Director Loves No One

Chapter 12.2: 12.2

Chapter 12: Do I Look Like Someone Who Is Easily Deceived? (2)

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Chu Xiaxing immediately put down the walkie-talkie, she couldn’t help being quite surprised, “Didn’t I tell you to inform me before you greet him?”

Li Jing said weakly, “He didn’t tell us a word, instead he came by himself…”

Chu Xiaxing, “……” Alright, it turned out to be an incognito who made a private investigation, and he likes to kill people unprepared!

Chu Xiaxing didn’t have much contact with Song Wenye, but she gradually found the other party’s character. This person had always been calm, low-key, spoke modestly and measuredly. He belonged to the type of keeping his own counsel and paid more attention to the effectiveness of work.

He arrived on the set quietly, probably  because he did not want to disturb the progress of the crew, but if he did not disturb them, how could she ask for money!

Chu Xiaxing  turned her thoughts slightly, and immediately put on a business smile. She faced Song Wenye who was oncoming, and politely said, “President Song, why didn’t you let them pick you up?”

Song Wenye walked into the set. He looked around the busy scene and said lightly, “You all have shooting tasks, so I feel bad to interrupt the work.”

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Chu Xiaxing smiled and said, “How can this be called interruption? To welcome the leader is also part of the crew’s work. ”

Song Wenye looked at her bright smile. He had a subtle premonition that something was not right, “……”

Song Wenye hesitated, “…When I first met you, you didn’t seem to have this kind of personality?”

Han Chuning squatted honestly in the corner and did not say anything. Of course, she had two different personalities when she wanted money and didn’t want money. This was also the outstanding professionalism of Director Chu, and she would never let down a party.

" "

Chu Xiaxing and Song Wenye step into the director’s studio. As soon as the people around saw President Song’s appearance, they stood up and dared not sit on the chair. The Filming Director warmly said, “Mr. Song, come here, please sit here!”

Song Wenye saw such a big welcome parade, so he politely declined it right away, “It’s alright. I’ll stand for a while. All of you can continue your…”

How could Chu Xiaxing not know Song Wenye’s unwillingness to disturb her, she led him to the director’s chair, put her hands on the opponent’s shoulders lightly, and directly pushed him into the director’s chair, and said with a smile, “How can you sit in that chair, President Song has to sit in the director’s chair!”

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As Song Wenye was caught off guard and put to sit in the director’s chair, he felt everyone’s gaze on the next second. He found that Chu Xiaxing’s action was like a hint, the crew all looked at themselves, and their attitude changed suddenly. Someone suddenly took the lead in shouting.

“Hello President Song! Hello boss!”

“We welcome you to do the work inspection!”

“Welcome to the set, President Song!”

Not everyone in the crew knew Song Wenye, but they knew who was at the top of the food chain when they saw that Director Chu took the initiative to give a seat. Everyone immediately said hello sensibly, like a well-trained army, their voices were extremely loud!

Song Wenye had never seen such scenes before, and was a little dazed for a while, “……”

Song Wenye was silent for a moment, and finally he couldn’t help but look at Chu Xiaxing who was smiling, and said frankly, “…Today, I learned what it is like sitting on pins and needles for the first time.”

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Song Wenye: What kind of director’s chair is this? It’s like sitting in an electric chair, a complete public execution.

Chu Xiaxing, “President Song sure can crack a joke.”

Song Wenye was greeted by the crew with a smile, and felt that he was a bit high-profile, and immediately felt embarrassed, “I’ll treat everyone to some cold drinks, all of you have worked hard under such high temperatures.”

Song Wenye thought that his arrival was of no help to the crew. He didn’t know much about film and television production. Now he was being held around by the staff, which naturally made people there feel confused. He was held up in the group because he has the ability to work and he could contribute to the team, but now he couldn’t help the crew too much, so he couldn’t afford these.

Chu Xiaxing didn’t give him a chance to make up. She immediately took the walkie-talkie to speak and enthusiastically informed, “President Song said that everyone has worked hard. Today he’ll buy drinks for the crew.”

“Thank you President Song! Thank you boss!”

“Boss has worked hard! We don’t have a hard time!”

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“Thank you for coming!”

In the next second, the set was filled with gratitudes one after another. It felt like a live broadcast of a rocket, the scene was full of wishing for the “generous boss”, and the atmosphere was quite warm!

Song Wenye, “……”

Although Song Wenye hadn’t bought the drinks for the crew, he was already madly thanked. He gently pursed his lips and looked suspiciously at Chu Xiaxing, “…Did you do it on purpose?”

He felt that if it was others who came to visit the crew, he must have already been praised so much that he was expected to fly in the air.

Chu Xiaxing pretended to be innocent, “What? Everyone is just happy that President Song specially buys us drinks.”

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