
Chapter 8

Choi TaeJoon stared at the firmly closed front door. He rang the bell twice, but there was no sign of person inside.

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TaeJoon was engulfed in anxiety because Lee Hana couldn't have not heard the sound.


'By any chance did something dangerous happened?'


Standing on the unpainted stairs and lighting a cigarette, the air quickly becomes stuffy.

TaeJoon fiddled with the key he had put in his pocket. This was a copy of the house key in case of an emergency. He can open it and go in, but it can't guarantee what will happen if he do.

But maybe she's not at home?


"Where did she go?"


Choi TaeJoon sat down in front of the front door, recalling all kinds of possibilities.

He does not think that Hana is in danger. But it was likely she created a dangerous situation herself. 

Among PMCs, Logan Valentin's company was known for being put on high-risk missions. Regarding Valentine's Day mercenaries, the industry also said it was a 'bottom life'. However, the moment they hear their annual salary, everyone understand the reason.

Even within that, Lee hana was the elite that Logan cherished. Although she has left the company now, Lee Hana will be able to use Logan's power at any time.

IDC:A coveted the information she had, and sent invitation calls several times, but was rejected ever time. The reason was because of Duyi.

This was the reason why seniors were obsessed with Lee Hana.


Even that is not the only threat. The real reason Lee Hana is dangerous is because she is not righteous. Of course, being immoral and not are just  different contexts.

From a moral point of view, Lee Hana is pretty decent person. However, substituting the definition of justice, you will get a different answer.

She is not one to punish evil. Mercenaries do not distinguish between good and evil. They just doesn't kill civilians. You can't even call it a killer. Since most PMCs are committed to missions given by the state, they can be said to be half soldier working for the country.

They protect merchant ships from pirates and projects private companies dispatched for overseas business. Or, it become a cannon fodder for distinguished guests visiting conflict areas. Substitutes that are put in instead of consuming national manpower. That was the perception of them, and Lee Hana was at the top. There was even a joke that the word "one shot one kill" was coined because of Lee Hana.

Anyway, what is this?

Is there a limit to this one?

Isn't it like an overrated rumor?


It was when he was so lost in thought. He heard the sound of climbing the stairs coming up. TaeJoon who was  tired, got up.


"Huh? Choi TaeJoon."


It was Lee Hana who appeared around the corner.

Perhaps jogging, she was wrapped with a towel around her neck and drenched in sweat, she looks up and down at TaeJoon.

Bewildered, TaeJoon checked the time again.


"Are you crazy? Are you jogging now? In this heat?"

"Why, can't I? It's frustrating."

"How dangerous it is here, running like that!"

"Why can't I? Got a problem?"

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"Huh! Hey, Lee Hana. No matter how good you are, you're a woman. You need to be more cautious."


Tsk, Hana, who shook her head and clicked her tongue, opened the door and went inside. Choi TaeJoon touched her forehead as he looked at her in her sleeveless dress which fit her tight against her leggings

If she had run around in the outfit, she would have been targeted by several people. She came back safely because she is One, if it was someone else... . An unimaginable situation unfolded in his head.


She immediately opened the refrigerator door, took out a bottle of cold water, and drank it down.

Lee Hana's body was hard with no flab. It was said that he did no build muscles well, and his body covered with small muscles looked skinny at first glance.

It somehow made sense that she was mainly involved in espionage activities.


"I'm going to put someone on you, it's dangerous."


"Anyway, are you really not going with me?"

"Yes, just give me the coordinates. I'll go alone. If I moved with you, you would only nag me."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"People nag at what I am doing now. And TaeJoon... . I'm slowly accepting Duyi's death. So leave me alone."


Hana's voice sound mournful.

At that, TaeJoon let out a sigh with a bitter expression.


"I will take care of you until you return to Korea. I won't nag you, so move along with me, okay?"



Hearing that, he didn't like it. TaeJoon's expression hardened.


"I have someone to move with."

As soon as she finished speaking, the house which was terribly quiet, turns around. (TL/N turn around = kinda like the room suddenly felt different.)

There is someone.

TaeJoon instinctively felt danger and reached for the pistol hung from his belt.

But it was faster for someone's muzzle to reach the back of the head.

TaeJoon raised his hands to shoulder height and stared at Hana in contemplation.


"Lee Hana... . What are you doing?"


Hana wiped the water from her mouth and slowly met TaeJoon's eyes.


"Choose. Will you be my helper or someone else's helper?"


"The data you gave me, there were too many things missing."

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"Uh, what does that mean? Hurry... . Who are you? Put the gun away. Don't do this!"

"TaeJoon, don't scream. My ears hurt."

"Hana, what's wrong with you, really, huh? just who is this?"

"If that report alone was the reason Duyi was declared as dead, I am really disappointed. How are you going to pay for that ridiculous report."


TaeJoon broke out in a cold sweat and shook his head.


"The fact is... . A body was found wearing a bomb vest. But the condition is too bad. It was said that an autopsy was impossible because the corpse was so close to trace. But the body... Duyi was wearing a necklace. That's why Duyi is specified as it."

"A necklace... In a body damaged beyond inspection, a necklace was found? Do you expect me to believe it?"

"Really, really! That's why i asked you to go to the scene area. I can't stand telling you. Ha, I am afraid you'll be shocked."


TaeJoon straightened his shoulders proudly and met her gaze. It felt like facing his death for the first time. Waiting for Lee Hana's order with grim reaper behind him. He felt the horror of those kidnapped by terrorist.

At that time, she was staring at TaeJoon quietly, wiped the sweat on her chin, and slowly shook her head.


"As of this time, Choi TaeJoon, you are an assistant to my enemy. If you show signs of chasing, then... . I'm going to ask for your life. Get your hands off me. I'll be a fool trusting your lies, so you'll have to report very well to your superiors. Lee Hana hadn't taken a single step out of Lee Duyi's house since yesterday. That's all you can report, okay?"


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TaeJoon clenched his fists and nodded.

He have to live now. If he somehow get out of here... .

Just as he was trying to find a way out, Lee Hana nodded her head, and then a tremendous force hit the back of his head.


Eyes flip with a pop and sound.

As TaeJoon fell to the floor, he caught a glimpse of a man with black hair. It was the man who had put a gun to the back of his head.

This man... .

Damn... .




Hana put Choi Taejoon in the car that was parked in front of the house, then threw the key into it, and closed the door.

He'll probably come to his senses around evening. He'll get a lump in his head, but it won't affect his life.


"Then... Where should I go now?"


In response to her question, the man who hit TaeJoon on the back of the head a while ago held out a cell phone.


"I saved it to the navigation."


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The man was a man of mixed race. An Asian American, or an Asian with an exotic appearance. The man with sharp features was a helper that Logan had assigned to her.

Hana picked up the phone and launched the built in navigation. 

A destination mark appears 50 km away from here.


"What is your name?"

"Everyone calls me Liu. Originally, it was Yoo EunSeung, but i don't know how to pronounce it."

"Oh, Korean?"

"My father is Korean."


Hana shook hands with EunSeung. Contrary to the appearance that resembles a Korean idol, strong hands. It was clear that he was a skilled agent that Logan strongly recommended. In addition, his infiltration skills were so good that Choi TaeJoon did not notice.

But why does she feel uncomfortable?


A little while ago, Hana was waiting for Liu following Logan's instructions. Then, TaeJoon suddenly visited and guarded the door.

So she went down the outer wall plumbing to the first floor.

It was intended to divert Choi TaeJoon's attention from the front door to something else. When she returned home like that, she felt the presence of EunSeung, who was amazed.


"Messa is saving themselves now. It seems that they didn't know that the stolen goods were Guilio Parenti's."

"Then where is it?"

"I'm still looking into it. So stay there until I contacted you. Guilio Parenti's project jet has moved, so there will be a reaction from there as well."

"The mafia guys shouldn't know first. I need to know first to infiltrate."

"Don't worry about that. Because we have an advantage."

"Why are you so confident?"

"Because I'm confident."


Yoo EunSeung smiled coolly and looked around. Then she took a step closer and leaned over her upper body and whispered in her ear.


"Be careful. The more I look at you, the more you look like her."

"What do you mean her? Who?"

"She was known as the mistress of Guilio Parenti."

"An ex?"

"Yes. It's not accurate, but there is information that she became the wife of a Russian mafia."

"Ha, the Red Mafia? What a woman."

"Well, anyway... . An Asian with dark hair would be the trigger for Guilio Parenti. There's nothing wrong with being careful... . You know."


Hana smiled lightly and pulled out her leather gloves.


"I'd appreciate it if you'd rather pay attention to me. It will be easy to use."

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"Use? On the mafia?"

"There is nothing I can't do. Aren't the mafia people?"


He gave a silly smile. In the meantime, she picks up her helmet and waves to EunSeung.


"Then, see you again soon. It would be nice to have a meal next time I see you."


A loud roar from the engine of the motorcycle hits the floor. The eyes of the people who were sitting leisurely turned to Hana.

EunSeung, who erased the smile from his face, took a step closer. Then he bent his upper body, wrapping the back of her hand on the steering wheel of her motorcycle.


"Lee Hana, do you have a boyfriend?"


Hana laughed as if it was absurd, then sighed and raised her middle finger.


"There is, here."


EunSeung laughed out loud and nodded. Then she backed away from the bike.


"You are a great lover. Anyway, let's have a drink next time. By all means, survive."


The motorcycle goes away. EunSeung who was watching this scene, stared at Choi TaeJoon, who collapsed in the car, then turned around when he heard the sound of a car approaching.

A luxury sedan stops, and the two people lower their Valentine's Day badges and bow their heads.


"I came to see you."

"It was fun."

"That person is dangerous, Mr Kang."


EunSeung frowned and sighed. Then he passed by the man who had just called himself Mr. Kang and coldly warned him.


"You should have said Yoo EunSeung. Call me Liu not Kang MooJin."


At that cool tone, the man lowered his head and replied.


"Yes, Mr. Liu."


As EunSeung got into the car, she looked up to Lee Duyi's house.


Things were going fun.

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