and Qi Changyi. Both master and servant were knocked unconscious with the hilt of a sword. Qi Changyi was stuffed into a sack, and the black-clad figures slung his body onto their shoulders and fled into the darkness.

Qi Changyi was tossed onto the soft, muddy ground, and the sack was pulled off of him. A small, delicate foot suddenly kicked his shoulder. It kicked him until he fell backward into the mud. The servants surrounding him roughly grabbed his arms, forcing him to sit up.

Qi Yirou’s voice was high-pitched and full of rage. “What’s so good about this little fool? Even that barbarian envoy had to rescue him! Hmph! Now, they’re staying with Royal Father in the main hall, there’s no one left to save you now!”



That was possibly the worst kidnapping sequence I’ve ever read/written in my entire life

Also, if it’s unclear, the staircase is very steep so that’s why it sounds like he’s about to fall off a cliff

Thanks for reading~ As always, please let me know if there are any errors!

1: He is absolutely not saying that kind of ‘yo’ to Qi Changyi, it’s a sound, kind of like ‘aiyo’ but no ‘ai’.


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