Chapter 189: Mirror Monster

The 120th catacomb!

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This was the Mirror World.

After going through four prompts, Klein decisively chose this place.

The catacomb here was the simplest of the four prompts.

The prompt was as follows.

[Mirror Monster: The creatures in the catacombs like to hide in the mirror. In the mirror, they can hide and attack at will. If you want to defeat them, you have to find them in the mirror and attack them. Or you can enter the mirror and take them down. It sounds easy, but this Mirror Monster is twice as powerful in the mirror as it is outside. But if you want to really kill it, that is to say, kill it, then you have to enter the Mirror World and kill it completely. Otherwise, they will resurrect in the mirror. You won’t gain anything either.]

‘Okay, the Mirror World, right?’


As soon as Klein walked into the catacomb, he found that the catacomb was very ordinary.

How should he put it?

Compared to the other catacombs, it felt like there was something missing.

First of all, the catacomb was very small!

It felt like it could only hold a dozen or so people.

It was the smallest catacomb Klein had ever seen.


If not for Klein’s prompt, this catacomb wouldn’t even know that it was a catacomb.

It thought that it was an ordinary region in the catacombs world…

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More importantly, when he entered the catacomb, he didn’t see any crypt creatures.

However, when Klein followed the prompt and saw a few shattered mirrors on the wall, he instantly understood.

This Mirror Monster must be hiding in the mirror to secretly observe him!

This time, Klein didn’t let Little Fox and Little Wind follow him. Instead, he let them enter the runic base.

Klein decided to take care of the Mirror Monster alone.

The main reason was that the Mirror Monster was too special.

Klein was afraid that Little fox and Little Wind would be caught in the mirror, and they wouldn’t be able to return.

This was the most exciting part.

Because once the two little fellows were caught in the mirror, then, after entering the Mirror World, it would be very difficult for Klein to ensure that they would be found.

And the Mirror Monster would be able to target Klein even more savagely.

“Is this the mirror?” Klein muttered to himself. Then, he looked at the mirror on the wall and slowly walked over.

The mirror looked very ordinary.

When Klein walked over, he noticed the handsome face in the mirror.

“This mirror isn’t very good. Why does it only reflect one-tenth of my handsomeness?” Klein said somewhat speechlessly.

But even so, it was still quite handsome.

‘The mirror has no reaction?’

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‘Is this guy not going to make a move?’

‘I’m clearly not prepared for anything, yet this guy doesn’t choose to make a move at this moment?’

‘Should I say that it’s too stable.’

‘Or does it have other thoughts?’

Klein held this curiosity in his heart.

He reached out and touched the mirror.

The mirror was no different from an ordinary mirror.

It felt very smooth and traceless.

This mirror wasn’t big. It was only about the size of a disc.

It was round.

“In that case, why don’t I smash this mirror into pieces?”

“After all, it can only reflect one-tenth of my looks, so there’s no point in keeping it.”

As Klein spoke, he took out his Golden Firestorm Saber.

The Flames instantly lit up the entire Firestorm Saber.

At that moment, a voice suddenly came from the mirror.

“Oh? How did you know that I was inside? Your sense of smell is actually so sensitive?”

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Suddenly, an extremely hoarse voice came from inside.

“Heh heh, guess.”

Klein instantly released flames and slashed at the mirror.

The monster in the mirror instantly extended a sharp claw and blocked Klein’s attack.


A loud collision sounded.

The sharp claw successfully blocked Klein’s attack.

“Fire element charm warlock?”

The hoarse voice sounded again.

Klein said with a smile, “You discovered all of this?”

Klein immediately strengthened the flames.

The flames were like the mouth of a dragon, directly devouring the mirror in front of him.

“Heh heh, your strength seems to be even more powerful than I imagined.”

“But unfortunately, it has no effect on me at all!” the mirror said with a strange smile.

“Heh heh, there’s no need for you to say that I’ve discovered it. Why? Do you want to pull me into the Mirror World?” Klein asked.

“Of course. After all, without experiencing the Mirror World, the meaning of coming here doesn’t exist,” the mirror said viciously.

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Then, Klein noticed that the mirror in front of him instantly enlarged.

Then, a beam of light appeared and sucked Klein in.

When Klein opened his eyes, he realized that a particularly strange world had appeared in front of him.

‘Is this the Mirror World?’

Klein looked at his surroundings, which didn’t seem to be any different from the real world.

Klein said, “Come out? Since you’ve pulled me into this world, then what’s the point of me coming here if you don’t appear?”

Klein spoke to the mirror monster with a mocking expression.

“Heh heh, let me tell you, this kind of provocation is useless against me.”

“After all, since you’ve come to my world, I have sufficient ability to torture you to the max. There’s no rush. Come, let me see how long you can last!”

The Mirror Monster’s hoarse voice echoed throughout the entire cavern.

Although this Mirror World was in a mirror, it could imitate the scenes of the outside world.

Therefore, the Mirror Monster had killed many other creatures before.

It also let others be pulled into the Mirror World unknowingly and then killed them secretly.

After all, those who were pulled into the Mirror World did not know that they were pulled in.

Naturally, they would not think that they had been taken in by other crypt creatures.

They would not be on guard.

After all, this underground cave was too small for anyone to notice.

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