Chapter 20 – Careless Again

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Wen Yu’s fist tightened.

Calling Shao Cixin sister-in-law, she felt a sense of shame with a hint of resignation.

She didn’t say anything.

Shao Cixin was rather excited.

What a wonderful thing it was for the scumbag to call her sister-in-law?

It’s a pity that Wen Yu didn’t call her that. She clearly didn’t want to spit out these two words from her mouth, even looking at Wen Zhihan with a look of grievance.

Wen Zhihan was unruffled, still with that gentle, soft, and harmless appearance.

Shao Cixin looked at her and felt that Wen Zhihan simply just wanted her sister to call Shao Cixin sister-in-law.

What bad intentions could a gentle and super pure goddess have?

But it’s no use staying here.

Shao Cixin was too lazy to spend time on Wen Yu, her purpose today was to visit Wen Zhihan’s parents, not to visit Wen Zhihan’s sister.

She was also very principled, and did not let her ally Wen Zhihan stand here alone and bear Wen Yu’s resentful eyes.

She lightly shook Wen Zhihan’s arm, as if coquettish.

“I brought a lot of gifts, I’m afraid my family driver and I can’t carry them all in one trip, can you help me?”

The tone was different from that of the past, and it was clear that it was acting.

Wen Zhihan smiled gently: “Okay.”

Then Wen Yu just watched the two leave to get the gifts in the trunk.

As in the previous life, the Shao family prepared a lot of gifts again.

But this moment was different from the past, as last time Wen Yu didn’t help Shao Cixin carry the gifts. When she came down from the second floor, Shao Cixin had already appeared in the living room with her gifts.

Wen Yu looked at Wen Zhihan, who was considerate and helpful without complaint; at this moment, a weird thought of “she did better than me” suddenly popped into her mind.

She froze.

She shook her head and threw this thought out of her mind.

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She couldn’t give up so easily.

She could do it too. She could, as long as Shao Cixin forgave her and gave her another chance!

Shao Cixin didn’t have the leisure to care about how many twists and turns were hidden in Wen Yu’s mind, and she was busy checking if the gifts were missing.

Because the Wen family saved the Shao family, and the children of the two families were going to get married, they were even happier. Lu Lan unconsciously prepared a lot of gifts, which almost seemed like she was going to move all the best things in Fengcheng over here.

“You take these, these are lighter,” Shao Cixin handed two paper bags to Wen Zhihan with a smile, “Thank you, senior sister~”

Wen Zhihan found a pattern.

Every time Shao Cixin had something to do with her, she would soften her name, close the distance between them, and send a smile that no one could refuse.

This was really an excellent way to tickle people’s hearts.

Wen Zhihan received it with a gentle look: “Why did you prepare so much?”

Shao Cixin picked up three paper bags and signaled Wen Zhihan to take more and follow: “My mom prepared it. She’s very grateful to your family for helping our family.

“In addition, what you’re holding is what my mom prepared for you.”

Wen Zhihan was slightly surprised: “There’s also something for me?”

Shao Cixin smiled and said, “Of course, what the father-in-law has, the mother-in-law has, and also what the daughter-in-law has.”

Wen Zhihan smiled and said, “Thank Aunt Lu for me.”

Shao Cixin: “I’ve told her for you, don’t be polite.”

The two of them walked into the house, talking and smiling.

Wen Yu stood where she was, watching as the two figures in the distance gradually disappeared from the doorway.

Recalling what had happened just now, she was even more confused.

When did Shao Cixin and Wen Zhihan develop feelings for each other?!

Is this real, or is Shao Cixin using Wen Zhihan to get revenge for her own fickle heart?

After pondering for a while, she had no conclusion.

She could only follow the two inside.

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As a result, as soon as she entered, she saw Shao Cixin still holding Wen Zhihan’s arm, as if glued, and couldn’t loosen it at all.

Shao Cixin was talking to Wen Xingyun with Wen Zhihan’s company.

Soon, Wen Zhihan’s mother, Joanna, came out of the bathroom and participated in their conversation.

Wen Xingyun’s eyebrows were clear, and his eyes were bright and handsome. Even at this age, he was still full of energy.

Joanna was a beautiful blue-eyed woman with deep eyebrows, delicate facial features, and soft chestnut-colored long hair.

The couple was now smiling, obviously satisfied with Shao Cixin’s beautiful and sweet mouth.

Remembering that there were still dishes in the kitchen that had not been finished, Joanna suggested that Wen Zhihan take Shao Cixin around first and then have lunch when all the dishes were ready.

“How can that be, how can I not do anything and just wait to eat,” Shao Cixin immediately rolled up her sleeves and said, “Let me help too, I am very capable at my job!”

Wen Xingyun laughed loudly and waved his hand: “No, no, if you help, the sense of surprise will be gone.”

The couple did not let her help, no matter what she said.

Shao Cixin was still planning to work hard to become a temporary kitchen worker.

At this time, Wen Zhihan suddenly pressed her hand, slowly pulled her sleeves down, and gently held her hand.

“Listen to mom and dad, I’ll take you upstairs to take a look.”

Wen Zhihan is like a judge, and she makes a final decision with one slam of her hammer.

Shao Cixin did not argue anymore and was taken away by her obediently.

Wen Yu was also called into the kitchen to help. She didn’t have a chance to talk to Shao Cixin.

The Wen family has not changed. It is still as bright and wide as Shao Cixin remembers, warm and comfortable.

Since she doesn’t need to help, she can enjoy her time.

Wen Zhihan took her to the second-floor balcony.

Standing here, you can see more of the open sky, and as time goes by, you can see the sunrise, the gorgeous sunset, and the starry night sky full of twinkling stars.

This is the most comfortable viewing deck in the Wen family.

The two hands were released automatically.

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Shao Cixin walked to the bright sunlight, facing the fresh wind, and stretched lazily.

She has been busy working for three days in a row. When she suddenly stopped her busy pace and faced this scene, her heart calmed down unconsciously.

“So comfortable.”

There was a trace of fatigue on her face, completely different from her energetic appearance in front of their parents.

The weather is very comfortable today.

The wind is very comfortable.

And it’s also comfortable to be with Wen Zhihan.

She can always put everything down and be free from burden with her, even though she still owes Wen Zhihan for helping her out.

She squinted and looked at the clouds floating in the sky, and the sunlight fell on her eyelashes like glittering golden powder.

Then she turned and looked at Wen Zhihan again.

Wen Zhihan was standing behind her, always with that gentle, watery look.

She thought that her ease must be related to this person, Wen Zhihan.

Wen Zhihan would never repeatedly emphasize the favors she had done to her.

Wen Zhihan would never force her to do anything she didn’t want to do.

Wen Zhihan was always like this, gentle and moving like water.

“Thank you, Wen Zhihan.”

She was bathed in the light and looked beautiful and dreamlike.

Wen Zhihan just looked at her like this, and after a while, she smiled and asked, “What are you thanking me for?”

Shao Cixin returned after sunbathing: “Everything, I won’t list them one by one, please just understand.”

Wen Zhihan smiled and said nothing.

Shao Cixin suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom, so she walked out of the balcony and said, “I’ll go to the bathroom.”

Wen Zhihan nodded.

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However, when she was about to show Shao Cixin the way to the bathroom on the left, she saw Shao Cixin touching her chin and looking around randomly. Then she walked directly to the bathroom on the left without hesitation.

Wen Zhihan: “?”

It seems… There is no need to show the way at all?

But she didn’t have time to explain the second floor’s layout to her…

When she came out of the bathroom, Shao Cixin walked toward the balcony.

Wen Zhihan was sitting on the rattan chair on the balcony, waiting for her to return.

She threw the paper into the trash can next to the wall, walked over, and sat down.

At this time, Wen Zhihan next to her suddenly asked, “Cixin, how did you know where the bathroom was?”

Shao Cixin’s whole body was shocked.

It’s bad.

I was careless again.

It’s too comfortable to be with her, so comfortable that I forget that I have been reborn!!

Fortunately, she, Shao Cixin, not only has a thick skin, but also knows how to argue.

After thinking quickly and hard, she slowly said, “Because our two houses are very similar, so I can roughly guess where your bathroom is.”

“Similar?” Wen Zhihan asked.

“There are many striking similarities.” Shao Cixin continued to struggle to argue.

“For example?” Wen Zhihan asked earnestly.

Shao Cixin heard the words, and immediately her face did not change, and she said shamelessly, “There are doors and windows.”

Wen Zhihan: “?”

Shao Cixin: “There are also stairs.”

Wen Zhihan: “…”

Wow, the similarities are really striking…

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