Director Loves No One

Chapter 13.1: 13.1

Chapter 13: It’s A Pity That I’m Not Thirty Or Forty Years Old Now (1)

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Song Wenye just didn’t know much about film and television production, so he naturally observed with a modest attitude, but it didn’t mean that his head was not working well and he didn’t understand many tricks. If it was a project of Yuansheng group, he would surely be in a different state, but the initial goal of the production group was very clear, and he didn’t ask that much.

Chu Xiaxing smiled politely, “Where? Where are you easily deceived? President Song must be joking.”

Song Wenye heard the familiar “joking theory”. He blinked and said slowly, “I seem to have been appraised with “joking” by you several times today?”

He also had a little suspicion in front of him, and felt the deep trick, but she dismissed it by “joking”.

Chu Xiaxing said leisurely, “Well, it proves that you have a great sense of humor. It is natural to laugh it up.”

Song Wenye, “……”

Song Wenye couldn’t help but be angry and found it funny. He looked at Chu Xiaxing seriously and said patiently, “If you have any thoughts about the budget, we can discuss it, but can we have less tricks and more sincerity?”

Song Wenye believed that he had been bewitched by flattery since joining the set. These crew members were really sociable, and they flattered him directly to his face, which was completely different from the ones he encountered in the group.

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Chu Xiaxing said boldly, “But this is the way I am, I only know how to use tricks without sincerity. And if I’m sincere, you may not be able to bear it in your heart.”

Song Wenye flatly said, “No, I have good psychological endurance.”

Chu Xiaxing showed a thoughtful look, and then said frankly, “Alright, I’ll be more sincere. I’m a little short of money right now. Would you give me a hundred million?”

Song Wenye was silent for a moment, and he said with a subtle expression, “…Do I really look easy to be cheated on for money?”

Song Wenye: She is really quite sincere, she started to cheat for money directly!

Chu Xiaxing was dissatisfied, “You just said that you have a good psychological endurance, but now you can’t accept sincerity without tricks!”

Song Wenye took a deep breath and nodded, “Okay, then it’s better if you use a little tricks, maybe my capability to adapt wasn’t that good.”

Chu Xiaxing, “Then I’ll use a bit of tricks. Right now I am a little short of money, please give me a hundred million…”

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Song Wenye raised his eyes to look at her, “Is this any different from just now?”

Chu Xiaxing plausibly said, “Listen to me, you give me a hundred million, if you think it’s not good, then bargain with me, this is a bit of a trick! If you think it is inappropriate, you can bargain!”

Song Wenye was surprised, “…It can be done like this?”

Chu Xiaxing, “Why can’t we do it like this? If you are not used to it, I can do the bargaining for you. If you can’t give me 100 million, how about 50 million? ”

Song Wenye’s eyes got dark and deep, he silently looked at Chu Xiaxing who was excited, and he didn’t know how to answer the conversation for a while.

Chu Xiaxing saw he didn’t answer, then she said in a good temper way, “Okay, then I’ll cut the price again, what about ten million?”

Song Wenye still looked at her quietly.

Chu Xiaxing sighed, “Okay, okay, okay. We can still talk about it, five million can do, right?”

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Song Wenye was silent.

Chu Xiaxing frowned slightly when she saw this, and she showed a complaining look, and said impatiently, “Five million didn’t work? You are a bit too much. The price is two million, there is no room to decrease…”

Song Wenye finally answered, “Okay.”

Chu Xiaxing was still full of resentment, but she changed her face a second after she heard what he said. She put away her performance mood and said with ease, “Okay, I made profit. Originally, I didn’t want that much.”

Song Wenye: “???” Was all of this really a trick?

Chu Xiaxing said happily, “This is the trick you want.”

Song Wenye pondered for a few seconds, he rubbed his temples, and said helplessly, “Forget it, this is about the same as I estimated. The production director just calculated it…”

Chu Xiaxing couldn’t help raising her eyebrows, “Where is it the same? You obviously have to pay more.”

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Song Wenye calmly said, “If you don’t spend money where it shouldn’t be used, it can’t be regarded as extra money. The money for the next few dramas, plus your directing fee, is actually the same as this number…”

Song Wenye was not just a fool who will pay blindly. In fact, he could understand the accounts and roughly knew where Chu Xiaxing spent the money. The last time she asked for money for the screenwriter and post production, Han Chuning’s coffee seat was also worth the money. This time, the crew was going to make up a few major scenes, and it was also not a lavish splurge.

Although she had a lot of ways to cheat money, she was not really profiting herself, and she had not even mentioned director fees.

“Director’s fee?”

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