Divine Overlord

Chapter 9

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The sun is just about to rise by the time Melissa is waking up, 2 hours of rest is enough for a Grand Mages like her to freshen her mind and readying for the mission.

She immediately began to change her dress to a purple Mages battle attire that matched her soft silky hair before organizing again everything she needs for the mission carefully.



There's a knocking sound from the door when she's in the middle of preparing.

"lady Melissa is it fine if i enter ?? i need your help about something my lady" it was Alfred voice coming from outside the room.

"it's fine, come on in" Melissa granted Alfred permission.

The door then opened and Alfred is entering inside.

Alfred is already prepared, as he's wearing a gray silverish plate armor while a golden colored longsword strap on his back, he exudes perfect knight images.

"i'm in the middle checking out my things again...so what do you need ?" Melissa turned around facing Alfred.

But she's frowning when looking at the young teenage man in front of her right now, as she feels there's something wrong with him.

'this boy aura is becoming more fiercer than yesterday...WHAT!!?? his strength... he's a Level 3 right now!!??, what's going on??" Melissa is surprised when she found Alfred already advance to Level 3 Super Warrior while he was just a Level 1 before.

She already senses it at night before, but she was too preoccupied with the team meetings and just now she's finally able to see it clearly.

"this lady Melissa, i need your help in sending this letter to ...ehem Lyanna before we depart, can it be done?" Alfred bashfully giving a small letter to Melissa.

Melissa starts to recover her mind a bit after she heard Alfred speaking.

"ah..i see, hehe...it's a love letter isn't it?" she chuckled before grabbing the letter from his hand.

Alfred's face turned into a red "haha...ehhm.. it's just..because this is a dangerous mission, so i'd like to inform her and i hope the letter can reach her" he also stutters a little.

"heh...fine, i'll send it later then, you don't have to worry about it. little sister will receive the letter" thus, Melissa accepting Alfred's request.

"thank you very much lady Melissa.." Alfred feels gratitude towards Melissa as she always helping him recently.

Melissa expression starts to get serious "don't mention it, by the way, where did the rest of the team ?? are they ready?".

"yes.. all team members are in downstairs, they already prepare milady, and they waiting for you".

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"good, i'll go down in a minute, you go first..." Melissa ordering Alfred to go down first.

"yes lady, excuse me first" then Alfred turn around and head towards outside the room.

but before he's able to reach the door. "Alfred wait!!..." Melissa voice making him stop and he turns back his body facing Melissa.

"is there something else lady??".

"no it's just that...2 days ago you're only a Level 1 Super Warrior, but how come you advance to Level 3 now ?" asked Melissa with a suspicious tone.

"this!!.." Alfred flabbergasted as he forgot Melissa can sense his newly powered up aura, and because he already promises Arno to keep it quiet about his guidance, then he definitely cannot tell the exact story to Melissa.

But Alfred is a quick-witted man, so he already found some fake reason for answers after quickly racking his brain.

"it's like this lady Melissa, i also didn't understand it myself, but yesterday when i was resting in my room at the inn, i started getting some understanding from mas...sir Arno spar with instructor Sasha, and suddenly burst of mana just circulate violently inside my body before i'm able to break through 2 levels..." Alfred narrating his bullshit story with great confidence as he wants to make it convincing as much as possible.

But Melissa who listening squinted her eyes as she completely did not believe it at all, although she has heard about warriors or mages breakthrough to the next level after they seeing or witnessing something weird but they only advance 1 level, not 2 levels like Alfred.

So it's not possible for her to believe in Alfred stories.

Melissa thinking hard and holding her chin while still maintaining an inquiring look at Alfred.

'there is absolutely no way it happens like that, it must be because of Arno...Alfred seems always glancing at him yesterday like he wants to ask him about something...that's definitely because of him' Melissa already directing her suspicious to Arno.

She may look like she didn't see it but she's always paying attention to other people near her, that's why she somehow knew Alfred sometimes looking at Arno strangely yesterday.

'Alfred probably ask for advice or a guide from him, and he gives it...but it looks like Alfred didn't pay anything for it as he didn't have much money, to begin with, and Arno certainly didn't lack any... from Alfred nonsensical answer, maybe because Arno telling him to keep quiet about it, that's why Alfred decide to lie..hmmm..hehe' the more she thinks the happier she became, as she theorizes it was Arno who guides Alfred while able make him breaking through 2 levels, and he didn't ask for a payment, instead he even told Alfred to keep it secret.

In her mind the images of Arno became brighter, after they had a nice midnight talk she already felt that Arno is totally different from any other man she met before, and now she imagining Alfred came to Arno and asking for a guide, he even tells his tragic love story with Lyanna and that's why Arno decide to accept guiding him, her impression of Arno became increasing high to the sky, and she's extremely happy because of that.

Because this is also connected with her 'little sister' Princess Lyanna and Alfred happiness, as the stronger Alfred is, the better it is for the Princess, and Melissa really wants to help her unite with Alfred.

but of course, this is all just her fantasy, although, Arno in fact really helped Alfred his motives are hugely different from what Melissa imagined.

And once again Arno is greatly misunderstood.

Melissa silently fantasizing, before letting out a bright smile but she still didn't talk.

While Alfred is confused about why Melissa suddenly smiling.

But after a while, Melissa finally opening her mouth "hehehe i see so it's like that huh...well i guess you really lucky then, but this is good, it's better for you to get stronger quickly, so work hard okay." she replies while also smiling mysteriously, she also decided to play along with Alfred's lie and didn't say anything about she knew Arno guiding him.

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"i will milady..and if there is nothing else, then please excuse me," Alfred thought his nonsense is working, so he quickly tries to leave first.

"umm...you go down first.." Melissa nodding her head while watching Alfred exiting the room.

Thus, she gathers her mind and returns back focusing on organizing her gears, but she still can't stop herself from happily smiling.


At the store main floor 15 minutes later, Arno standing near the front window while looking outside to the streets which already begin getting crowded by people activities.

For the journey, he didn't prepare anything special because he obviously didn't need much, besides everything essential to him is inside his own pocket dimension, but he doubted he will have moments to use it.

The only thing he brought is a beautiful red black colored single edge sword named [Levantine], and it is a Low Earth grade weapon or if using current time classification it will be a Low Legendary grade weapon, he placed it on his waist along with its scabbard.

It's the weakest and the lowest profile weapons he had.

He knew that a Legendary grade weapon is extremely valuable and rare in Greysia Realm, it's basically at the level of a national or protected treasure of kingdoms and famous families if they possess it, even a trivial Rare grade is worth great amount of wealth.

Only a powerful and famous individual who had Legendary grade weapons in their possession, such as the historical Jetsun Dagnar who possess a Legendary grade halberd called [Gaiserix] that he wield during the Devil Invasion, which is now becoming one of the Astoria Empire imperial treasure.

The reason why he brings the [Levantine] which still a bit of eye-catching, it's because the other weapons he have is higher than Legendary grade, and problems will come knocking if he revealed them outside, it's not that he's afraid but it's just too inconvenience as several of those weapons might is too extreme.

But what he wear didn't change at all, it's still the same Dark Sacred light armor which is an Ancestor Grade, that was even higher grade than Divine grade in current times classification, but because Arno conceal its magical properties that's why other's couldn't feel it's true might, and will only look like ordinary expensive armor, he also still wearing his signature black trench coat on top of his armor.

And about anything else, he can just say everything is inside his Inventory Ring, and the other members also know he possesses the ring so it will not be a problem.

The rest of the member is also nearby, and they already prepared too in their battle attires while packing up their things.

Arno turned his body around and looking at the other team members, he examined them in detail.

He can see Dina already change her attire to a dark brown leather armor that still reveals most of her bronze skins, she's extremely sexy in that outfits. while 2 Unique grade twins short swords hanging in her right waist sides and a small crossbow strap on her left thighs.

Her role probably as a scout and her mobility is greatly important.

Sasha is the team main attacker, she's wearing the same dark blue armor she wears back in the Academy, along with a beautiful retractable red long spear on her back, Arno can discern the spear is actually a top Rare grade weapon from its magical properties.

Zohar and Aurel still in the same battle attire as yesterday, but Zohar's hammer and Aurel's bow both of them is a Unique grade too.

Arno already saw what Alfred wear before, the golden longsword on his back is a mid Unique grade weapon he received after winning the tournament 1 year ago, but currently, he also holds a metallic shield in his left hand.

Alfred shield is red golden colored, with Astoria dragon insignia in its surface, but it's just a Normal grade standard issued for Astoria Legion without any specialties except for it's sturdy and reliable quality.

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The reason he bringing the shield is that Alfred is a former legionnaire, he's fighting style obviously greatly influenced by the Legion, which is a compact shield wall formation that focused on defense, that's why he will be a perfect main tanker for the team.

The toadman Fanctom will not join the team journey to the Deadlands, he will only act as supporting liaison and stayed back once they reached Esnoz, that's why he's only wearing typical civilian traveling clothes while holding a huge backpack.

Not long, Arno set his sight at the stairs after he heard a footsteps sound coming from its direction.

It was Melissa who's walking down the stairs, with her enchanting purple Mages battle gown, while her face and complexion are absolutely fresh. Arno thought it is good to let her rest earlier.

She also had a small pouch on her waist and holding an exquisite crystal staff, Arno found the staff is also a top Rare grade weapon judging from its substantial amount of mana.

Almost everyone in the team had a magic weapon that other people can only dream to possess it, even Fanctom somehow flabbergasted as he never seen many magic weapons in one place before.

The combination of magic weapons and the member's individual strength is greatly enhanced the team overall power, this is truly overwhelming firepower for just a small 7 man team.

Melissa looking at each member "did you guys ready?" and her serious voice resound as she asked the team.

The other nodding towards her, implying that they ready.

She nods her head too satisfied "ummm good, let's not wasting any more time..let's go" and signaling the team to depart immediately.

Then the members start leaving the store one by one, while Fanctom who is the last to leave is checking and locking every windows and door, as he will be gone for a long time, one cannot be too careless after all.

And the team finally heading towards the Aero Terminal near southern city district, as they intend to use a wyvern in their journey to Esnoz.

The Aero Terminal is a place for wyverns, gryphon and any kind flying beast to loading and unloading passengers or cargo because there is Empire regulation that regulated flying beast can only take off and land in the Aero Terminal when they were inside a city as to make things orderly and less chaotic.

The Aero Terminal can be located inside every city in the Empire.

Along the way to the Terminal, the team unintentionally draw people's attention, as many team members had a beautiful and heroic bearing appearance, and it is obviously the onlookers will throwing them mixed gazes of respect and adoration.

it's not surprising actually, just by looking at Melissa, Dina, Aurel, and Sasha appearance now will cause any man to fall in love with them immediately as each one of them extremely beautiful in their own rights.

Both Arno and Alfred is an ultimate package of a handsome man, one is a dashing mature man while the other is a pretty heroic boy, Many girls, and adult women become dazed when they staring at both of them.

And Zohar can be said also a good looking man from the dwarf standard and point of view.

While there will be minimal attention to the toadman Fanctom except for some gazes from a curious onlooker as they want to know why there is a toadman in these outstanding group of people.

But of course none of the Melissa groups think much of this attention they received, instead, they keep focused as they ride towards the Aero Terminal.


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They finally arrive at the Aero Terminal, the Terminal is an extremely spacious field filled with several warehouses and beast stables, it already brimming with activities as several wyverns parked and peoples running around.

Traveling with flying beast is the safest way to travel, but the cost is really expensive and beyond the reach of a common citizen, that's why land travel is still a favorite for most people.

While many large enterprises and business greatly use the air route to transporting goods because it is much faster and efficient.

After ditching the horses, the team was guided by the guards towards the wyvern that Melissa already privately booked before.

They finally able to see the wyvern, it's a huge beast with brownish colored skin and almost 10 meters size along large wings, and there is a sitting box on top of the wyvern that functioned like a horse saddle and can fit up to 10 people.

Arno judge that an adult wyvern is actually a Rank 1 demon beast, their overall power is equivalent of peak Level 6 Fighter warriors, of course, these wyverns are already being tamed and it's friendly enough except if they were deliberately attacked.

In Greysia Realm, demon beast also classified into ranks depending on their powers.

Many flying beasts in the Aero Terminal mostly only a Rank 1 beast except for the Gryphon which is a Rank 2 beast.

Arno actually didn't recognize any of these beasts as they did not exist back in his time, but he learned about them in the library back when he first arrives in the city.

There are several crew near the wyvern helping to prepare the sitting box, while a short human man among the crew begin walking towards Melissa after he recognizes her.

"esteemed clients welcome, my name is Gus, i'm a rider, while this lad name is Lynn, and we'll be in charge in transporting you to Esnoz, thank you for choosing us as your flying choice" the man named Gus bow respectfully and introducing himself and Lynn the wyvern.

"ehmmm let's just get straight okay, we need to get to Esnoz fast" Melissa replies while being rather impatient.

"understood my lady, please start picking up your seat now, we'll be taking off shortly".

And everyone starts climbing the wyvern and sits in the sitting box neatly, while Gus signaling the crew that he is ready for the takeoff.

Gus who is sitting in Lynn's neck turned his head around "attention ladies and gentleman, we're about to take off in a minute, i would like to remind you to be careful once we're off the ground as the winds are rather strong today, and our journey will be lasted for at least 6 hours...so please be patient and we get there in no time".

Almost every team members start to really anticipate the dangerous mission as they were about to depart, except for Arno who is rather calm and didn't think much about it.



Loud sounds and winds scatter as Lynn the wyvern spreading and flapping her large powerful wings, and she finally able to gain enough power and levitate from the ground.

The wyvern then starts to soar high into the skies and heading towards the south to the Fortress City of Esnoz.

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