Distant Love

Chapter 61: 61

"James, James, are you here?; she called out as she entered his hotel room, it was a bit dark, the desk lamp light was dimmed, she swiftly walk her way to the room. James sat on the floor with a bottle of whiskey in his hands, he took a gulp then turned and looked her "What do you want?"

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"James, why are you doing this to yourself?" she strode and knelt down infront of him then took the bottle of whiskey from his hand and put it on the bedside drawer. He put his hand under his bed and took out another bottle, he opened it and took a gulp. As she turned, she was shocked to see him drinking again, she shook her head then took the second bottle and walked towards the bedside drawer and dropped it, as she turned, James was right infront of her, she almost jumped off the floor.

He step forward which made her step back, the motion continued till she reached the wall, he gently caress her cheek, he put his finger on her chin then raised her head "Why did you say that?, Did i do something wrong?, Why cant you love me?, What does he have that i cant give you?, I love you and that the only word in my head" his eyes were starting to form tears.

"I love you James, am sorry for whatever i did, please forgive me" she held his hand that was on her cheek. James cupped her face with his hand then slowly leaned his head and kissed her lip, she didn't try to stop him. She wrapped her hand around his neck and kissed him passionate, he felt his body burning up, a fire of passion ignited both of them, they kissed till they were almost out of breath but he wanted more.

He run his hand around her back and unzipped her dress, he carried her to the bed and lay her gently, he paused and looked at her beautiful figure before slowly leaning and kissing her on her lips, then slowly moved to her cheeks, then her neck, he moved further down to her cleavage. He paused then raised his head and took off his shirt, she bit her lower lip as she glanced at his sexy figure, he leaned to her eyes and said "I love you" then kissed her lip passionately.

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"JAMES!" a familiar female voice called his name from the direction of the door, he immidiately stopped kissing the girl infront of him, he raised his head and looked the source, his eyes widened "Beatrix" he mumured and looked the girl he was kissing ealier "Emily!".

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Come on, we are gonna be late. What else are you packing Sophie?" Chris shouted as he looked at his wrist watch 'Ahh!, she always does this' .

"Am done, lets go" she walked out the house with her small bag

[A/N : The same bag that took her one hour to pack. ;) ]

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"Am not even gonna ask" he raised his hands gesturing surrender while grinning, they both boarded the car and Albert drove them to the airport.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



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Mr. Mark coughed violently in his room which made nurse Elena enter his room in a rush with a tray of his medicine. She gave him the tablets, he swallowed them swiftly, she opened the syrup and poured a tablespoon full then gave it to him, as the medicine reached his lips, his nose sniffed the pungent smell of the syrup, he immidiately dropped the spoon back on the tray which made the medicine spill in the tray.

"Why does the medicine smell really bad?" he asked with a confused voice

"Its your new medicine from singapore sir, it is more effective than the others" she explained

"I cant drink that, it smells like a rat died in it"

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"Mr. Mark, dont you want to see your grandkids anymore?"

"Ofcourse i do" he glanced at the nurse with a question expression

"Then you will have to take your medicine so that you will be strong when they come so you can play with them" she smiled then poured another spoon of the syrup and pass it to him.

He took the spoon and raised his head, at one go he poured all the liquid in his mouth. Swallowing it,he close his eyes tightly and shaked his head.

"Good sir, now you should rest" She took the spoon from his hand then lay him down and cover him with the comforter, she dim the lamp light and took the tray to leave, she turned and took a quick glance at him then smirked evily as she closed the door.

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