Director Loves No One

Chapter 9.2

Chapter 9: Direct The Play (2)

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Li Jing knew that the people in the company didn’t like Chu Xiaxing, and Director Wang was together with the people of the company. They would definitely join forces, and who knew rumors would be spread.

Chu Xiaxing was rather calm. “What can be discredited?”

Li Jing said, “No! I am going to find out more and come back to tell you the news!”

Chu Xiaxing joked, “Are you going to be a spy?”

Li Jing said, “In case they talk nonsense, I have to go to take a look…”

Chu Xiaxing felt that Li Jing’s words were light, and she probably wouldn’t be able to speak, but she didn’t want to discourage her kindness, so she didn’t say anything to stop the other party from rushing out. She was sitting alone in the lounge. She wanted to call Han Chuning to ask about the contract, but she didn’t expect the door of the lounge to open gently.

“Did You immediately return from spying?” Chu Xiaxing raised her head leisurely but unexpectedly saw a familiar face. She couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment and reminded, “You went to the wrong lounge. This is not your crew.”

The person who opened the door was the little actor who he met at the entrance of the restaurant. Since multiple crews were located in the same office building, but only on different floors, there was often staff who went the wrong way.

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Song Wenye was silent for a few seconds. He simply walked into the room and said slowly, “Are you Chu Xiaxing? I am from the company. Xia Hong… President Xia is still next door. I want to find out about the situation with you first, regarding the matter with Director Wang yesterday.”

Chu Xiaxing was taken aback when she heard the words, raised her eyebrows amusedly, and said, “Are you with the company?”

Song Wenye nodded calmly. There was a large long table in the lounge, he simply sat on the opposite side of Chu Xiaxing and took notes with pen and paper, “Why did you have conflicts on the set yesterday?”

Chu Xiaxing said straightforwardly, “Because he was too bad in filming, I want to have him replaced.”

Song Wenye asked, “Which part is bad?”

Chu Xiaxing was sending a WeChat message to Han Chunning and her answer was concise. “The scheduling is bad, the drama is bad, and the character is bad.”

Song Wenye showed a thoughtful look. Seeing Chu Xiaxing looking down at her phone, he said patiently, “Then do you have a director suitable for this project in your heart?”

Chu Xiaxing said, “No.”

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Song Wenye hesitated slightly. “Why? Since you think Director Wang is not appropriate, there should always be other options?”

Chu Xiaxing was still looking at her mobile phone, and she said without looking up, “This drama is fundamentally lacking. It is not only the director’s problem but there are other things to save…”

Song Wenye asked humbly. “What else is there?”

Chu Xiaxing familiarly said, “The production cost needs at least three hundred more, otherwise it will be useless if you want to save it. It will cost one hundred for the script to be reworked, and two hundred for the post-shooting.”

When Chu Xiaxing entered the group, she had a pre-judgment for “You in the Far Heart”, so she wanted to be a jerk at first. The filming of the crew was a team effort. You wouldn’t get anywhere without equipment and the production funds in place, not even if god descended. She couldn’t make a one-stop package from the early stage to the late stage, and the time schedule would not allow it.

Song Wenye thought for a moment and said calmly, “If the cost is increased by three hundred, do you think this drama can be done well?”

Chu Xiaxing kept looking down to reply to the messages. She responded to the messages one after another and said casually, “I can be the director, I don’t know about others.”

Song Wenye saw her holding the phone from beginning to end and didn’t look up at him at all. His gaze was slightly lowered, his lips were gently pursed, and he spoke politely and earnestly, “May I ask you to put down your phone for a while. Can we have a serious conversation?”

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Song Wenye had never encountered such a person during the group meeting. He guessed that Chu Xiaxing was a bit rebellious due to her experience, but the basic etiquette must at least be maintained. He was a serious person in detail, so naturally, he couldn’t understand her current words and deeds.

Song Wenye said sincerely, “I think looking at the other party while communicating can make communications better.”

He didn’t make any angry criticization, instead, he had a calm and educational attitude, and his tone was like a teacher’s.

When Chu Xiaxing heard the words, she finally raised her head suddenly, looking at the other party angrily and funnily. She jokingly said, “Little friend, is it interesting to be a liar? You are not a member of the film company or the crew, you don’t have the expression for that. I don’t know what you are up to.”

Chu Xiaxing was amused by Song Wenye. When he opened his mouth, she knew that the other party was lying. He was not a member of the company, and he didn’t look like a mixed crew. There was no inner sense in him!

Chu Xiaxing had seen too many people in filming, and she basically knew if he was an insider when she heard the others speak. Because she knew that Song Wenye was talking nonsense at the beginning, the other party’s attitude was not honest. She naturally didn’t take it to heart and just responded casually.

When Song Wenye heard her address him, he hesitantly frowned and asked, “…little friend?”

Song Wenye had never been called that way until now. He was dumbfounded for a moment!

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Chu Xiaxing didn’t bother to talk to him anymore and said calmly, “But I am more tolerant to people who look good, so you should go out quickly. Let’s not chat anymore, okay?”

She felt that her temper was gradually getting better now. If this was when she was young, she would directly blow the liar’s head.

Song Wenye calmly said, “I’m not having a casual conversation. I think since you have an idea in your mind, you can try to be the director of this drama.”

Chu Xiaxing sneered, only feeling that the other party was still enthusiastic, and said perfunctorily, “Yes, you pay three hundred million now, and I will be the director immediately…”

Chu Xiaxing thought. Isn’t it just bragging? They always talk nonsense!

Song Wenye said slowly and rationally, “If you can make this drama well, I think we can have a chance to talk about another 300 million projects.”

Chu Xiaxing was confused. “?” Do all the kids talk like that now? Are you really bragging to the sky?

Song Wenye’s eyes were calm. He stared at Chu Xiaxing seriously and said solemnly, “Hello, let me introduce myself first. My name is Song Wenye. I am not a member of this company, but I have some connections with the company, and I am not a liar.”

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