Dianxia Qingcheng

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Exploring the City

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October 22, 2022Merchie

“It’s colder today, everything outside has already begun to freeze. Come in, the wind won’t get in here, so it’s warmer.”

“Right? I’m already frozen after just two steps. Hah, how come this year’s snow still hasn’t fallen yet?”

As they spoke, the two wardens passed through the long corridor, bringing a cold draft along with them.

The little figure masked by the darkness shifted, his body racked with shivers from the sudden gust of chilly air.

Qi Changyi had been unconscious for half a day beforehand; he had just been woken up by the wind.

It was really cold.

He had been dreaming; it was winter as well.

It was five years ago, when he was eleven years old. He was still only a half-grown child, but because he was a little slower than most people, he was constantly bullied.

On the other hand, when Pei Zheng was ten years old, he had already resumed his father’s official position and became the young new Prime Minister.

That winter was the first time he met Pei Zheng.

The snow was heavy that day. After the morning court session ended, the Emperor and several court officials continued to discuss political affairs in the palace. Pei Zheng was among them.

The door to the hall was suddenly opened, and a cold draft mixed with snowflakes rushed in, interrupting the conversation.

Everybody looked towards the door. A little white ball was lying at the entrance of the hall. He seemed to be in pain from his fall; his body shook but he didn’t get up.

The Emperor’s face immediately fell. “Yi-er, how can you be so impetuous? Quickly stand up and leave.”

Several eunuchs beside him hurried over to help him up, but the Emperor stopped them.

“Don’t help him! Let him stand up by himself! There are limits to playing around! Can’t you see that I’m dealing with important matters? If you dare to disturb me like this again, don’t blame me for punishing you!”

Qi Changyi obediently tried to get up. He had just been tricked by the third princess Qi Yirou to wait in front of the door, and was then violently shoved into it. His knees were still throbbing with pain.

He finally stood up with great effort, but he stepped on some of the snowflakes on the floorboards, almost slipping and falling again.

A soft sandalwood fragrance floated past. Qi Changyi did not fall to the ground, but into a warm embrace instead.

Pei Zheng helped him stand up straight, before immediately retracting his hands.

The small man in front of him was wearing a white silk robe embroidered with golden threads, as well as a fluffy collar. There were snowflakes all over his hair and clothes. His body was shivering, and his eyes were red; he resembled a frightened little white rabbit.

“Your Majesty, the palace paths are slick with snow, it would be better if this subject sent the prince back.”

The Emperor found Pei Zheng’s talents to be very useful; he definitely wouldn’t refuse such a small request. Besides, it would be better if someone escorted his silly son back to his residence.

With a sigh, the Emperor agreed, and sent a few servants to follow them.

“When you arrive, make sure to take good care of the prince, have an Imperial Physician take a look at him; it won’t be good if he catches a cold.”

The moment they exited the palace, the cold wind slashed at their faces. The snow on the ground had also become thicker, making a crunching sound beneath their feet.

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Pei Zheng’s shoulders were wrapped in a cloak; he was tall and had long legs, so he walked far ahead.

Though this was the first time he had met the ninth prince, he was able to recognize him in an instant due to his striking similarity to the fourth prince.

But the fourth prince had already begun to rise in rank and power, and was now the Emperor’s favorite son, more favored than even the Crown Prince; Pei Zheng couldn’t do anything to him now.

But this simple-minded, ignorant little rabbit could easily be squished, flattened, and shaped1 in the palm of his hand.

Lost in his own thoughts, Pei Zheng suddenly stopped walking. The small boy who was trying his best to keep up didn’t have time to react and crashed straight into his back.


After a soft cry of surprise, Qi Changyi’s tiny body bounced off Pei Zheng, and he was about to fall on his buttocks.

Pei Zheng reached out and caught him with one arm, and easily lifted the boy into his embrace.

“You all can leave now.”

The eunuchs and maids following the two affirmed the order and retreated.

No one was watching them now. Pei Zheng’s hand rested on Qi Changyi’s waist and didn’t move. Instead, he pulled the boy even closer to himself.

The little prince’s body was racked with intense shivers. Pei Zheng thought it was quite amusing; he lowered his head and leaned closer, before brushing the snowflakes off Qi Changyi’s long lashes.

The two of them were standing at the entrance to the plum garden. The blood-red blossoms in the garden were like flames against the stark-white snow. Plum blossoms were fragile; their petals would fall at the slightest touch. But they were also strong; only they could brave the winter cold and still glow with alluring color.

Upon closer inspection, Pei Zheng found that the boy’s skin was white and flawless, and his red lips were soft and bright. His fingers unconsciously pinched that delicate chin, forcing Qi Changyi to raise his head slightly.

The gloominess in his gaze quickly faded as Pei Zheng tried his best to make himself seem less terrifying.

Amidst the heavy snowfall and coquettish red plum blossoms, a soul-capturing smile appeared on Pei Zheng’s lips.

“Your Royal Highness, this subject’s name is Pei Zheng. Remember that.”

Qi Changyi’s heart was thumping hard; it felt as though it was about to jump out of his chest. He had lived within the walls of the palace his entire life. His Royal Father never allowed him to leave, so he never had any contact with people other than the palace maids and eunuchs.

Qi Changyi looked up into Pei Zheng’s eyes and nodded obediently.

“I…I got it…”

The sight of Pei Zheng dressed in a black robe against the white snow and red plums2 was so vivid; for all these years, the little man had never forgotten it.

Reminiscing over these memories was too upsetting. When Qi Changyi tore himself away from his thoughts and regained consciousness, he was immediately stricken with pain coming from every part of his body.

The spiritual energy that Pei Zheng had transferred to him didn’t last long; Qi Changyi’s eyes were already dark and hazy again.

He didn’t know how long he was unconscious for this time. In his dream, he felt a pair of soft, gentle hands combing through his hair.

He slowly opened his eyes. An unfamiliar dark bed canopy hung above his head. The bedsheets and blankets were all in dark colors; a distinctive, slightly depressing style choice.

Where am I?

Qi Changyi shifted slightly; his wounds didn’t seem to hurt as much. Someone had smeared his body with ointment and changed him into a soft, warm robe.

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Pei Zheng’s voice was hoarse, “You’re awake?”

It had to be a dream; he had not only been brought out of his cell, but he was also sleeping on Pei Zheng’s bed.

That was what Qi Changyi thought, at least. His guarded heart loosened, and a soft sob escaped his throat, “Brother Pei…”

It had been a long time since the small man had called him that. Pei Zheng’s heart trembled for a moment before he lifted Qi Changyi and leaned him against his shoulder. He patted the back of his head, “Mm, I’m here. Be good, don’t cry. I’ll hug you until you feel better.”

Qi Changyi was aggrieved to tears; they wouldn’t stop flowing. He buried his face in Pei Zheng’s neck, wetting the front of the other’s robe.

Pei Zheng was actually in an extremely bad mood today. After discussing a few confidential matters with the Emperor, he left the palace. Upon returning to the manor, he immediately went down to the dungeon and executed two prisoners.

Cheng Feng reported that His Highness had fainted again, and in his comatose state, kept crying out, “Brother Pei…”

Pei Zheng sent someone to pick him up. For some reason, instead of sending the small man back to the little pavilion, he was brought to Pei Zheng’s bedroom instead.

He cleaned the bloody little prince up himself and didn’t let anyone else touch him. Every movement was gentle and slow.

Dipping his head, Pei Zheng kissed the small man.

“Didn’t you always want to explore the city? I’ll take you tomorrow, okay?”

The door to the Prime Minister’s Manor opened, and a bitterly cold gust of wind rushed in, sucking all the warmth away.

Qi Changyi was dressed in a thick robe with a fluffy white collar, but it was still a little chilly, and his body couldn’t stop shaking.

Pei Zheng pulled the small man into his chest and wrapped him in his warm cloak. Strong arms supported that weak little body to stand up, and they slowly walked out.

No one else was to accompany them; only Cheng Feng trailed a few steps behind.

Pei Zheng didn’t want to take him out during the day. His beautiful face would attract too much attention. It would be better to take him out at night when it was too dim to see clearly.

It was freezing outside, but the streets were still filled with people. The shops were all brightly lit, and stalls hawking their wares were crammed along the sides.

The two walked slowly through the streets. The air froze their lungs, but it was clean and fresh, without the murky, bloody stench of the prison.

Qi Changyi seemed to have finally regained some energy. The few times he left the palace, he hadn’t been able to take a good look at the bustling, lively Imperial City.

Whenever his eyes lingered over some novel trinket, Cheng Feng would step forward and buy it for him. In just a short while, he had amassed a small collection.

They hadn’t walked for a long time, but Qi Changyi was already out of breath. Although Pei Zheng was supporting him the entire time, his body was really too weak.

Suddenly, the fragrance of rouge and face powder tickled his nostrils, and Qi Changyi raised his head. The pavilion in front of them looked somewhat familiar; it was that brothel they had visited before, the Drunken Spring Pavilion.

He didn’t have fond memories of this place at all. Qi Changyi discreetly tugged at Pei Zheng’s sleeve, frowning.

Pei Zheng reached out and clasped that frozen little hand. His own hands were always cold; he was like a cold-blooded animal. But this time, the small man’s palm was even more frigid than his own.

Pei Zheng wrapped Qi Changyi’s fingers with his own, but it wasn’t enough. Instead, he grasped that little hand and placed it inside his sleeve, pressing it against his warm arm.

Pei Zheng was well-aware of the little prince’s thoughts about the pavilion, so he hugged him close and turned around to leave. But he was stopped when someone suddenly grabbed his arm.

“Young Master Pei, you haven’t visited in a long while. I trust you’ve been well?”

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The pink-clad man of Drunken Spring Pavilion waved his perfumed shawl and flashed a charming smile at Pei Zheng, “Oh right, did you find that little beauty from last time? Our pavilion has recently acquired some new people who also look like cute little dumplings. Would Young Master Pei like to come in and take a look?”

The pink-clad man thought that he had finally figured out Pei Zheng’s preferences, and quickly tried to attend to him.

Qi Changyi was buried under Pei Zheng’s cloak. The moment he heard those words, his grip on Pei Zheng’s sleeve tightened.

Pei Zheng spoke in a low voice, “Don’t worry, I’m not going.”

“Young Master Pei, you’ve brought someone else with you? Let’s all go inside together, I’ll find a beauty for the other little master as well…”

“Fuck off.”

Pei Zheng flicked his arm, and the pink-clad man was thrown backward before he faceplanted on the ground.

Tears immediately filled his eyes. He had no idea which word he said had offended the Lord just now.

Pei Zheng and that other person had already turned and left. People were still coming and going around him, so the pink-clad man hurriedly wiped his tears and tried to stand up. But the corner of his robe was immediately stepped on, and he couldn’t pull it away.

“Who do you think you are?! What kind of blind idiot must you be to step on my clothes?!”

Cheng Feng was carrying a bag full of dazzling trinkets. His black boot didn’t move, and his face remained emotionless.

“Tomorrow, gather the rest of your people and disappear from this city.”

There were even more people on the street now. It seemed that there was a street light parade3 tonight. Everybody was carrying or swinging a delicate lantern; they were all in different shapes and sizes, but all very beautiful.

Several children rushed towards the vendor selling candied haws, attracted by his loud hawking. After their parents bought a stick for each of them, they happily ran off.

Qi Changyi stared at the skewers of small red balls wrapped in a layer of red sugar, his eyes filled with longing.

Last time, he had been holding a stick of those sweet-and-sour candied haws, but they had been angrily knocked away by Pei Zheng, and his hand had been pierced in the process. Though Qi Changyi was really craving the candied haws, he was a little apprehensive about that bamboo skewer.

Of course, Pei Zheng knew exactly what he was thinking. Though he thought the way those candied haws were made was unclean and didn’t want Qi Changyi to eat them, he still had Cheng Feng buy a few skewers.

The thick coat of sugar looked overly sweet and greasy at a glance. Pei Zheng took a small bite. The sweet and sour taste was actually not bad.

Pei Zheng lifted the candied haws to the small man’s mouth. He didn’t let him take the skewer but instead held it for him.

Qi Changyi licked his lips and glanced eagerly at Pei Zheng.

The corners of Pei Zheng’s lips curled, “Eat up, I’ll allow it.”

Only then did Qi Changyi open his small mouth and bite into the largest fruit on the stick. But no matter what he tried, he couldn’t bite off a piece. In the end, he had to let go, and there was a ring of red sugar at the side of his lips.

Qi Changyi raised his head and looked at Pei Zheng. Just now, how did he bite it so easily? It was as hard as a small stone.

Pei Zheng pointed at the first fruit that he had taken a bite out of, “You have to start from the top part of it first. Eat this one, make sure to spit out the pit…”

Before he could finish talking, Qi Changyi bit into the red ball and swallowed it into his mouth, stuffing it into his cheeks, and licking off the sugary coating.

“Chew it, otherwise it will be very sour later.”

Those stuffed little cheeks obediently began to move around, and the sounds of chewing could be heard.

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He chewed for a while before his body suddenly froze. Tears welled up in his eyes, and his mouth stopped moving.

“You bit into the pit?”

The little prince nodded with hazy, tear-filled eyes. His teeth were aching.

Pei Zheng extended his hand in front of his lips, “Spit it out.”

Those stuffed cheeks began to move again, shifting and squirming, before two small hawthorn pits fell into Pei Zheng’s palm.

“Very good. Do you want more?”

Qi Changyi rested his teeth for a moment; the pain had already subsided a bit. He licked his sticky, greasy lips and nodded.

Pei Zheng ate half of another haw and fed the rest to Qi Changyi. But before the small man could start chewing, Pei Zheng gently pinched his cheeks with one hand.

“Eat slower. Spit out the pits first.”

Soon, he ate four or five pieces. Pei Zheng tossed the rest of the candied haws to Cheng Feng.

Qi Changyi’s eyes followed the candied haws as they soared through the air before he was pulled over by Pei Zheng and stuffed under the other’s cloak.

“You’re not allowed to eat anymore. You’ll get cavities.”

Qi Changyi had no choice but to smack his lip together, savoring the sweet-and-sour aftertaste.

Pei Zheng looked at Qi Changyi’s slightly pouted mouth which was still covered in red sugar. He wrapped his arms around the small man’s waist and dodged into a dim alleyway. Cheng Feng followed closely and knowingly stood at the entrance to block the light.

Qi Changyi was a bit breathless after being pushed against the wall. His small hand pushed Pei Zheng’s chest, but Pei Zheng clasped his palm and pressed it to the top of his own head.

“Be good and don’t move. Your mouth is a little dirty, so I’ll clean it up for you.”



Please note that Pei Zheng is not ten years old in Changyi’s memory; it’s just the novel listing how glorious he is at such a young age

When the snow is thick enough, we can eat it.

Thanks for reading~

1.搓扁揉圆 (cuō biǎn róu yuán): to flatten and roll into a ball; often used to describe changing someone’s personality.

2. 白雪红梅 (bái xuě hóng méi): ‘white snow and red plum blossoms’. This has some interesting symbolism; it originally comes from the novel Dream of the Red Chamber (红楼梦). White snow contrasts bright red plum blossoms, highlighting their red color. The true beauty of red plums is only revealed in winter; without snow, they’re meaningless. There’s more to it, but the person on Baidu who wrote is too deep for me

3. 街灯游行 (jiē dēng yóu xíng): Uhm, this is exactly what it sounds like, just a bunch of people carrying lanterns




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