Director Loves No One

Chapter 5.1: Entering The Crew (1)

Chapter 5: Entering The Crew (1)

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In the next few days, Han Chuning tidied up the things of Chu Xiaxin’s residence, paid back her debts, and inquired about the other party’s relatives and friends. Regrettably, Chu Xiaxin seemed to have no relatives and friends at all. All kinds of ceremonies could only be performed by Han Chuning.

Chu Xiaxing had seen this coming long ago. She said helplessly, “Her parents are nothing noteworthy, and her relatives and friends avoid her. This is quite normal.”

If Chu Xiaxin was not desperate, she would not have borrowed money in a muddle-headed way. It made sense that she had no relatives or friends. Of course, this also led to her not returning home. The apartment was also rented by the company. She had no real place to stay at all.

Chu Xiaxing and Han Chuning finally decided to hold the ceremony at home instead of opening a room in the apartment. Han Chuning arranged the platform for the ceremony and displayed the offerings on it. Chu Xiaxing and Han Chuning each offered Chu Xiaxin incense, respectively. This marked the end of the matter.

Chu Xiaxing looked at the incense table in front of her and the family photo in her hand. In the photo, Chu Xiaxin was still a small bean curd not taller than her knees. With a slight sigh, she found a frame for the family photo. She put it in the cabinet where she displayed her old photos.

There were old photos of Chu Xiaxing in the cabinet. They included the photos of her finishing a film with the crew, the party photos of her meeting with her friends, and even the commemorative photos of her first award. Chu Xiaxing moved the other photo frames to make space for the family photo. She then said in a soft voice, “Alright, you stay with me here first.”

Upon seeing this, Han Chuning came over and said to comfort her, “Auntie, when I find time, I’ll go to her hometown. Maybe someone there would know about her.”

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Han Chuning couldn’t find the contact information of Chu Xiaxin’s relatives and friends. However, there might be some distant relatives in the other party’s hometown who could tell about her origin.

Chu Xiaxing nodded. “I’ll go with you.”

After the two of them took care of Chu Xiaxin’s affairs, Han Chuning continued to study the agency contract. Chu Xiaxing began to prepare for the crew.

Manager Xiao Cheng seemed to be still angry about the fact that Chu Xiaxing didn’t sign the contract. She took advantage of Xia Hong’s bad temper when he was not in the company by not caring about Chu Xiaxing. She even assigned her an inexperienced assistant. Xiao Cheng’s original intention was to let Chu Xiaxing feel that nothing could be done after the other party left the company’s crew. That way, she would sign a follow-up contract.

If it was the real Chu Xiaxin, she might bump around like a fly without a head. She couldn’t figure out how to get into the crew, but Chu Xiaxing had rich experiences in socializing. She was very calm. She sent an assistant to inquire about the shooting, put on her make-up, and held a meeting. Her actions were in no way inferior to a veteran actor.

What was more surprising was that Chu Xiaxing’s spending on food and clothing had made a leap. Her jewelry was so valuable that people around her were surprised!

Chu Xiaxin was in debt. She wore plain clothes and lived in the company’s room before. Now, though, she not only had exquisite clothes and expensive accessories, but she also rarely went back to her original residence. Her temperament and conversation were quite different from her past self. It was obvious that she was full of confidence after being supported!

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Outsiders didn’t know that Chu Xiaxing didn’t have a sugar daddy. Nonetheless, once a young and poor girl had an overnight transformation, it would inevitably lead to bad guesses.

All the people in the agency insisted that it was the new boss who spent money on Chu Xiaxing. CEO Xia himself felt extreme panic when he heard the news!

Xia Hong: I am obviously a good citizen. How could I be victimized by rumors? Besides, who would want to be a sugar daddy!

Xia Hong originally felt that Chu Xiaxing was different from what he had in mind. When he noticed the change in the other party’s way of dressing, he was more sure that she had fallen into the abyss of depravity. He quickly informed his friend, Song Wenye, that according to him, she was relying on an investor. The investor not only repackaged her, but he also bought her contract to redeem herself.

Xia Hong said angrily, “She’s very social, not at all like rumored. She’s just like my father! It’s like meeting my father when I face her!”

Song Wenye was silent for a moment. He felt helpless. “Why do you like to recognize others as fathers so much?”

Song Wenye still remembered that when he first met Xia Hong, he always accused him of being old-fashioned and no different from his father. He didn’t know how Xia Hong developed his ‘father’ problems and whether uncle Xia knew about it or not.

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Xia Hong: “?” Wait, is this the main point in my words?

When Xia Hong was teased by his friend, he immediately became irritated. “Song Wenye, are you for real? Who begged me to do this at the beginning?”

Song Wenye corrected him. “That wasn’t begging. You took the initiative to help me with it.”

Xia Hong was incensed, “If you do this again, I won’t care anymore! It was originally your mess!”

Song Wenye never expected that Xia Hong couldn’t control a little girl. He pondered for a few seconds and suggested, “When I’m finished, I’ll find a chance to talk to her. She’s going to join the crew soon. There shouldn’t be any problem for the time being.”

Song Wenye had been busy with projects recently. He even had to sleep at the company. There really was no way to find the time. He had to make room to call Xia Hong.

Xia Hong: “No. But what will you talk to her about? Are you sure she will listen?”

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Xia Hong thought about the duo’s temper. He felt that Song Wenye didn’t need to help Chu Xiaxin anymore, because they weren’t on the same page. Song Wenye was too formal. His words might not necessarily make Chu Xiaxing feel pleasant. Rather, they might even annoy her.

Song Wenye calmly said, “If I earnestly talk about the reason, she might listen to me, right?

I think women still have to have their own careers. Relying on these methods is not a long-term solution. She had to resort to this step because of her livelihood. She only needs to seize the right opportunity, and maybe she can realize her mistake.”

Song Wenye recalled Chu Xiaxin’s tragic experience. He thought that she was forced to bow to the money, just like the naked strip incident before. It did not mean real depravity. Anyway, she was about to join the crew, and she just happened to not be able to get in touch with the mysterious investor in the meantime. In addition, her work would take over her body and mind, so her ideas might change.

When Xia Hong heard that his good friend wanted to educate Chu Xiaxin, he couldn’t help but sneer. “Are you the light of the correct path? Is this to save the girl who has fallen?”

Xia Hong thought that Song Wenye was too optimistic. If people had ever had the experience of making huge profits, it would be hard for them to work in a humble manner. Chu Xiaxin had had the taste of making easy money. How could she stop now?

Song Wenye: “What’s the problem with this? Work is essential for modern women.”

Xia Hong clicked his tongue and said, “Work is obviously only important to workaholics like you. Your outrageous chicken soup can’t even brainwash me, let alone a little girl who has been poor all the way!”

Song Wenye: “So you are not a modern woman…”

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