Chapter 26 – I’m Not Happy

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Shao Cixin came here on a mission, and Wen Yu was utterly speechless.

Did they come here to drink? Weren’t they supposed to be chatting?

She didn’t accept the drink Shao Cixin passed to her, frowning as she reminded her, “Cixin, we came here to chat.”

Shao Cixin: “What’s wrong with that? Can’t we chat and drink at the same time?”

“If we’re not drinking, then why are there so many drinks on the table?”

“Come on, it’s not like you’re doing me any favors by not drinking!”

Wen Yu: “…”

Wen Yu reluctantly accepted the drink because Shao Cixin was about to leave in a huff.

There was nothing she could do, it was already hard enough to meet her.

She even had to call her “sister-in-law” humiliatingly…

Shao Cixin poured a tiny bit of drink into her own cup, the clear liquor barely covering the bottom.

Wen Yu looked at her, then at the full cup in her own hand: “…”

The difference between the two cups was just too big!

“Why did you pour so little for yourself,” Wen Yu asked in confusion, “but so much for me?”

Shao Cixin said nonchalantly, “Because I’m afraid you’ll take advantage of me if I get drunk.”

Wen Yu: “?”

Shao Cixin: “But if you’re drunk, I won’t take advantage of you.”

Wen Yu: “…”

It’s not that bad.

She hasn’t crossed that line yet.

But the fact that Shao Cixin would think of her that way, she’s a little hurt.

Recalling when they were still together, Shao Cixin would always speak to her softly and gently every time they drank. Every bit of tenderness was just right.

Back then, Shao Cixin would never have been so guarded against her as she is now. Back then, Shao Cixin still passionately loved her, longing for her love…

In the blink of an eye, all the good times from the past dissipated like clouds and smoke.

She felt very bitter in her heart.

Shao Cixin glanced at her, seeing that she was silent, thinking that she was deeply hurt by her words, so she said, “Are you sad?”

Wen Yu raised her eyes, and they suddenly filled with hope.

——Is she concerned about me?

Shao Cixin took the opportunity to say, “You’re so sad. Why don’t you have a drink and use alcohol to numb the pain?”

Wen Yu was speechless: “…”

She’s just like a wine seller here!

Wen Yu was so angry that she downed the glass of wine.

But as soon as she finished, Shao Cixin filled it back up for her, as if she wanted her glass never to be empty.

Wen Yu: “…”

–I can’t figure it out.

She looked at the familiar yet strange Shao Cixin in front of her, and after a while, she finally asked the question in her heart: “Why did you break up with me?”

Shao Cixin was not the type of person to initiate a break-up.

Because Shao Cixin liked her enough, she had liked her for so many years, so when she brought up dating, Shao Cixin was pleasantly surprised.

After they were together, the two of them always got along well, and she couldn’t understand why Shao Cixin would suddenly bring up a break-up.

Shao Cixin sneered and took a sip of wine.

“Do you need to ask this question? Aren’t you aware of your own indecisiveness?”

Wen Yu was stunned.

So Shao Cixin realized that she still had feelings for Tian Jiahe back then?

So the reason why she broke up with her was because of this…

“Cixin,” she pleaded earnestly, trying to explain, “I’ve let go of her. I don’t like her anymore. The only person in my heart now is you.”

“There’s no room for you in my heart anymore.” Shao Cixin said coldly.

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Wen Yu was speechless.

Cixin has no warmth for her now. She’s like the water in a river in winter, so cold it hurts.

Shao Cixin looked at her again: “Does it hurt? You need to have two drinks then!”

She was actively trying to get her to drink.

Wen Yu: “…”

She’s so cold to her, but she’s very enthusiastic about getting her to drink!

She wasn’t happy about it, but she didn’t refuse and almost drank it all. She leaned back and refilled her glass, using alcohol to drown her sorrows.

She wasn’t willing to accept it.

She didn’t want to give up.

If Shao Cixin really fell in love with someone else, she might be able to accept it, but Shao Cixin’s heart was obviously still empty…

Why can’t Shao Cixin put her in there again?

She can. She definitely can.

The glass in her hand was refilled.

Wen Yu lowered her eyes and took a sip of her drink, her voice full of unwillingness: “I know you don’t like Wen Zhinan…”

Even if this was true, Shao Cixin would not admit it now.

Shao Cixin looked at her with a pitying gaze and urged her to drink: “you’re fooling yourself, have a drink!”

Wen Yu found it funny: “Why are you always trying to get me drunk?”

Shao Cixin didn’t change her expression: “Oh, I think when you’re not sober, you talk more normally.”

Wen Yu: “…”

She angrily downed another glass.

She is no longer talking normally, and she just can’t tell her that she is reborn!

Shao Cixin couldn’t hear her inner voice and only focused on getting her drunk, wanting to test her and leave as soon as possible.

She even started to use the “negative response, positive push” route.

“I’m talking normally.”

“I know, I know, drink.”

“Cixin, I really like you. I really know I was wrong…”

“Hey, hey, I don’t like you. Are you sad? Have another drink!”

“When will you stop muting me on WeChat?”

“I don’t know, drink!”

“Cixin, don’t be angry with me. I really don’t like her anymore…”

“I really don’t like you either. Condolences, have a drink to calm down.”

“…say something else.”


“… “

The tall glass was refilled and emptied multiple times.

Wen Yu’s face was flushed, and she looked at the half-full, half-empty bottle of wine on the table. Her eyes gradually became foggy.

As someone who has drunk with her many times, Shao Cixin knows her alcohol tolerance and drunkenness very well.

Now it’s almost time. If she continued to push, Wen Yu would get drunker!

In a half-drunk state, Wen Yu started to act out, and she couldn’t fool her.

She said coldly, “You’re going to drink too.”

There was a clear intent: “If you don’t drink, I won’t take another sip.”

Shao Cixin had no choice but to follow suit and drink a few glasses.

After all, her alcohol tolerance was better than Wen Yu’s, and Wen Yu had already drunk so much. There was no way she would get drunk before Wen Yu!

Shao Cixin took a sip of her own drink and then urged Wen Yu to drink more.

After a while, her phone rang.

Wen Zhihan had replied.

[President Wen]: Where are you?

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Shao Cixin put down her phone after quickly replying with an address and continued her own business.

She finally put down her glass and looked triumphantly at the dazed Wen Yu, who was leaning against the sofa.

-Finally, she’s drunk. I can finally start testing. I hope she hasn’t completely passed out and is still responsive!

Shao Cixin rubbed her hands together.

She started with a question: “Do you know who I am?”

Wen Yu turned her head to look at her and silently stared at her for a long time without saying anything.

Shao Cixin frowned and asked again, “Do you remember who you are?”

Wen Yu still didn’t say anything. After a while, she closed her eyes, looking like she didn’t want to be bothered by the mundane world.

Shao Cixin: “…”

She had miscalculated.

She only remembered that people tell the truth when drunk and forgot that people also fall asleep when drunk.

Sigh, it’s all her fault for thinking this would be so easy.

Shao Cixin sighed and decided not to stay here any longer. But she couldn’t just leave this person who was passed out here.

She stood up, intending to ask the waiter to call Wen Yu’s friend and have them take her home.

She would have to try again another time…

But just as she was about to stand up, Wen Yu suddenly grabbed her wrist tightly, as if she didn’t want to let go.

“Don’t go…”

Wen Yu lowered her head and leaned close to her, heavily intoxicated.

“Cixin… don’t go…”

Shao Cixin instinctively wanted to pull away but then stopped herself. She just silently stared at the person in front of her.

She started to try to coax her.

“I have to go. I have to drive, or else how will I take you home?”

The words “drive” and “home” struck a nerve with Wen Yu.

She held her head, which was throbbing painfully.

The black and white photos, the grief of the Shao family, the oppressive atmosphere… the memories of the funeral suddenly bombarded her consciousness like an explosion.

So, she held on tighter and begged her to stay.

“Don’t go…”

“Don’t drive…”

“Cixin… don’t go home…”

She leaned against the sofa and muttered quietly as if she was confessing her sins.

Shao Cixin lightly raised an eyebrow and slowly leaned closer to Wen Yu, her voice as ethereal as a ghost.

“Why can’t I drive?

Why can’t I go back?

Are you afraid that I’ll have an accident?”

The voice floated into the warm ears.

A few seconds later, Shao Cixin saw her shoulders shaking, as if she was crying.

The warm emotions fell to the bottom at this moment.

“I’m sorry, Cixin…

“I’m sorry, Mom and Dad, I promised you I would take care of Cixin, but I didn’t do it…

Shao Cixin suddenly stopped. Even though she was mentally prepared, she was shocked to dilate her pupils.

Mom and Dad?

Sure enough… she was reborn!!!

Wen Yu was still immersed in her world of guilt and unaware of the outside world.

“Why? Why did I only find out how good you are now? Why can’t I find out earlier…

“I wasn’t happy when I married Jiahe. I miss you so much, Cixin, I miss you so much…”

Shao Cixin stared at her tightly, with a cold look.

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Not happy when marrying Jiahe?

This person shouldn’t be the one who married Tian Jiahe and regretted it after finding out that the other person wasn’t as good as her?

“Why weren’t you happy when you married Jiahe?” Shao Cixin asked lightly, “You don’t love her the most, do you?”

Wen Yu was drunk and said like a child: “She’s not good, you’re good… in this world, only Cixin loves me the most.”

Shao Cixin sneered.

It’s really absurd.

When she was courting her before, she ignored her.

She turned around and left when she started to think about her again, and she realized it.

What’s even more ridiculous is that this love seems to be just a crush.

I don’t care about other people, and I’ll do whatever I want, ignore other people if I want to, turn around if I want to, and not care how much harm others have suffered.

What she hates the most is that people only realize how precious something is after they lose it.

Why can’t we cherish something when we have it?

There are no second chances in life, no do-overs?

At least she doesn’t want this chance.

She even felt it was a waste of opportunity for Wen Yu to be given a second chance.

Wen Yu felt the hand in her palm struggling to break free.

The love she was holding was trying to break away from her, to leave her, and never come back.

“You’re wrong.”

Wen Yu heard someone say in her ear while in a daze.

“Cixin doesn’t love you either, and you’re not good enough for her.

“She’s going to leave you and live her own life.”

She raised her face in a daze and saw that the person in front of her had already stood up and left.

There was only one person left in the room.

Shao Cixin was standing outside the door.

She wasn’t thrilled. Wen Yu’s confession just now couldn’t move her at all. On the contrary, it made her feel depressed and irritable.

It’s too late, the price is too high, and she doesn’t like this kind of love.

Why did I like such a person in the first place?

Shao Cixin thought sadly.

– Never mind, it’s over now.

She comforted herself, rubbed her eyes, and asked the waiter to go and find Wen Yu’s friend to send her back.

In any case, she wasn’t so heartless as to leave a drunk person outside and ignore her, especially since she was her sister-in-law.

But just as she was about to turn around, she saw someone.

The person was wearing a long coat and standing tall and slender in the bright light of the corridor. Their blue eyes were as clear as ever.

At this moment, it seemed as if all the light in the world was gathered on her, making her especially dazzling.

Wen Zhihan…

“Why did you come?” Shao Cixin was surprised.

Wen Zhihan walked to her and said softly, “I came because I was afraid she would trouble you.”

Shao Cixin was in a bad mood and smiled awkwardly, “There’s no trouble, she’s drunk, you came at the right time. Take her back.”

“There’s nothing, I’ll go back first.”

Wen Zhihan suddenly held her hand and kept her.

She heard Wen Zhihan say softly, “Cixin, you don’t look happy.”

“… “

Shao Cixin didn’t say anything, but she didn’t deny it either.

At this moment, the door of a room “squeaked” open.

Shao Cixin, whose expression is not very good-looking, instinctively turns away her face and hides her emotions.

She is a star, and the public will put a magnifying glass on her every word and line, so she will only try to show the public her most shining and bright moments. This has become a habit engraved in her bones.

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The person who came out of the dressing room was Liang Xuefei.

Seeing Shao Cixin and Wen Zhihan together, she was stunned on the spot.

-Why is Wen Zhihan here too???

“Ah, Wen, President Wen, why are you here?” Liang Xuefei introduced herself in a daze, “Hello, hello, I am Cixin’s childhood friend.”

Wen Zhihan nodded: “Hello.”

Hearing the voice of a friend, Shao Cixin turned around: “Feifei, why did you come out?”

“I came out to find you!”

After speaking, Liang Xuefei’s eyes unconsciously glanced at the two hands held together. At this time, she felt that her existence was very redundant. The word “conscious” was engraved in her mind.

“Well, I think you two seem to have something to do. I won’t bother you. I’ll go back by myself.”

Liang Xuefei felt that she should go back and take her bag and retreat.

Shao Cixin watched her leave, then looked at Wen Zhihan, then lowered her eyebrows and said, “You send Wen Yu back. I’ll walk around by myself.”

Wen Zhihan did not let go of her hand: “The driver will send her back, I’ll walk with you.”

Shao Cixin didn’t think much, nodded and followed.

Outside the club, there was a river.

The river’s surface at night was full of fine light, like a rippling galaxy.

They walked for a while and then stopped by the river to quietly watch the river scenery.

The silence was intertwined with the night wind, and the surroundings were surprisingly quiet.

Shao Cixin stood quietly, thinking of Wen Yu’s rebirth, which made her feel terrible.

She didn’t understand why such scum could also get the opportunity to be reborn. It’s simply a crime against humanity.

“What did you talk about?” Wen Zhihan suddenly asked.

Shao Cixin glanced at her and turned to look at the river scenery again.

“Personal matters.”

Wen Zhihan understood and did not ask again.

The silence surrounded them again.

After a while, Shao Cixin said softly, “Wen Zhihan, I’m not happy.”

Her love and sincerity were trampled on by others, and she was not happy.

She was sad because of her blindness.

Shao Cixin lowered her eyebrows and said nothing. She was not as lively as usual, like a bundle of firewood soaked in water, showing a few points of pity.

She didn’t know what Wen Zhihan would say, or maybe she wouldn’t say anything. She just stood there quietly and accompanied her.

But that was actually quite good. It was good that Wen Zhihan was there with her.

Then she heard a rustling sound in her ears, and in the blink of an eye, she was embraced by someone.

Wen Zhihan held her and gently stroked her long hair with five fingers.

“Then let me hold you for a while.”

Her voice was gentle, like the wind blowing over her face, like the rain kissing the earth, soft and silent.

Shao Cixin’s heart inexplicably calmed down.

Wen Zhihan is always so gentle, always so polite, and even reliable. She seems not to worry about anything when she is with her.

Shao Cixin hugged Wen Zhihan’s waist and lowered her head to her shoulder.

After a long silence, she suddenly said, “I really don’t want to fall in love again…”

Then she added fiercely: “I, Shao Cixin, would be a dog if I fall in love again!”

It was a completely hopeless oath.

Wen Zhihan patted her head lightly.

Shao Cixin calmed down for a while, then suddenly raised her head and looked at Wen Zhihan with bright eyes.

– No, it can’t be over like this. This older lady still holds a grudge!

“Senior sister, help me shoot some material!”

Wen Zhihan: “?”

What does she want to do?

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