Locked Room

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“Jornwerner-sensei…. what are you doing here?”

“I needed some dolls for an experiment. I’m not really supposed to, but I thought I’d borrow some of the equipment from here.”

The extremely carefree response made her relax. Sheila’s face was flushed as she sat back down on the mat.

“…. Stealing equipment is not a good idea.”

“You have such a negative impression of me. I don’t steal things, I borrow them. After I use it, I’ll put it back where it belongs.”

That being said, it was hard to believe that the dolls that accompanied him in his experiments would remain exactly as they were.

Normally, she would’ve admonished him, but Sheila saw this as a good bargaining chip.

“Then, I’ll overlook the loss of the equipment, so long as you get me out of here. I’m sure Jornwerner-sensei can open it with his magic.”

She thought it would probably work, but the answer she received wasn’t good.

“I don’t know. Didn’t he say it earlier? He said he tampered the lock with magic.”

“――Ah, that’s right.”

She did hear him say that Cody couldn’t help her either.

She didn’t know if he would notice anything unusual, but even if he did come, it would be useless.

She buried her face in her knees and sighed, and before she knew it, Jornwerner was approaching her.

“You don’t look well.”

An elegant hand reached out to touch Sheila’s forehead. The coolness felt good, so she closed her eyes, entranced.

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“I think you have a fever.”

“It’s just a slight fever. I thought that if I rested slowly, the fever would probably go down, but then I was locked in.”


Truly, the day had gone by completely out of her expectation. Even though she managed to get through the class, she was forced into a situation where her fever rose again.

As she was wiping the sweat from her neck, Jornwerner sat down behind her. Somehow, she ended up snuggled in between his legs. Sheila’s brow furrowed as an arm was placed around her shoulder as well.

“….. What are you doing?”

“It’s good to sweat when you have a cold, but it’s counterproductive if it cools you down. I’ll warm you up with my chest.”

He must have noticed that her shoulders were shivering. It was hard for her to understand, but she knew this was Jornwerner’s kindness to her.

He seemed to be in the habit of intentionally using vulgar words and behavior, but if you strip them away, his true intentions would be conveyed. She understood that.

“I know that, but don’t you think there’s no need to go to the trouble of getting into this position? It would be enough if you lend me your cloak.”

She was embarrassed to be so close. A warm body temperature was transmitted through her back, and she felt like she couldn’t stand still.

When she was trying to mug the cloak he was wearing to distract herself from her embarrassment, Jornverna smiled wryly.

“You’re really brazen, asking me to lend you my cape. What? Does it make you nervous to be hugged?”

He was right, but it was frustrating to admit it, so she returned the flippant remark with a nonchalant look on her face.

“It certainly gives me a strange palpitation when I think of someone seeing me like this.”

“I didn’t mean it that way. But it’s okay. It’s just the two of us here, and no one will get in our way. You can leave everything to me as much as you want.”

“In other words, it’s okay to lean on you without hesitation. Your phrasing is as confusing as ever.”

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Despite her comments, Sheila had completely entrusted herself to him.

Before long, their body temperatures mingled with each other, and a pleasant heat was transmitted. When a person was weak, the warmth of another person’s body was reassuring. She closed her eyes, trusting in his words.

Jornwerner, who had been staring at Sheila for a while, lowered his voice as if worried.

“….. The harassment, it’s getting pretty bad, isn’t it? Have you talked to Claushezade about it?”

“Even if I consult it with him, there’s nothing he can do about it. No matter what they do to me, I just have to keep letting it slide.”

As long as the feeling of estrangement didn’t disappear, it would be the same no matter how many times you warn them. Claushezade was also aware of the current situation, and as a teacher, he took care of it as much as he could. Whenever they had a training session with a noble who disliked Sheila, he was always nearby, taking care of her. He thought that was enough.

“You’re okay with that? Isn’t that usually the part where you get angry?”

She wondered why she was having this conversation with Jornwerner, but then she remembered that he was also a teacher. He must have thought that he couldn’t overlook it as a teacher and was willing to be consulted.

In a daze, Sheila pouted her lips.

“I’m angry but getting angry is a waste of time. There is no point in hating those who hate me back in the same way.”

She loosely raised her arms and clenched her fists in front of him.

She was very careful not to worry Jornwerner any further, so she said with conviction.

“We just have to make them understand. By strength or by skill, I’ll never back down.”


She could tell that he was tilting his head curiously behind her by the sound of his clothes rustling nearby. Certainly, he who was far from gutsy might not understand.

“Even so, if you can’t bear it, come jump into my arms. It’s unbearable to see you, who are more precious and beloved than anything else, suffered because of someone else. I am the only one in the world who can make you suffer.”

“In other words, you want to say that I can rely on you when I’m in trouble without having to bargain every single time. It’s really hard to understand, but….. thank you.”

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After thanking him with a gentle smile, Jornwerner fell silent for a while. The darkness and silence almost made her fall asleep.

As Sheila dozed off, Jornwerner sat up. The missing warmth left her somewhat regretful.

He was standing in front of the door. He quickly held up his hand and began to chant something. A gust of wind whipped up and swept Jornwerner’s blue-gray hair. Then, suddenly, a dazzling flash of light filled the room.

It was really only for a moment, and the area soon returned back to dark. As she blinked, wondering what had just happened, Jornwerner carelessly put his hand on the door.



She looked incredulous.

A thin ray of light shone through the crack in the open door, illuminating his sweet smile.

“The magic that manipulates metal can only be broken by fire magic. The reason he said that not even Cody-kun could open the door is probably because he’s not good with fire magic.”

Jornwerner explained it fluently.

But the current Sheila didn’t care about the laws of magic.

“You can open the door….?”

“I never said I couldn’t open it.”

She met with a wicked smile and was left feeling exhausted and discouraged.

“Why…. if you can get out, from the beginning….”

What was this feeling of exhaustion? She was about to heat up again.

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Jornwerner approached with leisurely steps.

“I just wanted to talk to you outside of the supplementary classes.”

“…. Why?”

“Why, you said, it’s because―”

As he was about to say something, Jornwerner suddenly kept his mouth shut.

While staring at Sheila with eyes that were slightly astonished, he tilted his head.

“I wonder why….?”

“That’s why I want to ask.”

His principle of action, which only worked on his own theory, didn’t extend to Sheila.

Jornwerner, who had been twisting his hand on his chin, gave up thinking for a moment and casually tapped Sheila on the shoulder.

“Well, I’ll walk you back to your room to make up for it.”

“No, thank you.”

She refused, but to be honest, she didn’t think she could walk back to her room.

For some reason, her consciousness was somewhat hazy. While she was feeling dazed, her swaying body was lightly lifted.

When she was held in his arms, it felt like she was in a cradle and calmed down. She was so relaxed that she let her weight fall on him.

“You are so light…..”

She thought she heard Jornwerner mutter something like that, but Sheila, who was falling asleep, couldn’t answer.

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