Divine Overlord

Chapter 3

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in the sky above a huge great city with thousands of buildings, the unparalled dark prison overlord is watching everything happen below with great interest.

"a city with 800.000 population, not bad... lets get down there" dark prison start to descend and landed slowlly near a bustling plaza full of peoples.

if anyone sees a person especially a human suddenly floating and descending from the sky then they will be totally shocked, because only those who had high cultivation that can fly or races with wings in their body which is very rare sight in the realm.

but it's just simple thing for the dark prison to hide his presences as no one in the entire realm can see nor feel him, if he doesn't want to.

not long he decide to reveal his entire body but nobody bats an eye as there is so much crowds in the plaza creating confusing sea of peoples, thus he continue to swaggering without attracting attentions while listening to peoples chatting, shouting and kids running around.

when he walk there is lots of activities happening from merchants selling their wares and goods, some people just strolling around while looking and haggling around the stores, others who's busy working or some who just sitting doing nothing, it's extremely vibrant atmosphere, and for the dark prison this is very refreshing feeling as it's been long since he experienced it.

he then sit in the side of large fountain in the middle of plaza, as he can see lots of painters, entertainners, musician, bards and singer showing off their skill, even seeing several beautiful elf male and female among the musicians group, playing their instruments and singing an echanting but relaxing song.

'hemm back then many race seldom interacting with another outside their kind, but now.... even the elfs start mingling with others' dark prison thought return back to when he still walked around the plaza earlier, where he sees lot's of peoples from another race not just human who heavily involved in many activities.

this is lightly surprised him as back in the past interaction between races are extremely rare to happens, in fact races back then are competing and exterminating each other.

but now he can see a dwarves smithing an axe for his tigerman customers or a troll lifting huge load of goods with an oxhead man, and pretty elf woman singing song accompanied by a human musician, while there is a lizardman haggling prices with a ratman merchant.

'hahh the gaia realm is trully changed hah...' he thought and sigh faintly.

while he sitting there with relaxing posture, over the time many more people start paying attention to him, as the dark prison emitting natural dashing aura even when he concealing his strength, with his masculine handsome face and light purple eyes and short stylish black hair, he is also wearing dark light armor along dark trench coat that looked expensive and ethereal, he gives seemingly out of this world feeling.

not long there is a male wolfman carrying huge backpack suddenly sits beside him and start drinking water from an animal skin pouch.

"huahhh.... it's really hot sunny day right.." the wolfman starting conversation with the dark prison.

"yeah..... " dark prison mumble answering the wolfman who looked very tired and sweating all over his furred body.

'hmm just an early human rank' dark prison thought while gauging the wolfman strength.

"what's with the huge backpack?".

dark prison asked about the wolfman backpack, he already know what's inside but still curious about it's functions.

"hehehe inside it's my item refining tools, i'm a refiner master haha" wolfman said while patting the backpack.

refiner master is a proffesion in which these people were talented in making many usefull tool and magic items.

"you?? a refiner master?? a wolfman like you?".

dark prison asked doubtly, he think that the refining tool this wolfman had is really different that he knows in the past.

'he's a wolfman right, never seen a wolfman being a refiner masters'.

dark prison thought as he looking the wolfman.

"hey don't look down on me alright, i know.. i know that i don't have talent in fighting and cultivating but..... hehe....if it's refining tools then this wolfman in front of you right now is one of the most talented in the business".

wolfman then patting his chest while smiling brightly, he seems proud of himself.

"alright alright..... i just thought that all wolfman are bunch of muscleheads that only know how to fights".

dark prison said while remembering the wolfmans he knows in the past..

"well that stereotype more or less is true, we wolfman only knows how to fights, but i'm different okay, me basically are much more smarter than averages wolfmans heheh, refining magic tools needs working brain instead how strong your punch is".

wolfman explaining while resting beside the dark prison.

"oh yeah.....my name is schmidt, from clausewitz tribe, i'm a level 2 fighter rank hehe.... it's not bad huh but my old man the tribe chief who is a warrior at level 1 super warrior rank wanted me to succeded him in future, but i got neither a talent or interest in cultivation or became a chief, instead here i am.... far away from home, trying to get a masters certificate from astoria refiners guild....what is yours by the way??".

wolfman named schmidt start introduce himself and explaining why he is here for, while offering his hand for handshake.

the dark prison is stunned for a while and hesitating, he can't just give the wolfman his title right, the title of dark prison overlord is a nickname that he received because of his own created space type sealing technique named the dark prison seal.

this skill has terryfing reputation across the realm, as no one is able to escape when their soul is sealed by this seal, they were doomed being imprisoned for eternity.

but right now using the title that was so overbearing is kinda weird, beside he really does not want causing troubles.

instead after awhile he decide to use the name that has been long since been heard and almost forgotten.

"heh the name is arno, also just arrive here from a remote island overseas... but what fighter and super warrior rank you say earlier exactly is?? is it cultivation rank or something?".

arno who from now on decide to use his original name instead of his used to be famous title, he grab schmidt's hand then they start to shakes hands, and also asked about dubious thing he heard from schmidt mouth that seems like a cultivation level.

"hehe arno heh.... ehmm why do you ask about that?? that's right they were cultivation rank.... wait... don't tell me that you didn't know about it ? ".

schmidt is kinda shocked and confused because it looks like arno really did not know about cultivation rank.

"well yeah i already say it before right, i'm just arrive here, we kinda using a different names for them back in home".

arno did not lie, back then people did use different names for the cultivation rank.

"ah i see i see... it's kinda shocking really, but maybe your island its so remote and isolated because, here in dawn continent we use the same names for cultivation rank anywhere, wheather in here astoria or back in my home tribes in the west or even in the far orients.... well fine anyway about cultivation rank.....".

then schmidt start to explained about cultivation rank.

schmidt explaining that in this dawn continent the largest continent in greysia realm the new name for the former gaia realm central region, cultivation rank seperated into 4 rank with 6 sub-level, which from the bottom is fighter, super warrior, grandmaster and saint.

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while schmidt also revealed the existence of mages, who can harness the power of mana to create powerfull spell to eradicated their enemy, mages cultivation are also seperated into 4 rank and 6 sub-level aswell, which is novice mage, adept mage, grand mage, and arch mage.

'things are getting more confusing after god knows how many long since i've been dormant hibernating... but this new world is so much interesting.. hmhm' arno surprised for a bit as his heart seems filled with happiness and curiosities after hearing schmidt explanation about this whole new world.

according to what the wolfman says and arno's own finding, for example schmidt said that he's a level 2 fighter while arno gauging the accurate strength and energia coming out from schmidt's body is equivalent of early stage human rank, based on that, cultivation rank is more or less still same except people currently using different names for it, so schmidt father the chief who have the strength of level 1 super warrior means that he is at initial earth rank.

that means a grandmaster is equivalent to heaven rank, while saint rank is martial lords.

'heh only 4 ranks huh..... it looks like he doesn't know that there are still higher rank... he's just common people so maybe he simply did not had access to the information....but this mage and mana... hehhm i need more info on this....'.

arno think that he still need to researching the situation more...

"that's it then.... i'm pretty knowledgeable huh for a wolfman....ahahaaha,..... oh shit it's already the time for the test.. can't be late for it, i guess this is it then arno i need to get going, it's been great talking to you, wish me luck okay".

schmidt then remember that he still had an urgent business, and picking up his backpack start saying goodbye to arno.

"alright.... good luck to you then, and thanks for the studies".

arno then thanked the wolfman for the informations.

"heheh fine fine don't mind it, well.... hope we meet again.... goodbye".

schmidt the refiner master start walking fast towards his appointment, unknowingly that he just had conversations with the strongest being in the entire realm, even lecturing him.

'hmhm what a funny wolfman, and hehehe it looks like his destiny faintly connected with me, we definitly will cross path again in the future'.

arno who already had breaking the shackles mortality can feel faintly that schmidt destiny had something to do with him in the future.

his smilling lightly that drew a dazed look from countless people that already paying attention to him since awhile ago, but he pays no mind about it.

'library might be good place, as still need studies about history...but need money first, well i can sell some useless trash in my space ring'.

he decide going to library to studies more about the world but before that he needed to have money first for some minimal necessities.

so by asking around he find stores that buys and sells odd kinds of things near the plaza, as he did not have single money right now, but he still had a lot valuable things in his posession that can buy the entire world if he want to, so he can be said a penniless but also rich person at the same time.

actually he doesn't need to do all that trying to gained information, it's very simple for him to just scan common peoples brain to get knowledge from their memories with his divine sense, as they don't had any strength to resist in the first place, also they wouldn't even know that their memories are being stolen, and if he need money he can just stole it without ever getting caughted, it's not like he never does that before.

but arno from the very beginning he descend to the world already decide that he will do things slowly and just enjoying the process, that's why he limiting the use of his ability.

he enter the stores that buys and sells odd goods, then scanned the entire bulding with divine sense, there is single rather chubby male toadman race inside, also 2 female, human and dark elf in 3rd floors and some workers in the warehouse at the back.

"hello welcome welcome to the fanctom's odd store, we here sell many things from antiques to magic tools, we have it all, we also buy things from you if you had any odd things, and my name is fanctom the store owner, so is there anything i can help you with ?".

the toadman owner lightly shouting welcoming arno, while smiling brightly, the toadman mouths is incomparble large.

"im here to sell these, if you are interested then give me your best price".

arno does not want to waste time here, so he quickly takes out several useless trinkets and and small ornaments that was not too conspicuous and will not attract many attention from his space ring.

"w...wa...w..ait wait, did you just take these from an in..inventory ring??"

the toadman suddenly shocked and stuttering when he sees arno taking out things from his space ring in his right finger.

'inventory ring? heh another name for this old ring' arno somewhat find the toadman little funny, because arno can perceived that the toadman owner is half faking his reaction.

"well it's just an old ring i got from my father, it's capacity is also really small it's not worth for you to getting shocked at it right".

arno pull some bullshit about the ring from out of nowhere.

"not worth getting shocked at?? sir the thing in your fingers is an inventory ring, i have never seen one before, it's very rare you know, only handfull exist, that's why only some powerfull family or royalties and famous people that had those rings, even i'm sure that many haughty nobles does not even have one,... sir if i may ask, are you the members of nobility or famous people at least??".

the toadman suddenly ask arno's identity because he possess an inventory ring which is in the toadman's mind signify that arno must be a royalty or came from famous family.

'sigh... it's just a space rings, but judging from his reaction..... maybe the production process for this ring already lost or something'.

actually for a divine overlord like arno, he does not need a space ring to store things anymore.

in fact cultivation above martial sovereign can make their own small pocket dimension to store many thing as they had high comprehension of universe law, and also their capacity are much more bigger than average space rings.

arno actually only use his space ring to store many useless small items, while he kept the important things like supreme or emperor class weapons, armours, and anykind of treasure or tools inside his own pocket dimension.

but suddenly something attracted his attention.

'hemm an item that can scanned body, from the lamp in those wall huh, hehehe well nevermind....'.

arno found out about an item inside the lamp that in process of scanning his body, but he did not plan to do anything so instead he just let it go.

"no, just from a common family, my father got this ring from some ruins in his adventuring days, so anyway are you interested in these ornaments?".

arno does not want to waste more times, so he quickly dodge the ring issue with some stories about his fictional father.

"ah i see..... haha ehmm well then... yes yes i'm interested, these ornaments that you brought is really exquisite and their workmanship are wonderfull.... let's see i take them all for..... 4 nnooo how about 6000 gold??".

the toadman did not pry any more, but still stealing glance at arno' finger, as he continue to examined the goods that arno wanted to sell and offering a price.

"alright i'll take it.... hemm can i ask you questions??, it's like this, i'm just arrive here from an overseas island and does not really know about the living cost and general economic situation in this place, can you tell me the details?".

arno decides he agree on the price, and did not mind about the toadman gaze at his rings but instead asking something about how economy running in this continent as he had some curiousity about it.

"hehm... about the living cost, well of couse it's depend on where do you live, but in countrysides or small towns on average, a family of 4 can live with between 5 to 15 gold coins for a month, that is already includes basic necesities and maybe a bit of small luxuries, but if you live in a big city especially city like here in astor the cost will definetly higher...".

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the toadman also explaning that almost the entire greysia realm is using the same currency which is a gold coin supported by a silver coin as lower currency, 1 gold coin is equivalent of 100 silver coin.

"now the general economic situation in astoria empire, it's weather is good basically, many merchants from verona republic and the orients came to astor by the ships via vasir oceans, the land trades is also great, routes from the western city states to dwarf nations in vega moutains are relatively safes, astorian military did lots of good work with maintaining the roads and it's security, but..... sigh majority people and traders now avoiding southern parts of the empire, that because the southern empire borders are extremely dangerous area currently as frequent barbarians and demon beast raids from the gobi deadlands is happening right now, many astorian legions already dispatched to the south but they still unable to control the situations".

when the toadman finish his explanations, arno is thinking that currently the greysia realm situation are much more calmer compared to chaoticly gaia realm in the past, and it's people way of thinking is also different.

"so that is all, anyway, 6000 gold for these ornaments, and sir about the payment do you want to take the coins directly or you want me to transfer it to your bank accounts?".

the toadman had finally finish his lectures and confirming the payments method to arno who kinda confused after hearing words he never heard before.

"no i'll just take the coins directly, but what is bank accounts??" asked arno.

"oh you dont know... ehmm bank account is... well it's a bank accounts, it's virtual personal account that you create in the banks of verona to deposit your money and you can saving aswell as retrieving the money from your account in every branch of the banks, they also providing loans and credits to individual or business group, and... with this... ehm wait a moment..ah there it is, this device is issued by the banks, you can just activate it with your mana and tadaa, hehe it's function is so that you can checks your account balance aswell transfering money to another account, but that's not all, it also able to receive notifications if you had money transfered by another people...so you dont have to go running very far to the nearest branch of the banks... hehe how is that".

the toadman enthusiastically explaining the banks function while holding a small magic device in his hand.

'sigh... because space ring are extremely rare now thats why this bank really is an absolutely ingenious thing as it really convenience for people, so the don't have to carrying lots of gold pouch everywhere they go, and that device also hemm... it looks like need a unique distinct pattern on peoples energia to work".

arno thinking something that wonderous as this banks can exist in this current times.

"yeah it's..... really marvelous, i'm sure it greatly helped merchants like you ha..., but is this banks of verona are credible and safe ?"

arno nod then asked about the bank credibility, while he also really thinking this bank truly can foster the economic growth in long term by making it easy for merchants to have transcation and by providing capital loan for people to start new upstart business.

"yes it did in fact really helped us, as sometimes we did a lot of business transaction in huge numbers heheheh..., besides the banks of verona had huge and respected reputation in the continent, it primarily patronized by the republics of verona but almost any other countrys such as here astoria empire, eastern states, the dwarf nations even the laurentia empire across the sea to the north supports it, so yes it's completely trustable and safe....and here sir all 6000 gold of coins inside the pouch, please accept it".

the toadman clarify that the banks are totally safe and reputable, at the same time handing the payment to arno.

"alright then, because i still had another errand so we need conclude our business here, and also thank you for the lectures".

arno received the gold pouch, putting it inside the space ring and thanked the toadman for the informations.

"no problem sir... have a good day". the toadman then sees arno off to the store door, and he return back to the store cashier.

'heh those 2 woman upstairs is keeping an eye on me back inside, i wonder why though hehhe, well.... now onto the library'.

back inside the store during his conversations with the toadman, he discovered that the 2 woman in 3rd floor secretly spying him while using a magic item to scan his body, but he doesn't care about it, instead he continuing walking slowly toward the library near the city main roads.


back in the fanctom's odd store, the toadman owner is climbing up the stairs to the 3rd floor, then he arrive outside a room before knocking the door lightly, he enter the room and sees 2 beautiful woman, a human and a dark elf.

the human female is tall with long legs, her face is extremelly beautiful with long purple hair, blue eyes and enchanting full light red lips, while her body is really voluptuous and her skin is light white toned, she's wearing deep purple pretty dress that cover almost her entire body, she's standing near the window looking outside seems pondering.

while the dark elf had a bob styled silver hair, green eyes with pink lips, she also had a voluptuous slightly muscles body that lightly covered by dark light armor and bronze color healthy skin, she's sitting in a chair while drinking a wine.

lots of men will drooling with lustful eyes if they looking at both of them, but it does not affect the toadman fanctom at all because well he's a toadman, they had different standards of beauty, beside fanctom also know that these 2 woman are not for someone like him can offend.

"fanctom you know that we can see but cannot heard anything through the bug devices images right... so what is you talked about with that human man??".

the dark elf woman suddenly asked the toadman about the human malee who just came by to the stores.

the toadman sweating anxiously before answering.

"yes miss dina i know, that's why i quickly came up here to report because i saw that the bug is activated back then, that man only came to sell several trinkets, jewelry and ornaments, there is nothing suspicious except that he possess an inventory ring and he asked questions about the empire economic situation".

fanctom reported everything about his conversation with the human male, to not forgetting the fact that he had inventory ring and asking question about economic situation, to the dark elf called dina.

"let me see the goods he sells....".

purpled haired women start speaking to fanctom suddenly.

"this is the goods madam melissa, i'm buying it all for 6000 gold".

he respectfully handing the pouch that was filled with ornaments that human male sell to purple haired woman named melissa, then melissa start looking at the ornaments and examined it.

"is that all fanctom, do you get his name or where did he's came from ??".

dark elf dina ask fanctom again as she did not satisfied enough about the information.

"apologize miss dina, i did not get to know his name, and as for where he is come from, he only vaguelly answer about from some oversea island".

fanctom answer apologetically because he did not know any more about the human man.

after melissa examined the ornaments, she rise her head and looking at fanctom for awhile, before speaking.

"these ornaments workmanships is astounding, it's form precision is also perfect....even though there is nothing special about it, but it's still a valuable goods,... do you have any opinion on that man fanctom??".

melissa seems admiring the ornaments fanctom thought, as he himself also admitting that these are really exquisite goods.

"about that man, he says that he is just from common family, but i secretly inquired about his inventory ring, i think it's quality are even more higher than the 2 madams had...".

actually during conversation with the human man, fanctom secretly keeping an eye on the man inventory rings, as inventory ring is extremely rare magic item in the greysia realm, it already become a valuable treasure heritage in royalties and powerfull family who owned them, thats why he does not believe when the man says he came from common family.

because there is no way for common people to own the ring, even if they had they would just simply sell it for enourmous amount of wealth and living their entire life in luxury without ever working again.

"what!! he's definitely lying..... i got the ring from my grandfather the clan patriarch, it's a inheritence from generations ago in my family, while you also know about melissa's family who had long histories in the empire right, there is now way that he is from common family if he had high quality ring, besides his appearance also does not fit common people".

dina protest heavily as she also didn't believe that man is just a commoner, not to mention his clean appearance that far away from being a common.

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"hmmm....., awhile ago we also receiving report about someone with the same appearance as that man before, just walking around the plaza and sitting near the fountain, then sometimes smiling alone, and well he drew lots of peoples attention because his appearance.....one of our agent on the field had a brief contact with him in the fountain, but he only asking about some cultivation rank names, he also gives same answer about being from a remote island...this man is definetly suspicious".

melinda who's pondering for awhile finally makes her conjecture about the man from before.

"mel, the bug also did not find anything on him, not a speck of mana circulating inside his body, this is the bug that can even revealed a grandmaster experts strength, except if he use some sort of items that can hide his strength or simply because he did not cultivate at all, but even for someone who does not cultivate there are still mana circulation inside their body right...this is even more suspicious, do you want me to follow him???".

dina also thought the man is really suspicious, and decide to ask melissa how to proceed.

"alright keep a close tab on him, but dina don't do anything first okay, and fanctom ask for any information about the man from the customs people in the city gates, i still have meeting in the palace so you are both dismissed".

melissa then gives order to both of them, then fanctom respectfully give bow and exit, while melissa also preparing to leave.

"hehehe this is the first time i saw you had an interest on a guy, from the images we see before he did looked really dashing though heheheh".

dina suddenly teased melissa after fanctom leaves, they were actually best friends but because there is another person awhile ago, they had to keeping up an appearance.

"sigh..... don't start now okay, this is the SAD business and didn't i gives you an order before, why didn't you go then?".

melissa sighed looking at her dear friend who as fast as the wind already leaving the room.


after buying some meat skewers in roadside stall, arno the dark prison overlord is currently walking leisurely in the roads that leads to the astor grand library to continuing gathering information, while munching the skewers and savoring the not so bad meat taste, he sensed that someone had been following since he departs shortly from the store, it's the dark elf woman from the store, but he completedly did not mind it.

'the meat is tender, but the oil is a bit too much really, overall its not bad at all for 10 silvers skewer.' but instead he praised the road stall skewers, that he acknowledge the taste.

he keep walking for about 5 minutes before finally arrive in front of the grand library, it's a huge library with clean and grandeur building design, it also had a big spherical dome on top of it, then he move climbing the stairs toward the main door and entering it.

the library interior seperate into 3 floors, inside he can see many rack and case, full of any kinds of books, it's really quiet and solemn place, he then goes towards a female elf librarian that sits in the desk.

when the female elf librarian see a suave good looking adult men walking towards her desk, her cheeks suddenly turn red and her heart is beating fast.

"wh..... what can i help you with sir ? " the female elf librarian start offering her help to arno while speaking little stutters.

'a late human rank,.... but her mental power is rather high....' arno thought while scanning the female elf librarian strength.

"what's the procedure so that i can read books here ? " arno asked with slight smile.

"di...did you have a library card ? if.... if you dont then you need to create it first, we can help you but you...you need to pay 5 gold coin first for adminstration cost." the female elf still stuttering when speaking.

"hey just relax okay, alright help me create one then, 5 gold coin right..... here you go" arno handing the coins to the female librarian while also told her to relax.

"ye yes... im sorry, okay just wait a moment sir." the female elf librarian then start to making the library card.

after several minutes.

"here sir the card, but this is just a silver card that can only grant access to 1st and 2nd floor, while you need special card to enter the 3rd floor." the librarian then handed the card to arno.

"alright thank you..... but wait.... you are a mage are you??" arno asked the librarian curiosly as he find that her mental power is really high.

"ah yes yes i'm a mage thats right... a level 5 novice mage, i graduated from saint jetsun academy 5 years ago...heheh, how did you know?" the librarian answered pridefully.

arno then ask several questions regarding mage, mana and academy, according to the librarian, mage generally had more mental power than warriors because mental power are an important essence for a mage to cast a spell.

by imagening an image of relevant element of the spell and chanting the spell incantation correctly then the spell can be succesfully casted.

the more higher the mage mental power then the more powerfull the spells output is, but of course it's still need an adequate amount of mana store in the mage body.

also it seem mana is the current name for energia, that's why mage still need to cultivate so that they can store more mana inside their body.

about saint jetsun academy, it is said that it was founded by jetsun dagnar, a saint rank expert from astoria empire.

who is one of the hero that helped protecting the dawn continent from the devil invasion that came from the underworld realm that happen around 1200 years ago.

together with the saint dragon king avarion, the elf king idris, and the saintess of greysia gianna, 4 of them collaborate to fight and killed the devil emperor samael.

after the war during jetsun's final years of his life, he decide to create a place to educating and nurtures the future warriors and mage, the academy was build in outskirts of astor as it need a safe place away from population area.

it's one of the top academies in the realm, the academy area is vast and it's facilities are top notch, because it's heavily supported and funded by the astoria empire itself the students are not required to pay tuition money, everything that students need already been provided by the academy.

it accept students from everywhere, and without looking at their status nor races, but of course only talented people can be accepted, students is educated in matters of history, math, and any general knowledge but also in cultivation for both warrior or mages.

students can graduated after they reach level 4 fighter or novice mage plus if they had an adequate scores in general knowledge.

'devil? underworld realm? let's also find books about them.... but this greysia name keep came up.... it can't be her right?'.

arno suddenly remembering someone after hearing the elf librarian, he bid her farewell and goes deep into the library.

after approximately 30 minutes, arno bringing lots of books toward a spacious reading desk, many books he brought from the cases are histories books with some general's knowledge mixed in.

times keep moving on, while arno read all the book he brought.

few hours later, he finished reading the books, it answers lot of questions that baffling his mind before, he finally understood this realm history and what happen after he goes to hibernate.

according to several history books, greysia realm has several hundreds thousand years of histories seperate in differents eras.

the first era is the immemorial era, a long forgotten era where it is said that the gods and godkings are still walked the mortals realm, but there is not much informations about this era except for some vague tales.

the second era is the mythical era, began with the fall of the sky palace 600 thousand years ago, which suddenly descend from the sky and crash near the present day arga forest, it said that the sky palace is the palace of gods that filled with many immeasurable treasure and knowledge inside, but because a powerfull barrier that was still exist even today, protecting the palace and preventing anyone from entering, no one knows what's inside, people can only guessing.

the mythical era also where legendary figures, such as the heaven avenging emperor, the twelve sages, the wicked arachne queen, evanna of lifestar and many more came to prominence, and their stories can still be heard and found today.

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the timeline continue to 300 thousand years ago entering the dawn era, named after the so called war of the dawn , a devastating war that drag the entire greysia realm happens for thousands of years, it's massive war where many saint experts eradicated, it is unknown what's the reason for the war to happen or who is the participant.

but the war cause the downfall of many civilizations and total destructions to the realm and one of the main reasons why so many old ancient martial and cultivation arts to be lost and disappear entirely.

many ruins that was found throughout the realm today came from this era.

100.000 years ago to the current era after the dawn era, exist what's the so called the quiet era, where the aftermath of the destruction during the dawn era left huge scars on many aspect of the natures and the social lifes in greysia realm.

because the lost of many martial arts and knowledge, people are powerless against the onslaught of the demon beasts, many races start working together to fight the demon beasts, rebuilding communities, and creating new martial arts derived from what was left of the dawn era small heritages.

the current era begin 8000 years ago with the rise of greysia religion, which it's main aspect are the worship of the goddess greysia where it began to widespread and gained popularity across almost entire realm, this is the time when many people start to called this realm the greysia realm.

there are many important and well recorded events happen in this current era, such as the rise and the fall of angevin empire, a powerfull empire that almost unifying the dawn continent.

the battle of the two saint, it is a famous battle between 2 saint experts from the same kingdom to stopped a civil war that was witnessed by countless people.

the discovery of memnon island temple that dated back to the dawn era, many expedition that was send there never came back or heard again, the island now designated as one of the most mysterious place in the world.

karl astor an angevin empire nobilities descendents uniting many warring tribes, races clans and found the astoria empire became its first kaiser.

and also the devil races invasion from the underworld a realm that it is said existed below the greysia realm, the devils first came out from an ancient teleportation portal dated back from the dawn era inside the southern parts of arga forest.

the devils armies quickly conquer many lands and brought heavy destruction in eastern parts of the dawn continent before being pushed back and defeated by the united races and nations armies led by the four hero, they also destroy the ancient portal to prevent another devil invasions.

and the most recent important event was the 4 years war of the astoria empire against laurentia empire around 60 years ago.

the reason for the war was laurentia try to meddling the throne succession process of its neighbors the kingdom of ostia, by demanding that the crown princess of ostia, the only child of ostia previous deceased king was to be married to laurentia emperor in hope for the union of 2 nations.

but the crown princess reject the demand by saying that she will never marries a laurentian men, the rejection of course angered the laurentia nobility circles, some even pressure the emperor to declare war against ostia but because ostia had the supports of the strong astoria empire the laurentia cannot do anything.

then strange things happens as the crown princess suddenly goes into a coma, finally died just before her ascencion as the new ruler, ostia fell into confusion because the crown princess dies without any heir, many ostia nobility who had historical ties with the royal family start gathering power to competing for the throne

while astoria empire give their supports for the group of ostia nobles who banding together to create a federation because the old royal family bloodlines already dies with the crown princess.

situation turn for worse inside ostia as the country descend into civil war, there are already several clashes between local powers, while laurentia emperor decide that he will give support for one of the noble that vying for ostia throne and marries her to captured the throne for himself, even by sending troops to her territory in a joined efforts to pacify the kingdom.

this action alarms both ostia nobles and astoria empire, astoria gave laurentia ultimatum to withdraw their army from any ostia territory, but laurentia ignored the warning and the war is begin.

at the beginnings of the war, astoria naval fleets quickly sailed towards several islands belong to laurentia that located in the middle of aral sea halfway between the dawn and ostok continent, conducting blockade to these islands and distrupting laurentians trades.

laurentia then sending their own naval fleets to response these actions, several small scale naval clash took place around these islands for few months before astoria navy took a risky initiatives.

by doing major surprises attack on the laurentia armada, the battle happen near alborg island a small island that's been used as supply base by laurentia navy, it was decisive victory for astoria navy with over 100 laurentian warships sunk and small casualties in astoria own forces.

with almost all laurentian naval power is destroyed, astoria taking control supremacies in the sea, they start deploying several legions into ostia to join with the nobles forces and helping them eliminating both of the rebels and laurentian army stationed inside ostia territory.

the rebels and laurentian army are no match for the experienced and battle hardened astoria legions combined with ostia nobles forces, they quickly won several key battles even forced laurentian to withdraw completely from ostia, laurentia emperor from the pressure of many people and looking at the bad situations, quickly sue for peace.

peace agreement is signed after 4 years war, laurentia has to pay enourmous amount of reparation cost to both ostia and astoria, also they had to recognized the newly formed ostia federation, and ceding several island overseas including alborg island to astoria.

astoria gained mighty prestiges because they had the abilities to waging and winning the war that is far away from their territories.

not much happen in the last 60 years, except for the ascention of the current astoria kaiser after his father is deceased, and the apointment of visser gallard, a saint rank expert as the new astoria heavenly protector, the title that only saint ranked or an archmage can hold, it has been almost 500 years since heavenly protectors title is bestowed in astoria empire.

visser have huge reputation, he served in the legion for very long time even he command the entire astoria expeditionaries forces in ostia succession war and returning home bringing victory, visser himself already very old when breaking through to saint rank at almost 110 years old

but still saint rank is a saint ranked no matter how old they are, the power they had cannot absolutely be underestimated, because they represent the peak in greysia realm, as only few remaining saint experts that exist in the entire greysia realm today.

with a capable kaiser, the victory in ostia succesion war and the rise of the new heavenly protector, along it's strong economy plus strong professional millitary, cemented astoria empire's position as the greysia realm superpower.

'hhmm.... so much histories,....but i can somehow understand what was going on in that dawn era,.....they absolutely fought for resources because energia density is getting lower and lower over the time.....sigh... well what ever happen is already happened, there is nothing i can do about it,.....anyway about the underworld located below greysia realm?? isn't that the wilderness region!!!.... hahahah unbelievable ,...even it's inhabitant has been called the devils now.....'

arno is silent after he close the last books, there is so many information about the world he just gained, it need awhile to process it all.

'sky palace??..... definitely a divine lords floating cities,.... i don't understand how back then those divine lords seems to like builds this kind of place sigh,.....but i already check some of their location that i knew at that time and they were all destroyed by the chaos...then how did one existed now even crashed!!???, and that greysia' name..... is it really her ??'

arno also remembering the time before the chaos invades, where many divine lords still creating magnificents floating cities with their own unique design and taste,...but for arno himself, for some reason he doesn't really get the appeal of those floating cities, his crude cave in the far white moon are much more comfortable and grand.

he also thinking the greysia's name that keep came out, and had premonition about it but can't be exactly sure without more infos.

'like we decides before, let's just take things slowly... beside is already been few hours now.....and heheh that dark elf woman still following ha.... don't know what she want but nevermind.... it's time to leave'.

he finally gets up, saying goodbye to the elf librarian and leave the library.

the dark elf woman still following him after all this time, but he still didn't paying any mind about it.

when he already standing outside the library, he rise his head and looking at the sun that was high above in the sky that shines brightly while the white moon can be seen faintly, and he also thinking that this world looks exactly the same but different as well.

arno start remembering something happens long time ago, when he was still a mortal cultivator in one of the small realm and looking to the sky just the same as he's doing right now.

wondering what existed beyond those clouds, or thinking what kind of place the legendary gaia realm is.

right now he had the same exact feelings, when the chaos breaking through the universe wall, it also proved that there is a possibility that something exist beyond the impassable universe wall, a whole new world perhaps.

but it's not possible for arno to know currently, maybe one day when he already breaking through to the divine supreme rank.

but then something in the far plaza attracted his attention, he set his gaze at the crowds in the plaza but what attracts him are not the crowds but instead someone who's at the center of the crowds, he smile and laughed lighly as arno's figures disappear along with the gust of winds.

there is no one in front of library who see arno suddenly vanished except the dark elfs woman who always keeping an eye on him, she's frozed and stupefied, for there is confusion and shocked in her mind as she just saw someone she's spying at suddenly just... disappear in the middle of the day and in front of her.

for long time she's standing in front of library silently and without knowing what to do.

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