Happy Birthday!

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Wen Zhihan agreed, which was beyond Shao Cixin’s expectations.

She called Rong Ya to relay the message, taking Rong Ya by surprise.

“Did your President Wen really agree?” Rong Ya triple-checked over the phone.

“She did,” Shao Cixin replied.

“Wow, you’re good at persuasion…” Rong Ya said in admiration.

“It wasn’t me who persuaded her,” Shao Cixin refused to take credit. However, recalling her earlier conversations, she changed her statement, “Well, it doesn’t matter who persuaded her. You should have your team coordinate with her. She wants to discuss the contract personally.”

“And remember, if we’re not satisfied with the deal, we won’t be part of it.”

“Alright, alright,” Rong Ya responded, “I will inform them to contact your wife.”

“Okay, gotta go.”

The call ended. She put down her phone.

Shao Cixin looked down at the quiet Wen Zhihan.

“As per our agreement, the program team should contact you either tonight or at the latest, tomorrow.”

Wen Zhihan nodded lightly, composed and serene.

Shao Cixin was confident in her, not worrying that she would be taken advantage of in the contract negotiation.

During their time together, she realized that Boss Wen was a master negotiator. No one could trap her in their schemes.

“I’ll go take a shower now.”

“Cixin.” Wen Zhihan suddenly called her.

Shao Cixin halted her steps, turning around, “What is it?”

Wen Zhihan: “Why did you reject them before?”

Shao Cixin had mentioned her previous refusal, which meant this wasn’t the first invitation.

Shao Cixin naturally replied: “I said you didn’t have time. Why, is there a problem?”

She thought momentarily, then leaned over the table, lowering her posture, “Should I not have made decisions for you without your consent? I’m sorry…”

Shao Cixin couldn’t help but explain, “There are just too many rules in front of the camera. After all, you are not from the entertainment industry, so there’s no need for you to follow these rules. Also, you’re a busy CEO, how could you have the time for these things?

“Although we could shoot during your leisure time, it’s your relaxation time. If we use it, it’s basically making you work overtime. So, I simply refused.

“If you’re interested in these things, I’ll discuss with you from now on. Is that okay?”

Knowing she was in the wrong, she looked up at her obediently, her eyes shining like a well-behaved puppy.

Wen Zhihan’s eyes were filled with gentleness, not a trace of anger.

“I’m not mad at you,” she unconsciously reached out her hand, gently stroking Shao Cixin’s face as if soothing her, “You can make decisions for me. I trust your judgment.

“Of course, you can also ask me and discuss it with me. After all, we are one after getting married, aren’t we?”

Shao Cixin blinked.

She had used this phrase on Wen Yu before, never expecting Wen Zhihan to learn and use it so effectively.

Seeing Wen Zhihan didn’t mind, she felt relieved.

Holding that hand, Shao Cixin solemnly said, “Don’t worry, I will discuss with you in the future. Let’s make money together, mutual benefit, win-win cooperation!”

Wen Zhihan was amused by her words, a smile rippling in her eyes, “Alright, let’s agree on that.”

“Okay, now I really need to go take a shower.”

“Go ahead.”

The bathroom door closed.

Wen Zhihan was left alone in the room, sitting quietly in her original spot.

With the noise of the running water as the backdrop, the room was eerily quiet.

She just sat there quietly for a while, until the sudden notification sound of a message interrupted her thoughts.

It was a message from her secretary.

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Just as Shao Cixin said, the proactive program team had come.

She got the contact of the person in charge and took the initiative to make the call.

The person in charge was overjoyed to receive her call.

This was the most unexpected and also the most anticipated wife-wife pairing. If they could persuade Wen Zhihan to appear on the program…ratings would be in the bag!

Both sides exchanged polite greetings.

Wen Zhihan started the conversation, using Shao Cixin as the starting point.

She stood by the window with her phone, her voice as gentle as the wind, soft enough to blow into one’s heart, “My wife Cixin previously rejected your invitation because I was too busy. I apologize.”

The person in charge was somewhat surprised.

Because there were so few pieces of information about Shao Cixin and Wen Zhihan, many people privately speculated that their marriage was just a business deal, unrelated to love.

Some in his team thought the same.

After Shao Cixin’s refusal, this theory circulated more widely, and many even believed that Shao Cixin decided on her own.

Because Shao Cixin and Wen Zhihan had a business relationship, they didn’t interact much and didn’t interfere with each other’s work. So, Wen Zhihan wouldn’t have known about it.

Even if she knew, she wouldn’t go on a show to pretend with Shao Cixin.

A business deal doesn’t require so much public relations.

That was until a trending topic appeared.

Their team decided to give it another shot.

Real or fake, what does it matter? As long as they dared to appear on the show, they would shoot it.

Even if it were fake, if they acted well on the show, that would be their skill. Ratings were the most important!

So, they extended the second invitation.

Never did they expect that it would work this time.

Never did they expect that Wen Zhihan would call Shao Cixin so affectionately.

Their love couldn’t possibly be fake, could it…

The person in charge came back to his senses, feeling like he had been force-fed dog food even through the phone, “Ah, it’s okay, it’s okay, we were the ones who intruded first!”

He cautiously asked, “So, Boss Wen, do you have time now?”

Wen Zhihan smiled faintly, “Let’s talk about the terms first.

“If the terms are acceptable, there will be time.”

The next day.

Shao Cixin continued her early rising routine, eating breakfast and preparing to leave early for makeup.

However, she was quite puzzled today.

Looking at the person opposite her who was eating leisurely, she couldn’t help but ask, “Don’t you have the day off? Why did you get up so early?”

Wen Zhihan casually sipped some milk and picked up a shaomai[1].

“Eating breakfast.”

Shao Cixin: “…”

Such a healthy lifestyle.

If it were her, she’d sleep till noon!

Breakfast? You’re eating anyway, might as well have it with lunch.

Before leaving the house, Shao Cixin ran into Guan Yan.

Guan Yan was holding a clean empty jar, and Shao Cixin wondered what she planned to put in it.

“Assistant Guan, good morning,” Shao Cixin greeted her, “What’s that you’re holding? Is it for Boss Wen?”

“Good morning, Madam.”

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Guan Yan looked down at the object in her hand, then looked up.

“It’s a jar, Boss Wen asked me to buy it.”

Shao Cixin casually asked another question: “What is she going to do with it?”

Guan Yan honestly replied: “I don’t know.”

Shao Cixin: “Oh…”

Anyway, it wasn’t any of her business, why was she so curious?

With this thought, Shao Cixin’s curiosity vanished instantly. She walked toward the elevator with Lin Mumu.

On the way, Lin Mumu enthusiastically gossiped beside her, showing more excitement than a survey taker.

“Cixin, I heard from Assistant Guan that they are going to stay here a few more days, so Boss Wen will be staying with you longer?”

“Just let her stay, my room is so big, and the bed is big too. She can sleep wherever she wants, I don’t mind the squeeze.”

“Do you feel comfortable living with Boss Wen?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be comfortable?”

“How does it feel to be with her?”

“Very nice, very comfortable. Try it yourself next time, and you’ll know.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Mumu quickly disclaimed, waving her hands and shaking her head: “No no no, I’m not her wife, I can’t stay with her.”

Seeing her reaction, Shao Cixin couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Why are you overreacting? It’s like we’re actually married.”

“What’s wrong, are you jealous?”

Lin Mumu’s face was completely serious: “Even if it’s fake, you two are still acting. If one of you is seen spending time alone with the same sex, it could affect your act.”

She was very thoughtful.

Shao Cixin’s smile deepened, and she complimented: “Mumu, you’re too cute.”

Lin Mumu nodded.

Her girlfriend had said the same thing to her before.

The elevator door opened with a ‘ding’.

Both of them walked out together.

Just then, Shao Cixin’s phone suddenly rang.

She puzzledly took out her phone.

What the heck, when did she set an alarm for this time?

She checked and found that it was a calendar reminder.

Tomorrow was Wen Zhihan’s birthday.

She froze.

Right, she had almost forgotten Wen Zhihan’s birthday.

Unconsciously, she looked back toward the elevator as if she could see Wen Zhihan that way.

“What’s wrong?” Lin Mumu looked at her, then at the elevator, and asked curiously, “Did you leave something behind? I can go get it now.”

Shao Cixin returned to her senses: “No, it’s nothing. Let’s go.”

She set another alarm for midnight.

Since Wen Zhihan was right here, she could personally deliver her birthday wishes, which would surely surprise her!

At night, 23:40.

Wen Zhihan closed her computer, removed her glasses, and rubbed her brow.

She picked up her water cup. Next to it was a small jar containing a few pieces of chocolate that Shao Cixin had given her.

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Just then, Shao Cixin sent her a message.

[Cixin]: Bodhisattva[2], have you gone to bed? Are you feeling sleepy?

Wen Zhihan: Not yet, what’s up?

Wen Zhihan: Haven’t you finished work yet?

[Cixin]: Almost there

[Cixin]: Nothing much, I just wanted to ask if you’re hungry from all the work, would you like some late-night snacks? I can bring some on my way back.

She had been working all night, and now that she was done, Shao Cixin’s question did stir a bit of hunger.


Wen Zhihan: Will I be eating alone?

Living together, it would be unfair if she were to eat while the other could only watch, wouldn’t it?

[Cixin]: Of course not

[Cixin]: Our beautiful superstar is here to dine with you tonight

Wen Zhihan agreed.

[Cixin]: Okay, wait for me!

[Cixin]: Although I don’t know exactly when I’ll be back, I’ll definitely be back before midnight, so wait for me!

Putting down her phone, Wen Zhihan stood by the window, silently watching the night view.

The gentle moonlight silently brushed her brows and eyes, making her sleek features even softer.

Thinking of those messages, she couldn’t help but smile.

It was rare for Shao Cixin to have late-night snacks willingly, she was probably really hungry tonight.

Her Mrs. Wen must have worked hard filming…

With that thought, she remembered that she had not yet visited the filming site to see Shao Cixin in action. On a whim, she decided to go check it out tomorrow.

If her Mrs. Wen has scenes to shoot tomorrow…

After waiting about ten minutes, a “beep” finally came from outside the room door.

Wen Zhihan turned to see Shao Cixin opening the door, then turned her back and walked backwards into the room. She was holding something and acting sneakily as if hiding something.


Wen Zhihan: “Cixin, what are you doing?”

“Wait and you’ll see, don’t come over.” Shao Cixin replied hastily.

She closed the door, switched hands to hold the item, then took out her phone to check the time, and then just stood by the door without moving.

The light from the entryway fell on her, making her look like a student being punished for doing something wrong.

Wen Zhihan was confused but also stayed put.

She found it both cute and funny seeing her standing there in her thick long down jacket, being “punished.”

This “you must not move” game lasted until Shao Cixin’s phone alarm rang joyfully.

Almost at the same time, Shao Cixin turned around, her hands spread wide with glee, one hand holding a small cake and some barbeque: “Wen Zhihan, happy birthday!”

Wen Zhihan was stunned.

Shao Cixin’s eyes were smiling: “May our beautiful President Wen succeed in everything she wants!”

Wen Zhihan slowly came to her senses and hesitated: “…did you plan this to celebrate my birthday?”

Shao Cixin pulled down the cumbersome scarf and cheerfully replied: “Yes!”

Wen Zhihan paused again, her eyes softened by the surprise: “Thank you.”

Though she was not lacking in birthday wishes, she didn’t expect Shao Cixin to remember and was willing to break her diet to have late-night snacks with her.

Shao Cixin took off her scarf, removed her coat, and brought in a chill from outside, but her smile was brighter than the sun.

She put the items on the table: “No need to thank me, this is what I should do.

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“Come on, I’ve prepared a cake. To avoid you getting bored of it, I also bought some barbeque.

“If you want to celebrate with everyone else, we can order a big cake tomorrow and share it. You’re the birthday girl, you can do whatever you want.”

The laughter in Wen Zhihan’s eyes couldn’t be hidden: “Celebrating with just the two of us is enough. We don’t need to disturb the crew, I prefer some quiet.”

Shao Cixin nodded, then took out an elegant long black gift box from her bag.

“Here, a birthday gift.

“I thought we wouldn’t meet on your birthday, so it was originally planned to be sent to you tomorrow.”

Wen Zhihan lightly laughed: “Can I open it?”

Shao Cixin didn’t mind: “Of course, it’s up to you.”

Wen Zhihan gently opened the box to see a silver bracelet with a very unique design, unlike any she had seen before.

Shao Cixin said, “I had this custom-made, guaranteeing it’s one of a kind. I hope you like it.”

The bracelet had been made long ago, stored in the brand’s store in Feng City, waiting to be delivered to Wen Zhihan the next day.

She never expected Wen Zhihan to be here on a business trip, so she rushed it over today.

Wen Zhihan’s eyes softened like water: “I like it very much.”

This was the first gift she received this year, and it would be the best.

Seeing that the birthday girl liked it, Shao Cixin’s heart finally relaxed.

She pushed Wen Zhihan into a chair, brought out her serving spirit for the birthday girl, rolled up her sleeves, served tea, arranged the barbeque, brought out the cake, and lit the candle, not allowing the birthday girl to lift a finger.

Once everything was prepared, she sat down.

Wen Zhihan watched as Shao Cixin busily ran about, smiling and offering another thanks.

Shao Cixin waved her hands in dismissal: “Today is your birthday, you are not allowed to thank me.”

Wen Zhihan smiled softly: “Then I shall respectfully obey your command.”

The cake wasn’t big, but it was perfect for the two of them who wouldn’t be able to eat much anyway.

In the dimly lit room, the candlelight reflected off their faces. The soft, orange flame cast a warm ambiance.

But Shao Cixin felt something was missing.

How could there be a birthday without a Happy Birthday song?

Immediately, she enthusiastically sang a song for the birthday girl, Wen Zhihan!

As Wen Zhihan listened, she felt that something was off.

This didn’t sound quite like the Happy Birthday song she knew.

The melody of Shao Cixin’s song seemed somewhat out of place, yet fitting, leaving a sense of complete unpredictability.

Even so, she listened with a smile until the end of the song, which ended on a note that she couldn’t even identify. Then, she asked tentatively: “Cixin, was that the Happy Birthday song you were singing just now?”


“Is it the universally known one?”



Wen Zhihan smiled gently and asked, “Could it be… a bit off-key?”

There was an awkward silence in the air.

Then, Shao Cixin, who was not very musically talented but thick-skinned, said: “Nonsense, when it’s sung by a beauty, it can’t be called off-key!”

Wen Zhihan: “……So, what should it be called?”

Shao Cixin: “Re-arrangement of the song.”

Wen Zhihan: “……”

Quite a way to put it, ‘recomposed,’ typical of you, Shao Cixin.

[1] Shao Mai (烧麦) is a type of traditional Chinese dumpling, often served as part of dim sum. [2] In the context of the conversation, Shao Cixin used the term “Bodhisattva” (菩萨) as a nickname or term of address for Wen Zhihan, possibly due to her kind and patient personality. A Bodhisattva in Buddhism refers to a being who is dedicated to achieving full Buddhahood and helps others achieve enlightenment.

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