Diary Of A Bitch

Chapter 16

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I didn't know how long it took but by the time I came outside, Kelvin was already sound asleep on my bed. This time he was wearing only his pants, the bastard still sleeps like he owns the whole damn place. I wasn't going to sleep near this piece of shit so I gently slid out to Lizzy's room. "erm.....the piece of shit you gladly slept with moments ago right?" my stupid demon whispers as I entered Lizzy's room, taunting me was it's number one priority though this time it was right.

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I didn't know why I felt empty and useless after listening to that bastards conversation with some loose bitch "more like eavesdropping", stupid little demon taunts again. I sighed at my stupidity, I knew the had a mission yet I gladly lay in bed with him. " Geez what type of sloppy bitch am I?" I said out in a small voice that seemed unfamiliar to me "the classical type Vee Vee, even whores are much more better than you" the demon said in a matter-of-fact tune, I couldn't help but close my eyes and drown myself in another heralding spring of tears "damn you fucking demon, damn you". You'd be shaking your head wondering why I am practically talking to myself, well I've gotten used to me because only the demon is not afraid to tell me the truth no matter how heavy or bitter it seems. Just that the way it goes about it depresses me a lot. Plus the fact that it has been with me in my deepest sorrows. It was there when I caught Victor in bed with some other chic, worse was he never showed remorse and I was shattered but then Prosper gave me hope once again. This demon was there on the day of Prosper's wedding, it was in the second semester of my third year. Not too long ago,maybe almost a year or a little over a year now. He said it was arranged marriage and he couldn't go against his parents he ever had the balls to suggest our relationship continue till he trains his goddamn Virgin wife to his taste. I had only just recovered from that shock and pain,with the realisation that relationships wasn't meant for me and I should do more of the one night stand shit when the desire came knocking.

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I definitely wasn't expecting some handsome hunk of a guy sweep me of my feet the moment I made that resolve, I forgot to add the fact that he was conceited and disgusting too. "but he satisfies you in bed if I'm not wrong" demon voice whispers again. "What's the use?,I'm not even close to his bitchy girlfriend with all my experience". Though I was very hurt,I couldn't help but think he actually said that to make her feel better that he was sleeping with me. In the first place what type of craziness would make you send your Mr. world boyfriend to sleep with someone else for a stupid mission, wasn't she scared he'd get snatched. I shook my head in wonderment as I tried to imagine what they wanted me for, I couldn't help but get worried,except Becky, there was absolutely nobody to trust with this and hell Becky is also a girl. I felt like telling someone stronger,someone that would protect me.....someone like Michael. As my thoughts drifted to my favorite elder brother that was the least protective out of all the guys in the house,I couldn't help but miss him. I remembered when I was 9 and I got bullied by pretty girls with fancy cars(my mum wasn't married to my step dad then),we attended the same school then and they thought I was unworthy of being in their midst, I would never forget the richest of them all "Vee Vee you know 'V' is for Vee Vee" she said to me as she walked by with her entourage, stupid me couldn't hide my happiness as I nodded enthusiastically. I was elated that she actually noticed me but my happiness didn't last long as she said something cruel "but letter 'V' also stands for vulture,you're eating like a vulture dear and I can't help but be disgusted" my face fell and my lips quivered tears threatened to fall as she walked out of the school gate shoulders high,her 'friends' made faces and laughed at me and I quickly packed up the dry bread that was the only meal I've had in days. I was waiting for my brother to pick me up after school hours, he witnessed the scene and came up consoling me with words I'll remember till the day I die

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